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Thread: Bleach 58 Discussion

  1. #81
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Also learn to read, at no moment in my post was I talking about sub prefferences or on whom I preffer more based on what I said...
    You're right, because that at least might have been useful information. No, all you said was "DB is shit! They're all dicks! I hate them! Assholes!" Which is alot less worthwhile. Nobody gives a shit.

  2. #82

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    And all those comments were directed at explaining why their statement that we are going to be in the middle of 22 filler episodes in Bleach shouldn't be believed, so they should not be taken seriously... Nothing to do with sub quality...

    So again, learn to read...

    But I guess you are one of those ignorant people that believe everything they are told...

    I'm no idiot to let my opinions on a group personality deprive me from good subs (not the case here though, since DB is far from good)...

  3. #83
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    All those ellipses are driving me NUTS.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  4. #84

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Then skip them...

  5. #85
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    So if bleach is in a worst situation than Naruto is in, how do you guys expect there to NOT be a 20 ep filler saga?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #86
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Bud....shut up.....Stop watching DBs excellent episodes then. The Translation is pretty facking decent, And I don't knwo what you talking about the quality sucks. I left em a comment the other day, and I actually got a reply, a pretty facking nice reply. Not to mention how extremly fast their Bleach subs are.....
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  7. #87

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Again, you guys keep saying stuff like I'm out to convince you guys that DB sucks and that they should be avoided.

    I've said before that they are decent to be a speed sub, but that doesn't relieve them from being inaccurate in many portions of their releases. So there's no reason to glorify their releases.

    All my comments have been to the actual staff members, and all my comments have been regarding the credibility of their 22 filler episodes claim...

    So if you mofo's would learn to read, then you wouldn't have to make me explain myself 10 times... At this moment all of you seem to be mentally challenged.

    And you know what, believe what you want regarding the 22 episode fillers... I could care less really, no need to comment on this issue further. Ignorance is a bliss.

  8. #88

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I've never been a fan of DB either and agree with Buds impression of them entirely. As individuals, I'm sure many of them are fine people. But the group as a whole screams an image of arrogance and rudeness at a much higher level than I've seen from other groups. It's just my personal opinion and if you all would rather watch DB subs power to you. But can you stop yelling at Bud now. He has the right to not like them and it wasn't him who started the subject on DBs integrity anyways he was only furthering the discussion with an opinion. Sorta the point of forums.

    But regardless of what DB said I feel we all know that fillers will eventually happen regardless of rumors. Long winded animes tend to have them. I'm hoping when the bleach fillers do begin it will be the end of the Naruto fillers so we can all move to that anime and maybe we can just jump back and forth between them. Always at least one anime being amazingly awesome.

    And on that note Bleach right now is amazingly awesome. I just can't get over the epic scope this anime has created. I'm really interested in some of the foreshadowings that have been going on lately. Like when Byakuya was standing infront of the picture of some girl who looks like Rukia.

    (BIG WINDED SPECULATION. Feel free to skip)

    Do you think they adopted Rukia because she looked just like his real sister? Maybe he's been tricked into thinking that killing Rukia will bring his real sister back? My guess is whoever is behind all the chaos wanted the big soul slayer execution sword thing (forgeting the name) destroyed. He tricked members of soul society in getting the execution established and then used the execution to manipulate others into destorying the sword with that weird dohicky. As a bonus, the civil war that has broken out I'm sure is a big plus. I'm really looking forward to more things getting revealed in the next few episodes. I'm sure all of you manga readers can laugh at the ridiculousness of my predictions but that's what I see and the whole thing just excites me on many levels.

  9. #89
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
    Originally posted by: Jurojin
    I'm surprised the obvious joke hasn't been made-

    B: "That small thing is your Bankai?"
    I: "It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!"
    Bah dum, kissssssh!
    Quoted for emphasis.

  10. #90
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    A friend brought this up: Thinking back to Ichigo's training, does this mean that the sword he has now was the one he picked up and used against Zangetsu from those 100 (or whatever) swords?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #91
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    yes that's exactly what it means. Ichigo was only able to beat Zangetsu by picking up the bankai weapon and making him submit.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  12. #92

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    And just like one would expect, the right sword happened to be the one that seemed the "weakest".

