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Thread: The Best Buy Thread

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  1. #1
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    The Best Buy Thread

    I'm starting this thread to allow the "Today I learned thread" a break from us

    As I'm still enployed by them as a Computer Tech I will have many stories but most look like this

    Originally posted by: Deadfire
    I learned today that EB over sold about 3000 pre-orders for the X-box 360 here in Canada... thats going to be 3000 MAD PEOPLE!!!!! come Nov. 22

    Good thing my work (read above) hasn't and will have lots to sell

    I also learned that the new X-box has only a 90 day warrenty on it.... this equals a huge problem I'm going to run in to about 91 days after it will go something like this

    Random Person: My X-box broke can you fix it
    Myself: Yes I can, but do you have a extended warrenty or a PRP (Best buy's Performance Replacement Plan it equals the fact I go to the media department and give him a new X-Box once his breaks)

    RP: No I never buy those things, they are a joke a idiot buys them
    me: well sir, It's over the 90 warrenty mark so I do need to charge you for the repairs

    RP: WHAT!!!! thats not right noone said it had only a 90 day warrently
    Me: Someone told you when you bought it, it's printed on the price tag, it's printed 3 times on the box, twice inside the box and you need to register online for this 90 day warrenty because it tells you it is only that long

    RP: well, I didn't know!
    Me: Really?....(Can you frecken READ!)

    RP: so I demand you fix it for Free
    Me; Sir, I'm paid to work on units that are paid for..I don't work for free, now if you don't want to pay for these repairs you could either buy a new one or find a person to fix high end electronics for you (Jesus comes to mind)

    RP: well it shouldn't have broke you guys sold me a bad console i want a new one for free.
    Me: Sir, there is no way we could have forced you to buy that product, and plus it's a mass-produced product that could break -down at anytime anyhow. Thats exactly why i have a job.. (If things didn't break I wouldn't have a job and would not be here to help you fix your console because your a idiot that could have gotten some thing for like $20 that exists for this sole reason!!!!!, It appears Smart people are idiots!)

    RP: I want to see your manger your not helping me at all
    Me: Thats because i can't nor can he
    RP: well best buy is a big company if they want my money they will fix this X-box (this is funny because not only does he say that we are a big company, but he says my money"

    Me: Sir, Did Best buy make it?
    RP: no

    Me: Did Best buy watch it checked for errors?
    RP: no

    Me: Did we watch it get on the truck to come here?
    RP: no

    Me: So how in god's name are you thinking that we had any part in causing problem with your unit that would make us fix it for free?
    RP: Well I know who I'm not shopping with now

    Me: Thats good sir, that still doesn't solve your problem

    (this is a usaul conversion with people that just don't think)

    Hope someone learned this today!!!
    image fail!

  2. #2

    The Best Buy Thread

    that kevin perreira guy from attack of the show is going to be at my local best buy when they launch the x-box 360. i want to go only so i can throw vegetables of varied size at him.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    The Best Buy Thread

    I work at a Best Buy

    I'm a Manager with keys (a huge deal of respect and trust has been placed in those keys) so I'm the guy who gets blamed when stuff goes missing. I also run around unlocking and giving stuff that lower-salespeople sell. I started out in Digital Imaging (cameras, camcorders) and Wireless, but now I work wherever is needed. Half the time I'm literally racing about answering customer complaints and unlocking merchandise and relocking it up when the stupid kid fails to make a sale...

    I want to quit soon, but the pay isn't too bad and the employee discount is sweet. Otherwise, its a shitty (albeit heated and A/C'd) place to work unless you're a total geek. I'd rather get treated like a decent human being and give up all the cool gadgets and discounts.

    I work at the Best Buy on Central Avenue in White Plains (and also Hartsdale), so theft and idiocy are our top problems. I also work at the Best Buy in Pyramid Mall in Ithaca NY when I'm up at school, though not nearly for the number of hours as I do back home.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #4
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    The Best Buy Thread

    I'm not a manager like masamuneehs but I am my store's latest SV [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img], I'm already tired of all the seasonal employees not doing anything and me getting blamed for it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]. Also sup meetings are the most boring 1-2hrs ever. What times are you all scheduled for on Black Friday? I'm doing 4:15am-6:00pm, I saw the leaked ad and confirmed the things on it nothing really worth me getting except a few dvd's if we have any left.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  5. #5

    The Best Buy Thread

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    when the stupid kid fails to make a sale...
    Oh don't blame those guys, there are some people whom you simply can't sell things to. My family comes to mind.

  6. #6
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    The Best Buy Thread

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    loli worked at best buy and i did almost you exact same job, except i was more of a customer service guy. some idiot brought a plasma TV back 1 day after purchasing it and tell me, "this product was defective, i want a new one"

    heres how my story went
    Dude: i need a new plasma television
    Me: Sir, i'm sorry but what is wrong with it?
    Dude: when i plug it in, i dont get any channels
    Me: sir, do you have a cable or satalite provider (GOD THIS GUY IS STUPID)
    Dude: of course, i use IO
    Me: does the TV turn on?
    Dude: yes
    Me: then theres nothing wrong with your TV, did you connect your cable box to the TV?
    Dude: wait, isnt it wireless?
    at this point i was half thinking "this guy is a fuckin idiot" while half laughing my ass off signaling to my co-worker telling him how hilarious this is.
    Me: no you have to connect it yourself
    Dude: well can you do it for me?
    Me: no i cant go to your house to do it for you
    Dude: but, why not? best buy sold me this TV they should set it up for us too!
    Me: i'm sorry sir, but best buy isnt your cable provider, you'll have to talk to them
    Dude: whats their number?
    Me: you'll have to find out on your own
    Dude: wait, so do i get a new TV?
    Me: no...
    Dude: why not?
    Me: because yours works...whether you get another one, the result will be the same until you plug your cable box wires in.
    Dude: are you sure? i heard there are these new wireless routers that work all throughout the house...
    Me: thats for a computer
    Dude: wait why cant i get a new one? its within warrenty
    Me: because its not broken
    by now the huge line behind him is starting to get rowdy because my co woker was too lazy to work so he pointed everyone in my direction (bastard)
    Dude: but if its in the warenty i should be able to get a new one
    Me: sir you'll have to read the warenty on your own, it never says you can trade yours in for a new one at any given time, there are special conditions
    Dude: what are they?
    Me: you'll have to read your warenty
    then some dude on the line shouts out
    at this moment i closed my line and started cracking up leaving the only other guy handling problems with a huge ass line while my other co-worker and i got lunch.


    oh and i quit my job at best buy 2 weeks after and got a job at blockbuster.

    well i quit that job but eh.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

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