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Thread: Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi

  1. #41

  2. #42
    Volume 10 Chapter 18a

    I really like this manhwa. Seeing Sando with Aji Tae makes me heart ache.

  3. #43
    Chapter 18b is out now:

    And can freaking Aji Tae get any stronger? I just can't see Munsu getting any more stronger or getting enough support to go against Aji Tae, especially with Sando now at Aji Tae's side... Who knows how deep the brain washing will go, probably to the point that she won't recognize Munsu when the time comes.

  4. #44
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    If they take the cliche route, I imagine Sando will be incredibly shocked when she sees Munsu again, enough to put her right back to normal. In this chapter especially, her eyes seems glazed over, not their usual self. They've been that way since Aji Tae told her Munsu died. It seems like word of Munsu's death is what put her into that state, rather than anything Aji Tae said to her.

    If they are implying that the mandrake's poison is that powerful a hallucinogen, and Aji Tae really did send the other two on a wild goose chase, Munsu will be all on his own. If he's able to break out of that, I imagine that mentally, he'd be stronger than Aji Tae even will be. That could give him just the edge he needs. There has also been the implication from Won Sul and several others that Munsu is not the warrior he once was.

    I've got a pretty good idea how Munsu will be able to break from the mandrake poison. His hallucination will undoubtedly involve his past in Jushin. He's been very realist about it's fall, unlike some of the idealists he's met, so that may be the key to him returning.

    Alternatively, if Sando has truly sided with Aji Tae and his nihilist bunch of bastards, there is still Marlene, the blond Dutch(?) princess, to consider. She approached Mito, the Blacksmith and now apparently magician, after losing her attendant and sword to Sando. Also against Aji Tae, there are the two remaining members of Hwalbingdang, and Miss Hwang. Aji Tae's forces are strong, but Munsu's side still has a great number of strong characters.

    Hmm, undead army against two phantom armies (Hwang's and Munsu's). The next couple volumes will be very interesting.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    If they are implying that the mandrake's poison is that powerful a hallucinogen, and Aji Tae really did send the other two on a wild goose chase, Munsu will be all on his own. If he's able to break out of that, I imagine that mentally, he'd be stronger than Aji Tae even will be. That could give him just the edge he needs. There has also been the implication from Won Sul and several others that Munsu is not the warrior he once was.

    Alternatively, if Sando has truly sided with Aji Tae and his nihilist bunch of bastards, there is still Marlene, the blond Dutch(?) princess, to consider. She approached Mito, the Blacksmith and now apparently magician, after losing her attendant and sword to Sando. Also against Aji Tae, there are the two remaining members of Hwalbingdang, and Miss Hwang. Aji Tae's forces are strong, but Munsu's side still has a great number of strong characters.
    I don't remember well, who was the person that was very good in martial arts? Was it the attendant of the black smith himself, or did he say that Munsu was the best martial artist in Junshin? Anyways, after removing the curse, Munsu should've been pretty close to his old self I think.

    Even with all these people you mention, they are no match to Aji Tae, I smell a huge level-up arc for all of them. At their current level, they won't even scratch a toe of Aji Tae, and probably none of his comrades.

  6. #46
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The guy with the beanie hat, and inventor of all the crazy things Munsu has been using was supposedly the best Tae Kwon Do (or something like that) fighter in all of Jushin. I believe he was one of the ones who implied Munsu was an incredible warrior before the Fall of Jushin. The small-eyed sunglasses guy back in the valley of flowers arc also mentioned Munsu's weaker abilities. It may have had something to do with the curse, but I always viewed the cause as Munsu switching to guns. Perhaps the curse would have prevented him from using a physical weapon well.

    Marlene seemed very close already. In her final fight with Sando, she blew Sando across the village and into several buildings with a single sword slash. When I was looking for the part where she met Mito, it does come off very similar to the abilities Sando just learned. If Mito or someone else makes her a very strong sword, she'd be a considerable force on her own. They implied that at least one of the remaining Hwalbingdang members will be taught magic from Mito, and Miss Hwang has run off in embarrassment at her own recent weaknesses. I think the level-up arcs have already started.

  7. #47
    No I don't think it's brainwashing. I think since she lost Munsu, she just cracked. So she needs a new person to look towards and protect. And she got Aji Tae and she devoted herself to him.

  8. #48
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Whether or not she's brainwashed isn't really the point though. Either way, Aji Tae orchestrated everything that's happened to Sando since she lost to Marlene. He placed her with the man who taught his techniques to the Hwalbingdang to make her stronger, leaving her there with the words "I want her always at my side." He's ensured that Munsu is out of the picture for some time, and told her as quickly as possible that he was dead.

