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Thread: Bleach 58 Discussion

  1. #61

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I actually Ichigo's little bankai makes it more climatic than those big beasts. There was such a huge build up to it, and you'd think the bankai would be something enormous. When you see that it's just a little sword, you expect him to be super strong. It's like Vegeta back when he first appeared in DBZ - the little guy is always super strong. Surely, all that "power up" couldn't have been for nothing.

  2. #62
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    I actually Ichigo's little bankai makes it more climatic than those big beasts.
    "Climatic" as in it controls the weather and whatnot?

    Seriously though, I agree. His bankai is awesome. I just think there were things about the episode like the music and just lack of showy-ness that made it feel as if all that buildup went to waste for me. I wasn't yelling: "YEAH!" like I thought I'd be. Instead I just kinda went "ah...that's cool" That said, I'm still excited to see the next ep.
    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    why are you guys whinning that it was like garra vs rock lee? that was argueably the best fight in the whole naruto series and ur now crying because in this episode there was also some dude who could move fast and another guy who had a bunch of cherry blossoms at his hoo
    Personally I wasn't complaining at all. I just found the similarities humorous. Doesn't make either fight any less cool.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  3. #63
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    why are you guys whinning that it was like garra vs rock lee? that was argueably the best fight in the whole naruto series and ur now crying because in this episode there was also some dude who could move fast and another guy who had a bunch of cherry blossoms at his hoo, i thought the way they animated ichigo's speed was much cooler than rock lee's running around in circles. and byakuya's blossoms are much cooler than garra's sand which take 20 hours to kill when byakuya's are already blades, but finally, THIS IS A BLEACH THREAD NOT A FUCKIN "COMPARE BLEACH TO NARUTO THREAD" SO TALK ABOUT BLEACH, one comparison is great but why make 30 others? OF THE SAME THING?!

    Ya still had to post your thoughts before stating this ain't a comparison thread thoguh huh? =P

    But still, seemed extremly similar, but this episode still facking rulez. I can't wait for next one. I don't think Dattebayo would jsut lie about somethign like that.......Dear god..I hoep these fillers are at least a bit better than Narutos. Naruto is fackiing great but hte fillers sicken me, please let this not happen to Bleach =S
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  4. #64

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: KoKo37
    that might be a spoiler, dunno havn't read the manga yet, but i dont think your allowed to post what you even think will happen XD
    I'm pretty sure Aeon doesn't read the manga, so stop the nonsense...

    I'm tired of seeing you guys whine about spoilers when someone has a theory on something... I read the manga, and absolutely nothing has been spoiled... so people stop being paranoid...

    And post about what you think will happen are very much allowed... if that wasn't the case then there would be no point in discussing an episode...

    Originally posted by: Lucifus
    But still, seemed extremly similar, but this episode still facking rulez. I can't wait for next one. I don't think Dattebayo would jsut lie about somethign like that.......Dear god..I hoep these fillers are at least a bit better than Narutos. Naruto is fackiing great but hte fillers sicken me, please let this not happen to Bleach =S
    Read all my previous comments on this thread about DB... that will clarify any doubt you have...

  5. #65
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    It's just how they are in general, just a bunch of kids and jackasses...
    Congrats, thats every fansub group ever, since grownups actually have jobs.

    I consider myself lucky to have never spoken to a fansubber ever, so I don't have a pole up my ass about one group or another. Lucky lucky!
    Personally I wasn't complaining at all. I just found the similarities humorous. Doesn't make either fight any less cool.
    Same here. As the first person who mentioned Lee vs. Gaara I'd like to mention that I wasn't saying it as a negative. Lee vs. Gaara is after all one of the greatest things of great things ever, so, while derivative, it was still awsome.
    Okay, can I mention DBZ then?

    Oh wait, Board already did.

  6. #66

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Good episode and Ichigo's Bankai makes %100 sense for him.

    The problem with Ichigo is that hes got tonnnes and tonnes of spirit force but he uses it wastefuly and "recklessly" as characters have pointed out over and over. Hence his sword is always "unleashed" and doesnt even have a hilt... it suites his personallity.
    The Bankai does for him what will benifit him the most. Take all his energy and put it to 100% efficiency.

    Now time for more Bankai kamaae mae ^_~

  7. #67
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    why are you guys whinning that it was like garra vs rock lee? that was argueably the best fight in the whole naruto series and ur now crying because in this episode there was also some dude who could move fast and another guy who had a bunch of cherry blossoms at his hoo, i thought the way they animated ichigo's speed was much cooler than rock lee's running around in circles. and byakuya's blossoms are much cooler than garra's sand which take 20 hours to kill when byakuya's are already blades, but finally, THIS IS A BLEACH THREAD NOT A FUCKIN "COMPARE BLEACH TO NARUTO THREAD" SO TALK ABOUT BLEACH, one comparison is great but why make 30 others? OF THE SAME THING?!
    Except that this wasn't just a "fast guy running around a guy with cherry blossoms", but a complete rip-off down to the posing. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Naruto and Bleach are both animated by the same studio. Would explain things even further if so...

