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Thread: Today I learned...

  1. #621
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    This past few days I learned how completely and utterly dependant I am on my internet. As the Hydro lackeys were near my house, cutting some tree branches away from power lines, they somehow managed to damage my internet cable which lies in the same vicinity. The earliest the cable company could send a tech to fix it was today, and I've been fighting withdrawal. For the first day, I couldn't sit still, I didn't know what to do. I have to be applying for jobs, but that's all done online. My playstation games and anime helped to tide me over, but it was a shaky few days. I wanted to go to the library, but realized I couldn't look up the location online, or find out online what buses to take.

    On the up-side, I spent a lot of time playing piano and discovered quite a few of the bike trails around my house. Still, I'm soooo glad to have my internet back!

  2. #622
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. I suppose it's totally different to not have the net connection at home or when you are traveling.

  3. #623
    so since i have been down in New Orleans again i have realized how much i like living simply, loggin on to the internet ever once in a while and only eating rice and beans realying on the generosilty of the Mission teams that come through( they come through to gut houses i am like a team leader). and just hanging out sharing stuff drinking a bit and smoking a hooka

  4. #624
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Today...I learned many many things.

    Today I learned that I despise having to share my bandwidth with my brother considering the fact that he eats it all up when I'm downloading and lags me out whenever I'm playing online. Even though I do the same exact thing to still annoys the fack outta me.

    Today I learned that I havn't eaten an apple for over 2 I decided earlier on to go out and buy one, I did, and the apple was pretty good................

    Today I learned/realized that I havn't done jack-shyt since the summer started......

    Today I learned that my computer needs some memory.....

    And the final thing I learned today was that my little brothers rabbit died....Havn't nothing to do with the year of torture I've put it through including shaving it till its junk was clearly visible. I used that rabbit to pick on my little brother so many times....I'ma miss it...Sincerely hope I didn't kill it...
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  5. #625
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A long time ago me and my brother had a couple of bunnies over the summer. They were nice and funny. But they truly only were for the summer, as they were borrowed from a relative, who raised bulk volumes of them for the meat. So there they returned when the summer was over; back to the main flock. And probably they were eaten eventually, though we never witnessed their demise.

  6. #626
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    Today i learnt that i have peculiar taste in guys. eg. i dig the eyeliner, skinny jeans thing, long fringe covering 3/5ths of their face...something so damn sexxy about it

    I also learnt that i thoroughly enjoy taking a very very long time showering even though we're in a drought atm. But it was raining yesterday so its ok

  7. #627
    Join Date
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    Today i learnt that my school sucks even more then it did last time
    today was the first time i saw afight involving swords and blood and alot of punches and i learnt not to mess with the gangsters BECAUSE they have BIG HUGE scary swords which look like they can chop your body up in 1 second
    i also learnt that emo guys are really AWESOME

  8. #628
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Gansters with swords? Are you joking, or are you into time travelling?

  9. #629
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    LOL no im serious!! I was like wlaking home from school and i was waiting at the station for msmush & friend, when all of a sudden two groups were like talking and screaming ( i didn't no what they said because i had my music on ) But one crew was asain and the other were african people. The asain crew is well known in my area - there gangsterss. AND THEN two people from both sides start punching then everyone started punching bashing eachother up and tehen RANDOMLY THEY WHIP OUT SWORDS! and ive never seen one so from anime they look harmless but in real life when your next to someone carrying one.. IT'S SO SCARY, then the two crews start chopping and fighitng with swords (it was nothing like the anime, as i thought it would be) while i was like sHAKING my ass off! then BLOOD everywhere, then the asain crew ran off because someone had callen the cops and the cops came( there always in trouble in fights and stuff & apprently cops looking for them) then cops did the usulayy ask witness stuff.. and yeah, alot of peopel at the sence not to mention HEAPS of school kids( which was so dangerous), the peopel fighting were like 16, 17 and stuff..
    IM not sure why i told the story but i had to tell someone and because i like posting in gotwoot, it makes me feel special

  10. #630
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    And I thought growing up in Jamaica for 10 years was scary........the most I ever saw was a machette. xD

    But gangsters with swords, hmmm, thats messed up. My friend brought a sword to school once.(back in middle school, like 10-13 years old for those who don't know)

    Had it wrapped in a purple sheet walking around with it, told me to come out back behind the bicycle cage, hes got something to show me, as he was taking it out he sliced his own index finger straight to the bone, strangly, it didn't bleed that much(but boy did that look painful). I told him we should go to the office. He told me to keep it to him self. I wonder how he explained that to his parents.....

