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Thread: Bleach 58 Discussion

  1. #41
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Wow, Ichigo VS Byakuya really was a complete Naruto rip-off. I even think that some of the poses themselves were copied, I'm too lazy to take a screenshot, but when it zooms in on Ichigo and he says something like "Yet I can go much faster", he looked EXACTLY like Rock Lee when it zoomed in on him and he said "There's more!". Look it up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Good stuff.

    Hinamori's hair bun is so fugly.

  2. #42
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    @ Knives122: Thanks for posting the pics. I wondered how the manga differed from the anime. By the way, was the release in chapter 162 or 163?
    Perhaps for those who have read and watch the show, Ichigo's Bankai release was anticlimactic. For me (an anime viewer only), I thought it was awesome and the build up was worth the payoff. The only drawback is that we have to wait another week to see what else Byakuya is gonna throw at him (something to do with those pink swords that he used on Renji). Similarly, we have to wait to see what else Ichigo's Bankai ability can do to match Byakuya...

    @ Assertn: I have been trying to grasp what the Bankai is and I think you come up with a very reasonable explanation. However until the training with Yoruichi, speed for Ichigo (or Zangetsu) wasn't an issue. Ichigo has certainly demonstrated power (but as for most captains power is a prerequisit); however, the flash step wasn't, at least I thought, something he was especailly good at until after his training. We have seen many captains demonstrate their ability to flash step and yet for Ichigo there is something special about his abilities. I think that when Byakuya steps up his fighting we'll see Ichigo's true Bankai ability which will be tied to speed and something with that badass black sword (which curved OR straight still looks awesome).

    edit: Ok, the music didn't really fit, but it was certainly better than hearing "If you want to see some action...blah, blah, blah." Plus, I was in it for the visual not the audio, so the music didn't really detract from the scene, but I guess it didn't really add to it either. For all you manga readers, there is no audio coming from the book so what are you complaining about the music for anyways.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
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  3. #43
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Wow, Ichigo VS Byakuya really was a complete Naruto rip-off. I even think that some of the poses themselves were copied, I'm too lazy to take a screenshot, but when it zooms in on Ichigo and he says something like "Yet I can go much faster", he looked EXACTLY like Rock Lee when it zoomed in on him and he said "There's more!". Look it up [img][/img]

    Good stuff.

    Hinamori's hair bun is so fugly.
    Yeh, also, as mentioned before, Byakuya's controlling his Flower Petals with his hands was just like Gaara's Sand Coffin jutsu. Ichigo racing around like Rock Lee...

    Finally, I honeslty am praying that the DB mentioning of 22 weeks of Bleach filler are just their weak attempt at a joke. It's not very funny... not at all... I do appreciate the speed with which that group releases their subs, but they are almost all dickheads and I think their quality is pretty poor sometimes... Too bad I'm so impatient...

    Also, as far as the whole "is Bankai a summon or not" subject:
    Renji, Captain Buckethead, Hitsugaya, Tousen and Captain Mayuri's Bankai's have all been pretty clear summons. Byakuya seems to just increase his sword power and split it up into pieces... I'm not sure if i'd call that a summon...

    But Ichigo does seem to BECOME Zangetsu when he did Bankai... Not quite a summon, more like a morph technique. (I was sorta hoping he'd look more like a Hollow than Zangetsu, but oh well). But was Byakuya or whoever wrong when they said that Bankai is summoning the Zanpaktou spirit into the world? I don't think he was wrong. I just thing that The Form the Bankai takes may be external (Buckethead's giant Steel Samurai) or different form of the Zanpaktou (Renji, Byakuya) and finally, in Ichigo's case, the wielder becomes part of The Form itself...

    I wonder if doing a Bankai that changes ones actual person have any permanent side effects?...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #44

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I don't understand how anyone could think Spiky's Bankai is anticlimatic. It blew my mind when I saw it! Anyways, at the end, they seemed to be hinting that Spiky didn't even use all or any of his Bankai. Sure, he's got speed, but his sword hasn't done anything yet. I think the best is yet to come. C'mon... you gotta love that new soul slayer appearance. I think the whole point is that Spiky calls on Zangetsu to help him and they're basically in tandem while the others seem to order their Bankai around, but not work with it sort of deal. Same idea as the big dude Spiky beat up. You know, with the little pink bubblegum girl. Oh man, is she gonna fight?

  5. #45

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Man, stop calling him Spiky... It's pretty lame

  6. #46

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Ichigo's bankai is pretty badass. The suit looks great with that black sword, and the sword is awesome. We've only seen the speed aspect of it, so expect the sword to have some insane power.

  7. #47
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Yeh, also, as mentioned before, Byakuya's controlling his Flower Petals with his hands was just like Gaara's Sand Coffin jutsu. Ichigo racing around like Rock Lee...