  8. #68

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Well, the only thing I think Bayaka has on Ichigo is experience. Bayaka has known how to use, and praticed his bankai for MANNNY YEARS. At least 10 (from what was said in the past). Where as Ichigo only just reclently got it. Much like how Renji had a strong Bankai but couldnt use it to its full potential yet because he wasnt expereicened (no hate on Renji, dudes a savage).

    So how you some said Ichigo havent done alot yet, I think hes limitied in what he KNOWS he can do compared to what he is potentially capable of. Which just, in theory, I believe how hes gonna get stronger from this point on as Bankai is the highest level a shimagami can reach, so from here on he I believe hes just gonna get more expereinced and mayble learn new skills/attacks.

    Anyhow, droping all the anayliss and theories and going to the Anime, I really believe some new music would of been good for this part, but I did like how it was played out. Bayaka really didn't believe that Ichigo could release bankai (but after Renji, he shouldn't of been spectical yenno?). I am hopeful for another kenpachi apperance, but I feel that wont be happening =(.

    Anyhow I really want to see Hits' vice captains fights ... I mean .. sure shes beautiful, but she has to have SOME strength if shes a Vice Captain. Plus I'm curious on what shiki and bankai look like in all the captains and other guys.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    why are you guys whinning that it was like garra vs rock lee? that was argueably the best fight in the whole naruto series and ur now crying because in this episode there was also some dude who could move fast and another guy who had a bunch of cherry blossoms at his hoo, i thought the way they animated ichigo's speed was much cooler than rock lee's running around in circles. and byakuya's blossoms are much cooler than garra's sand which take 20 hours to kill when byakuya's are already blades, but finally, THIS IS A BLEACH THREAD NOT A FUCKIN "COMPARE BLEACH TO NARUTO THREAD" SO TALK ABOUT BLEACH, one comparison is great but why make 30 others? OF THE SAME THING?!
    Except that this wasn't just a "fast guy running around a guy with cherry blossoms", but a complete rip-off down to the posing. [img][/img] Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Naruto and Bleach are both animated by the same studio. Would explain things even further if so...
    Ehh, way I see it, if you seen a lot of anime, read a lot of Mangas, read comics, watchd different shows .... practically EVERYTHING has been done in some way shape or form. Its hard to be innovative but its great to see different variations.

  9. #69
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    edit: kraco do u mean yoruichi? why would u say yachiru? the comparison of gai to lee, would be the same as yoruichi to ichigo, teacher to student.
    Nah. But it wasn't a very serious comment to begin with. Yoruichi has had so much screen time that I would be surprised if she did anything that important anymore (in the near future), though I suppose anything could happen. Mainly I was just saying that I believe the similarity to the situation in N ends probably there, with Ichigo pulling through without any help (and not losing like the object of comparison). Thus I just threw in Yachiru, because she was heading that way.

    Other than that, I didn't still see a problem with the musical choices of this episode. Like with the initial reappearance episode of Ichigo to save Rukia, I kind of like the overly calm, mysterious choices they made. It's not the hyper hype music you would normally expect to even further build up expectations and make the underdog look suddenly the one with all the good cards. Somehow this calmer line of music suits the atmosphere of Soul Society, in my opinion. And I also feel is reflects the fact that both Byakuya and Ichigo are very strong, and there's no huge surprise anymore that Ichigo can actually fight back.

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    Anyhow I really want to see Hits' vice captains fights ... I mean .. sure shes beautiful, but she has to have SOME strength if shes a Vice Captain.
    Heh. Like those vice captains who got their asses kicked by Ichigo, who wasn't even using his zanpaktou... There is one thing that Byakuya has got right: There is a definitive power gap between Captains and Liutenants.

  10. #70
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Which is less then the gap between vice captains and ryoka who aren't even dead yet apparently.

  11. #71

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    It's just how they are in general, just a bunch of kids and jackasses...
    Congrats, thats every fansub group ever, since grownups actually have jobs.

    I consider myself lucky to have never spoken to a fansubber ever, so I don't have a pole up my ass about one group or another. Lucky lucky!
    DarthEnder... When you have a clue on what the fuck you are talking about then feel free to share your opinion, but until then keep telling Johnny to ram it up your ass...

