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Thread: Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Mmmm, that was nice. Though it wasn't much content for 100+ pages. It would've been better if they progressed the story some more. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. Let's hope for Volume 12 goodness to be scanlated soon!
    I'd have to disagree with that. For a hundred+ pages, this chapter was the pinnacle of content, especially with it being a flashback about the single, most significant battle for the story.


  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
    I'd have to disagree with that. For a hundred+ pages, this chapter was the pinnacle of content, especially with it being a flashback about the single, most significant battle for the story.
    I felt the battle was dragged on. 100+ pages on just the war? There wasn't much fighting to begin with. Just a lot of mugshots of Won Sul, Munsu, Won Hyo, and Aji Tae mixed with a bunch of talk here and there.

  3. #63
    This was an awesome chapter, it's not the fighting in this chapter that makes it good. It's the character development that makes it so good, we get to see Munsu, Aji Tae, Won Hyo, and Won Sul from before what they are now. This chapter added more depth to the characters.

  4. #64
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It partially answered my question about Aji Tae. From his short talk with Munsu, we learned he's had that attitude to destroy the world for some time, and had the power to back it up for considerably longer than the time Junshin fell.

  5. #65
    Shin Angyo Onshi Chapter 20b

    More stuff about Munsu's past. Quite interesting.

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This series keeps getting stranger and stranger. I had assumed that Jushin had had no dealings with the West until they began invading recently, and now Munsu and Kye Wol Hyang are headed there. Is this all a legitmate flashback, or is it all part of the hallucination, and only parts are based off the true past?

    I believe the things that happened with Aji Tae were true, and his close relationship with the king of Jushin has been mentioned before, but these last couple of pages I can only see as part of the dream. I vividly remember a panel where Munsu recalled Kye Wol Hyang's death. Munsu still had his sword and long hair as he ran her through. Her "twin" also related the tale that Kye Wol Hyang could never leave the palace due to her illness.

    No other way to find out but to keep reading.

  7. #67
    Good flashback chapter, rich in character content~

    At least now there's a legitimate reason to why the Phantom Soldiers summoned by Munsu's mahai "don't work" against monsters and other non-human enemies.


  8. #68
    Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 12 Chapter 20 Part 3

    Gogogo, new chapter

    I doubt, Munsu confessed, when the Queen asked Hart if he confessed, he was hesitant like, Oh.. yeah.. And then the queen was like "... Really..." So yeah..
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:03 AM.

  9. #69
    I also don't think he confessed at that time, but I think he'll say it when he eases her pain.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    This series keeps getting stranger and stranger. I had assumed that Jushin had had no dealings with the West until they began invading recently, and now Munsu and Kye Wol Hyang are headed there. Is this all a legitmate flashback, or is it all part of the hallucination, and only parts are based off the true past?

    I believe the things that happened with Aji Tae were true, and his close relationship with the king of Jushin has been mentioned before, but these last couple of pages I can only see as part of the dream. I vividly remember a panel where Munsu recalled Kye Wol Hyang's death. Munsu still had his sword and long hair as he ran her through. Her "twin" also related the tale that Kye Wol Hyang could never leave the palace due to her illness.

    No other way to find out but to keep reading.
    I this is the true past, there's no reason to show us a fake dream... this is simply an interesting device to inform the readers of Munsu's past, I don't think there's an agenda to show us fake scenes. And when something seems fake, Munsu himself comments on it like what we saw in that chapter where he to get the king to say the word "liar" three times.

  11. #71
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:02 AM.

  12. #72
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Looks like we know where Creepy Man in a Top Hat comes from now. There really wasn't much else to this chapter, aside from the love triangle between Munsu, Kye Wol Hyang and the Emperor.

    Munsu's clothing in this chapter reminded me of something.

    I am starting to wonder if Marlene met one them before. Back when she had a one-on-one with Sando in the rain, there are a series of short flashbacks from when she was younger. There's no way to tell if the person who told her to go to the east was Munsu or not, but the appearance did look very similar to him. They are in the west somewhere, and Jushin fell some time ago.

    I believe she will become a very important character once Munsu starts assaulting Aji Tae's forces. She's been labeled in the beginning of the volumes too many times to not be. I don't think Marlene ever really looked a Munsu during the arc she was introduced. She was too occupied fighting Sando then as well. I'll leave my wild speculations at that.

  13. #73
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Looks like we know where Creepy Man in a Top Hat comes from now. There really wasn't much else to this chapter, aside from the love triangle between Munsu, Kye Wol Hyang and the Emperor.

    Munsu's clothing in this chapter reminded me of something.

    I am starting to wonder if Marlene met one them before. Back when she had a one-on-one with Sando in the rain, there are a series of short flashbacks from when she was younger. There's no way to tell if the person who told her to go to the east was Munsu or not, but the appearance did look very similar to him. They are in the west somewhere, and Jushin fell some time ago.

    I believe she will become a very important character once Munsu starts assaulting Aji Tae's forces. She's been labeled in the beginning of the volumes too many times to not be. I don't think Marlene ever really looked a Munsu during the arc she was introduced. She was too occupied fighting Sando then as well. I'll leave my wild speculations at that.
    Yeah the creepy guy in the top hat seems to be Baron Lou Ells. He is addressed as "Lou" by Aji Tae in the top panel of Vol 10, Chapter 17, page 104. I wasn't sure if it was him or not because he did have the eyepatch but it looks like he's killed by Sir Gallimard on page 139.

    And it certainly did look like Munsu in Marlene's flashbacks. Man, there are a lot of characters in this series...has anyone else forgotten some of the secondary characters' names? Or is it just my poor memory? Haha.

  14. #74
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was implying he was Sir Gallimard. Lou Ells declared that Gallimard would be corrupted slowly be the devil though his faith and weakest points, and we see him tempting that very fate before the perverted idols Lou created. It may be Lou serving Aji Tae, but the face and white hair are Gallimard's.

  15. #75
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    I read the new chapter...there's no need to repeat it. Lou has white hair on p.138 and 139.

  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I was implying he was Sir Gallimard. Lou Ells declared that Gallimard would be corrupted slowly be the devil though his faith and weakest points, and we see him tempting that very fate before the perverted idols Lou created. It may be Lou serving Aji Tae, but the face and white hair are Gallimard's.
    Sorry if I misunderstood anything, but, isn't it the case that BOTH diabolic artist and crusader are, in the present timeline of the story, serving Aji Tae?

    Heh, in that aspect, I like how Aji Tae is taking his "evil and good as one" belief literally by recruiting heroes and monsters.


  17. #77
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That would actually be where all of my confusion stems from. I didn't realize that we were supposed to have seen Gallimard before. Just noticed him now in chapter 18 part 2.

    My mistake.

  18. #78
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Ah, so there he is....I thought I saw him before but I couldn't place where. Nice Find.

  19. #79
    Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 12 Chapter 20E

    Man when I first saw page 161, I got pissed instantaneously, cause I thought she was having sex with the King or something. Thank god i was wrong.
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:03 AM.

  20. #80
    A nice chapter, and you get to see more of Aji Tae's nature, and people seeing that side to him.

    This part of the manga is crazy, we're getting to see things and still yet to witness some of the things that we've wanted answered for a while.

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