  13. #93

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Humm, I wouldn't say that... Zangetsu never said "You have to find the bankai weapon". He simply said something along the lines of "in order to achieve bankai you have to find your soul slayer and strike me with it, since it's the only one that can actually hurt me"... So the sword he used is the one he has always used, the bankai form is simply a form of that weapon, not a different one...

    At least that's how I remember it... might be wrong since I don't remember much about the exchange of words when they were trying to achieve bankai....

    So I don't see why his usual sword would seem as the "weakest" unless you are meaning that the one that looked as the "weekest" is the sword in its bankai form, which as I said above, I don't think is the case of what happened.

  14. #94

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    as many have said. this is a gaara vs lee fight. that rocked big time!

  15. #95
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I think Bud's right there. I don't think the "correct" sword was any of the ones that was laying around. Its probably some kind of spirit thing where you make some realization and then whatever sword he was holding changes into his bankai.

    They really do need to flashback to how he got that though. I expected it to happen as he was whipping it out, but it hasn't yet.

    But I guess you are one of those ignorant people that believe everything they are told...
    No actually, I assumed they were telling a joke. There might very well be alot of fillers coming since I hear the anime is very close to the manga, but if they are it won't be till the end of the arc. The preview alone shows that the next episode isn't filler. I just thought maybe you'd like to discuss the episode rather than swearing about DB for 4 posts.

  16. #96

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    It wasn't my choice to bad mouth them for 4 post... just people kept quoting me, and making false claims, so I had to defend myself...

    That aside... even though we agree that what he chose wasn't actually the sword in his bankai form, I still think that it was one of the ones lying around... Just that he needed to do some "spirit thing" as you said to find it, Kinda like what he did so that he didn't transform into an hollow.

  17. #97

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    kinda crossed my mind.. but you know how ichigo seem to have hollow side inside him (well not hollow side but the weird thing with hollow mask following him around..) and the one that rukia used to like was like totally controlled by the hollow before he died....

    maybe the ichigo's weird thing wth hollow mask comes from that? because he's reborn of that guy? of course we don't know if he is..but .....

    but anyways.. yeah this epi rocked and i would like to see ichi's and bakuya's full bankai power.. i m sure ichigo has more to it.. but it was kewl how he really wanted to stomp the pride.. i mean he was trying to see if he can destroy bakuya's bankai with shikai.. i mean he gave himself an disvantage......

    and i would really love to see hitsugaya(sp) fight with Gin.. i m sure they are both very strong.. and i want to know how strong hitsugaya is.....

  18. #98

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    zangetsu is a nazi(nazi sign) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  19. #99
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Lol, I remember see that and thinking, "WTF?" I did a google search to see what the swastika symbolized and found this (there's some good stuff in there which could support some of the theories people have been talking about...Kaien andIchigo relation):

    "In India, according to some, the swastika was given its name from su = good, and asti = to be, with the suffix ka. Its arms were angled in a clockwise direction (from the center). The reversed swastika, known as the sauvastika, was associated with misfortune and bad luck.

    The Swasika was often associated with Buddha in India, China, and Japan. In the earliest Chinese symbolism the swastika was known as wan and was a superlative of the highest degree. In Japan it was said to be a sign for the magnificent number 10,000. In Japan of the Middle Ages the swastika (or the sauvastika) was manji, a sign for enormous luck and protection against evil powers...

    The swastika's spectrum of meaning is centered around power, energy and migrations.
    The form of the swastika was the emblem used by the German Socialist (or "Nazi") party which was led by Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It was in 1920 that this emblem was first used in the parties official banner.

    It had already appeared earlier in the twentieth century as an anti-Semitic and uniting symbol in Germany and Austria.

    The swastika form is associated with the sun and power. The swastika moving in a clockwise direction is related to the form and also its meaning, reincarnation, return, etc. The swastika symbolizes, therefore, national reincarnation.
    (source: Dictionary of Symbols, published 1991)"

    Now the question is which direction is it going (i.e. a question of perspective)? Clockwise or counterclockwise?

    edit: Damn, I did a search on wikipedia for swastika and it has a super detailed explaination but covers the same general idea.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  20. #100

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    depends how u look at it. I think his sword is the sign from buddhism (dont have image).
    the nazi sign goes the other way

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