    Sando willingly stayed with the Master so she could fully succeed at her job of protecting Munsu. While trying to get stronger, she failed. That's what broke her. Aji Tae has probably planned it all since he aided her in defeating Won Sul.

  9. #49
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Okay, I just started reading this as instructed (you know who you are..haha). I've only finished the first 2 volumes and this series is really good. Thanks a lot for the recommendation!

    EDIT: I've just finished reading Vol. 6 and I'm downloading 7 & 8...this series is AWESOME

    EDIT 2: I'm done Vol 9....but I think I need to stop reading for tonight as my eyes are going a little screwy from reading this on my monitor for most of the day
    Last edited by fahoumh; Mon, 03-19-2007 at 01:07 AM.

  10. #50
    Keep reading.

    Just read the latest chapter, might get to see some flash backs now, of the General, Jushin, etc.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    Keep reading.

    Just read the latest chapter, might get to see some flash backs now, of the General, Jushin, etc.
    fahoumh, who forced you?

    And yeah, I think that we might see Munsu's past and so from this dream sequence we're probably going to be subjected to. I hope we see how kickass he was, but not that much, just a peek. I want to have some surprises left for later, when he kick's Aji Tae's ass.

  12. #52
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    Keep reading.

    Just read the latest chapter, might get to see some flash backs now, of the General, Jushin, etc.
    LOL...I couldn't do it, I went to sleep shortly after my last edit. I'm going to read all the available parts of Volume 10 shortly, I just got home from school and I need to eat.

    Munsu, nobody really forced me...someone just left a positive rep in another thread saying, "Go read Shin Angyo Onshi". I'm always open to reading new manga and watching new anime so I figured I would give it a shot. I'm glad it was suggested as I'm embarassed to say that I never heard of the series beforehand.

    EDIT: well I just finished reading Ch. 18b and now I'm REALLY anxious to see what happens next. Aji Tae is a master manipulator and I'm also wondering what Sando will do..she is an awesome character, btw.
    Last edited by fahoumh; Mon, 03-19-2007 at 10:12 PM.

  13. #53
    Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 11 Chapter 19a

    Starting of volume 11 a-go-go
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:05 AM.

  14. #54
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 11 Chapter 19a

    Starting of volume 11 a-go-go
    Ahhh....I'm done reading that now! I want more!
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:04 AM.

  15. #55
    First of all, praise be to (former) Budweineken for changing his username. If not for that, then I would probably have never known to start reading this.

    This series is quite something; here I was thinking that the only manga I'd consider "epic" would be Berserk, but all of a sudden, this comes and blindsides me. Fascinating.

    Although, I do need to be cleared up a bit on what exactly Aji Tae's stated goal is; as far as I understand it, he wants to make the world into one big gray area, where nothing is universally defined. Is that about right, or am I off?


  16. #56
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I always thought it was another "Humanity is garbage, this world is unfair, so I'm going to destroy everything, and start with a clean slate, building the perfect world from scratch." I could be wrong though, but most villains like Aji Tae seem to share that stereotypical goal.

    I'm starting to wonder how Aji Tae got these powers of his. They alluded to him being quite ordinary when he and Munsu first met (I actually thought he was a woman before they formally introduced him, considering how young he used to look).

    Munsu's hallucination so far was not at all what I expected.

  17. #57
    Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 11 Chapter 19 part 2

    Whole chapter is a flashback, though it's never been seen flashbacks. It's good to see the beginning of the Angyo Onshi and Sando relationship I guess.
    Last edited by kAi; Mon, 06-04-2007 at 10:04 AM.

  18. #58
    So, a dream within a dream... By the end of the chapter he was called General Munsu, so now we might actually get to see something from his days in Jushin. I hope it gets explained why Phantom Soldiers can't kill monsters.

    Edit: The files haven't been released yet, but once chapter 20 is out get it as soon as you can and read it, because I just did and I've to say that they were amazing chapters. Chapter 20 part 1 is around 110 pages long, so you can imagine the ammount of awesome content.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 03-26-2007 at 03:19 AM.

  19. #59
    Alright people, go get part 1 of chapter 20:

    It's an awesome chapter, I dare to say the best one yet... as I said above 100+ pages.

  20. #60
    Mmmm, that was nice. Though it wasn't much content for 100+ pages. It would've been better if they progressed the story some more. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. Let's hope for Volume 12 goodness to be scanlated soon!

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