    The more and more I think about it, the cooler the idea that Ichigo kinda "summoned" Zangetsu into himself, giving him a huge power up seems. Also, I'm not a manga reader, but the appearance of his Bankai did seem anticlimactic to me, but that doesn't mean it wasn't cool either. I love his new look.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #48
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    this eps was awesome. as soon an i saw byakuya's bankai in some real action i thought it was exactly like garras sand as well. ichigo looks badass and the bankai is pure asskickery. cant wait till he reveals more of its abilities

  9. #49

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    yeah eps was awsome, but somewhat bored to me since the moves are like Naruto

  10. #50

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Man, im seeing alot of this: "this ep sucked because one guy said it looked like naruto and the other guy said the manga was different, so it wasnt good enough"
    get over it. stop trying to agree with everyone that has a higher post count. it doesnt matter. take this anime episode for what it is, and nothing more. what it is: really good.

  11. #51
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    holy crap this was awesome. Its keeping with the manga very well, but the animation could have been better.

    and yes, this was like the Gaara vs Rock Lee fight

  12. #52
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    i honestly didn't think of the gaara v. lee fight until you guys kept posting it over and over again in here. and i think the editing in this ep was a bit subpar compared to the other episodes. the comedic timing was off even tho those little skits were funny. jumping from those to the byakuya v. ichigo fight was a bit jarring and out of place.

  13. #53
    If I could change my name
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    I see everyone has compared it to Garra and Lee's battle already... (I was waitting for the weighs to drop personally)

    Well i have to say the storyline still really isn't making much sence (although it hasn't made sence for SOME time now) but the action is such a event, I can't wait for the next eps now as I can always expect a level of action that is killer...

    Also Byakuya is staying in charactor very well which leads me to think this fight will get to a level that it will be hard to top
    image fail!

  14. #54
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Meh this ep would've been good if I hadn't already seen it on Naruto. Atleast Yachiru shows up again next ep. I also predict that Gin and Aizen who I still think is alive killed everybody inside that 40place. Guards don't just disappear.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  15. #55

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    whoa whoa whoa .. great episode but ya, like so many other ppl said, it is so similar to lee and gaara's fight

    i didnt like how they kept jumping back and forth from the fight and everyone else.. annoy much!
    and who the hell are the central 40?!

    EDIT: just out of curiosity, which manga group were the manga pics from??

  16. #56
    If I could change my name
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    just a thought...

    Central 40 is like the head goverment building( where the people in charge of SS are) and that if that is true then that leads the story interestling atray

    edit grammer
    image fail!

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Byakuya bound Renji with some demon magic before shredding him. I wonder if he tries to do the same thing with Ichigo - only to find out, like Rukia did in the past, that the guy isn't that easy to bind at all.

    Despite the similary to the Gaara - Lee fight, I doubt we will see Ichigo getting his ass kicked and then saved by Yachiru at the very last moment, like Gai saved Lee. Even if Yachiru almost has to make an appearance soon enough.

  18. #58
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Honoko
    i honestly didn't think of the gaara v. lee fight until you guys kept posting it over and over again in here..
    lol same here, although now that i look more it really does resemible it x.X lol although still was entertaining even if they did copy a bit XD

    also about the sound well uhh i wasn't paying much attention to the sound lol, But Thank GOD they didn't play that stupid if you wanna see some action song, OMG that song drives me nuts lol, like do they think that song sounds cool?? lol

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    I also predict that Gin and Aizen who I still think is alive killed everybody inside that 40place. Guards don't just disappear.
    that might be a spoiler, dunno havn't read the manga yet, but i dont think your allowed to post what you even think will happen XD

    There is nothing wrong with speculating.

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  19. #59
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 58 Discussion

    why are you guys whinning that it was like garra vs rock lee? that was argueably the best fight in the whole naruto series and ur now crying because in this episode there was also some dude who could move fast and another guy who had a bunch of cherry blossoms at his hoo, i thought the way they animated ichigo's speed was much cooler than rock lee's running around in circles. and byakuya's blossoms are much cooler than garra's sand which take 20 hours to kill when byakuya's are already blades, but finally, THIS IS A BLEACH THREAD NOT A FUCKIN "COMPARE BLEACH TO NARUTO THREAD" SO TALK ABOUT BLEACH, one comparison is great but why make 30 others? OF THE SAME THING?!

    anyway, this episode was awsome, ichigo's new look is awsome, and i wanna see what happens next with hitsuyaga.

    edit: kraco do u mean yoruichi? why would u say yachiru? the comparison of gai to lee, would be the same as yoruichi to ichigo, teacher to student.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  20. #60

    Bleach 58 Discussion

    Ichigo's bankai aint poop compared to my banki (see the Soul cutter thread for more dteails)
    but here is a pic:

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