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Thread: Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi

  1. #21
    Next chapter is out, don't have a link at the moment.

    Shin Angyo Onshi v.6 c.12d etc

  2. #22
    Man, just finished reading that episode and damn, what a time to stop. They just keep leaving you open for me.

    Also, I uploaded it onto mangatraders.

  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Another great chapter, I didn't expect that at all, though the folk-tale roots of this series implied that maybe I should have seen it coming.

    I haven't the slightest idea what's going to happen next, but I can't wait for the next chapter.

  4. #24
    Yeah, awesome chapter... I like how all Shin Angyo Onshi chapters have a shitload of pages. I wonder what Munsu could've done if he had reached in time to help, cause I doubt it would've made a difference without his Mahai and without Sando against all those soldiers.

  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But, it was five years ago, so I'm left wondering what events really happened when. Was Pyeonggang raped years ago, or just recently? It makes the problem much harder for Munsu, since he has to figure out how to make her happy now. It also ties into how true a test Mito really gave him, sending Munsu on task that force cannot possibly fix.

    I'm so confused right now.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    But, it was five years ago, so I'm left wondering what events really happened when. Was Pyeonggang raped years ago, or just recently? It makes the problem much harder for Munsu, since he has to figure out how to make her happy now. It also ties into how true a test Mito really gave him, sending Munsu on task that force cannot possibly fix.

    I'm so confused right now.
    Just wondering, what makes you think that Pyeonggang was raped years ago?

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    After she was abused in 12c, In 12d Munsu asks her from the prison cell what happened in the meantime, because she's so calm after only one day. Which is fairly abnormal for just being raped. Pyeonggang then tells him that her "brother's" declaration that he was going to go and kill Ondal. The brother's words are "Even though I took your body, It's not enough..." (note past tense). She then begs Munsu to go and save Ondal. We see her brother kill Ondal in what we believe is the 'present', and then Bang Ja and Munsu find out Ondal has been dead for 5 years.

    That one line asking her why she was so calm for it happening yesterday is why I think she was raped long ago. I'm still not sure whether I really believe it or not. The timeline of these events is very confusing. We can only trust what events are taking place in the present where we see Munsu. Either she was raped years ago, and is lying about when all these things occured, or she was lying about her brother's words and actually did get raped yesterday, but got over it really fast.

    I think for now I'd rather believe in Munsu's intuition. He knew something was off.

    As for why Munsu found her screaming in her room, I can only guess it was her nightmare recalling all these events.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 09-21-2006 at 11:22 AM.

  8. #28
    Well, my interpretation from that is that the Ondal that was going to marry Pyeonggang was not the same Ondal that was burried, so the Ondal that was just killed was not really her brother as we were led to believe. Guess I should go and re-read the chapter and see if we can find any more clues.

    At least the grave that was shown to Ban Ja was different than the one Munsu was looking at. But indeed it's very confusing, there are lots of contradictions. I'm begining to think that you may be right about all those scenes happening in the past, especially when Munsu has never seen Ondal.

    Also, why would Pyeonggang just recently reveal that she and Ondal are about to get married to the old Mahai guy, unless she's sick in the head. And she just brought him the sword to get fixed up, the sword that is at the grave currently.

    Edit: But what really has me thinking is the King saying that there are no such training grounds, and Mito keeps saying that Ondal and the brother are fake. So is everything just crap in the mind of Pyeonggang, all a make believe story?
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 09-22-2006 at 01:21 AM.

  9. #29
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    12e is out for our reading pleasure with the revelation that we were looking for.

    I'll admit, I didn't expect that at all. I very well should have, but the whole purpose of this story has been to confuse us. This story was very good, can't wait for the conclusion chapters.

    I'll elaborate more after more of us have read it.

  10. #30
    Uploaded to MangaTraders: here

  11. #31
    Chapter 12f is out, uploaded to MT.

  12. #32
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    I finally started reading this manga.

    Uh kinda disappointed, coz it spoiled the cool heroic image I had of Munsu.
    I mean, come on, an Angyo Onshi that has asthma attacks???
    And he's practically defenseless (not to mention useless) without his phantom soldiers, who are in turn useless against real monsters.
    Which means, he's relying totally on Sando for survival.

    That is so totally uncool.

  13. #33
    You're very mistaken yallo... I thought Munsu carried himself very well when he faught against Sando on their first meating. Munsu doesn't need the Phantom Soldiers to defend himself, usually... But there are times where he has no choice but to use them. He's far from being completely useless as you say.

  14. #34
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There's a reason he has protectors, that is, there's a reason that "Sando" (easy to forget that is not her real name) exist.

    The Angyo Onshi are more like a strategist, a general. In the chapter 12 series, the smith sends him on the mission completely defenseless. Angyo Onshi tear apart armies using the phantoms when they have to, but is is expected that Munsu be able to deal with situations without resorting to that power right away. He has the gun, but most importantly, he is expected to use his brain. During the tiger-brother chapters, the solution was found not using force at all.

    Sando is a bodyguard, but he does not rely on her explicitly.

    I think it gives a more realistic approach to series of this genre. Munsu is more of a strategist than an Guts/Berserk style hero. To a point, yallo is right. Force when he needs it, but in this latest arc we see him forced to use his brain.

  15. #35
    A new speed group jumped on this story, Sleeping Forest, and released chapters 12g-13b. Torrent DDL

  16. #36
    Chapter 12 part 7 is out by #ETC.
    Get it from

  17. #37
    Chapter 12 part 8 is out by #ETC.
    Get it from

    Chapter 12 is done with this.

  18. #38
    ETC has released up to volume 8 if anyone is interested. You should get it as soon as you can. Mangatraders has all volumes up for download at this moment.

    Last chapter of volume 8 was awesome, Munsu is such a kickass character.
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 02-13-2007 at 08:34 AM.

  19. #39
    Munsu just stepped up another level and with it seems he's gone back to his 'General Munsu' type image and character.

    Volume 9 has now been released by ETC.
    Last edited by kAi; Thu, 02-15-2007 at 09:38 PM.

  20. #40
    Uploaded v09 to MT:

    The volume is amazing, read it as soon as you can. Can't wait for v10.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 02-16-2007 at 03:16 AM.

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