    Also learn to read, at no moment in my post was I talking about sub prefferences or on whom I preffer more based on what I said...

  12. #72
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    Meh this ep would've been good if I hadn't already seen it on Naruto. Atleast Yachiru shows up again next ep. I also predict that Gin and Aizen who I still think is alive killed everybody inside that 40place. Guards don't just disappear.
    That is a very interesting theory. I haven't tought of it that way. Gin could be the good guy and Aizen could be the bad guy and the letter was actually from Aizen all along as part of the plan to make Hitsugaya fight Gin. Man what a surprise it would be if Gin turned out to be the hero.

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Originally posted by: KoKo37
    that might be a spoiler, dunno havn't read the manga yet, but i dont think your allowed to post what you even think will happen XD
    I'm pretty sure Aeon doesn't read the manga, so stop the nonsense...

    I'm tired of seeing you guys whine about spoilers when someone has a theory on something... I read the manga, and absolutely nothing has been spoiled... so people stop being paranoid...

    And post about what you think will happen are very much allowed... if that wasn't the case then there would be no point in discussing an episode...
    The fact that you are saying that it isn't a spoiler is more of a spoiler than Aeon's theory. Now you have revealed that Aizen is aztually dead. Please stop with this Budweineken, let people have their theories and let other people decide for them selfs if they want to believe them. Since this is the Bleach Anime thread no one should expect any spoilers here.

  13. #73

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Ha I fricking knew it I fricking knew it. Bleach fillers ahoy. But with both bleach and naruto being produced by studio pierrot maybe they'll do some sort of cross over if both series go through a bunch of extenuating fillers. Where naruto get's transported to the Bleach world and Ichigo heads off to the leaf village. Hiliarity ensues while the loud groans of all of us fans will be heard across the nation. Bankail becomes the new rasengan. Look foreward to it.

  14. #74
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    Ha I fricking knew it I fricking knew it. Bleach fillers ahoy.
    There's official, specific info now? Did I miss some link?

  15. #75

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Nope, no link. It's just an unsubstantiated rumor as far as I know.

    So, I thought Ichigo's bankai was decent. Not OMG, but cool. It would have been stupid if it was just a bigger sword, and a ranged attack or am embodiment of his sword as a person or monster wouldn't have really fit his fighting style. And I do like his new look.

    I had been wondering if he'd had Kaien's sword (I wonder where it is now?), but I guess not because Byakuya was so surprised by it's form. Still, you think Byakuya, who knows who Ichigo looks like, might have suspected something when Ichigo started gaining power so quickly. Kaien wasn't an unskilled Shinigami, so Ichigo just has to rmember what he's learned before (I guess we still don't have absolute proof he's reincarnated, but I think it's likely).

    At least with Ichigo's allies finally joining him we will have hopefully a little less jumping around, but there are still too many parallel story lines...

  16. #76
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    i don't think i would mind watching bleach fillers for 20 weeks. most of them so far have been entertaining.

  17. #77

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    The fact that you are saying that it isn't a spoiler is more of a spoiler than Aeon's theory. Now you have revealed that Aizen is aztually dead. Please stop with this Budweineken, let people have their theories and let other people decide for them selfs if they want to believe them. Since this is the Bleach Anime thread no one should expect any spoilers here.
    That's exactly my point... I haven't disproved any theory in this thread, I've just said that there hasn't been any spoiling... some theories have been correct, some theories are wrong... Still some of those theories that have been made (wether right or wrong) people are still complaining that they are spoiling, and I'm just saying that they are not...

    I'll say it again, I haven't disproved any theory on this thread, so there has been no spoiler coming from my side, and no one else in this thread has been spoiling...

    Saying that someone is spoiling or not is not the same as saying someone's theory is wrong or not....

  18. #78

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I'm surprised the obvious joke hasn't been made-

    B: "That small thing is your Bankai?"
    I: "It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!"

    Anyways, this is looking hot. Can't wait for the next episode, which isn't going to be a filler. (there won't be fillers yet people, get a clue).

  19. #79

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Ok lets get 1 thing straight.. What have we learned fromt he fillers in Naruto?? They ONLY start when a part from the manga line is DONE. not in the middle of a fight the NEVER happens.. so I think we just sit back and w8 for the next episode!
    (damn it wouls suck when it appeaqrs I wrong next week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

    And about Ichigo's Bankai.. I really think the bankai has more then only power. cuz the chain at the other side of his sword.. that wont be there so the name is good... it must have a meaning and so a power...
    Or is that a weird thought? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  20. #80
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Jurojin
    I'm surprised the obvious joke hasn't been made-

    B: "That small thing is your Bankai?"
    I: "It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!"
    Bah dum, kissssssh!

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

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