    Its strange that he was walking around with that the entire school day, in class, and nobody asked him what it was.

    But wow, gangsters with swords..kool.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Tue, 07-04-2006 at 08:02 AM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  11. #631
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn, Lucifus, you had a hardcore buddy!

    And I guess that also proves once again that if you just look like you know what you are doing and act naturally, nobody questions you. Well, obviously for him it was just an act well performed, if he almost cut his finger off...

    Swords are powerful weapons against unarmed people, or people armed with knives and such, but nowadays gangsters have often firearms, and only in anime a sword beats a gun, elsewhere a sword always loses, like Indiana Jones demonstrated in the classic scene. Besides, a pistol is easier to hide and conceal than a bloody sword, which might be one more reason why they haven't been so popular for a while. That's why it's so hard to believe...

  12. #632
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I saw my fair share of guns in Jamaica, I just meant I never saw anyone with a bloody sword. xD The guns weren't used of course, it was like...hmmm

    If you carried a gun you were kool, if not, your lame. So like half the school had em, and brung em to class, but they were never used, least to my knowledge.

    At Kraco, yeah, I accidentally sliced my self with that metal flap on top of a diskette once. Hurt more that anything I ever felt in my life, I doubt I could take almost cutting my finger off with a freshly sharpened 4 foot sword. Man.......

    So yeah, that day I learned never to bring a sword to school......I'm surprised nobody, not even a security guard asked him what it was, hell, I didn't even think to ask him.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  13. #633
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    @ lisaa - WHAT, i missed it?. i came like 15 minutes after you. !!!.
    @ lucifus - you grew up in Jamaica? sugoi....
    @ Kraco - oh where we live anythings possible...not sure about noitacoL though, perhaps swords is outdated there but here its still around.

  14. #634
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    This song rulez............................

    The Jamaican Parliment banned this song.....because its "true" Bunch of mofos.>.>

    It was strange being like the only white guy everywhere I went. o.0
    Last edited by Lucifus; Tue, 07-04-2006 at 08:23 AM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  15. #635
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Today I learned that sometimes it’s ok for a man to cry…………….

  16. #636
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    the court of the crimson king
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadugar
    Today I learned that sometimes it’s ok for a man to cry…………….
    Nay, it's always ok for a man to cry.

  17. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by el_boss
    Nay, it's always ok for a man to cry.
    No. not when his nail breaks.

    And today i learned that my boss from work is still a dick.
    Last edited by Turkish-S; Thu, 07-06-2006 at 05:22 PM.

  18. #638
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Today I learnt I got my first job and the pays $100 buck a week. Scrub my dentists floors for half an hour, and spend the other hour and a half doing homework and studying in the back. After work, I do whatever I want. =D

    10 an hour, 2 hours a day, mon-fri. Don't care if its degrading, its money!! And no one will know.
    My boss/dentist is kool, but hes my guess that makes him a dick. =S

    Once this school years over, I'll get a better job. For now, this suits me just fine =P
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  19. #639
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    Lucifus, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Once you get to college you'll be paying them for you to do schoolwork, so cherish the time when someone else is paying you for your time doing schoolwork. And if your boss is cool, then all the better. I've worked for jerks, and I've worked for people I respect. The difference it can make to how you view your job is astounding. And finally, degrading? There's nothing that says degrading like jobs where you have to deal directly with the public. When you're just scrubbing floors, you don't need to worry about being polite to customers or taking any crap from them.

    So congrats on the job! Hopefully it works out well for you. ^_^

  20. #640
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Quote Originally Posted by msmush
    Today i learnt that i have peculiar taste in guys. eg. i dig the eyeliner, skinny jeans thing, long fringe covering 3/5ths of their face...something so damn sexxy about it
    That's not so peculiar. At least not here. :S

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