Rurouni Kenshin (TV) as Seijuro Hiko...i thought i knew this voice. actually i only read here, because i wanted to know where i heard the voice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Rurouni Kenshin (TV) as Seijuro Hiko...i thought i knew this voice. actually i only read here, because i wanted to know where i heard the voice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
!!!Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Hoo boy...
- Sazanami being voiced by SHUUICHI IKEDA [img][/img]
I was just going to avoid this next filler series, seeing as how my hard drive is low on space. But If Suuichi Ikeda (Seijerou Hiko, Char Zanable, Gilbert Dullindal, need I go on?) has a role in it then I'm going to download this!
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
This arc looks hopeful but than again so did the last one.
naruto is going to beat him with a fart
Hmm... I enjoyed the Sazanami kicking the Konoha 'brats' asses, but his getting beaten by that weird Nail Jutsu was ridiculous! Watch where you're walking for god's sake!
I also feel that this arc has some potential to be pretty good (at least by Naruto filler standards, which don't ask for much at all) and so long as Ikeda plays a prominent role I think i'll be able to tolerate it.
Oh, and I laughed out loud at the Naruto shaped lunch Hinata made. Freaky girl...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Yeah, the lunch that looked like Naruto was funny as hell. I feel this filler might be ok, even though that guy they're hunting looks like he was drawn the same way raiga was. At least I didn't get the urge to bash my head into the desk like I did with the tony the tiger and that goddamn race filler arcs.
No team leader? What's with that bullshit?
"Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."
i liked how out of the 3 ninja's no one realized that they were being led into a trap.....great job 'seeing underneath the underneath'. Also, how is it that the first 2 nails go thru his feet, but when the other 135 nails go flying towards him they dont so much as rip his clothes yet still manage to knock him unconcious.
Btw, i'll bet 20 bucks that the 3 family memebrs the bounty hunter killed were actually killed by that thief, and the bounty hunter got blamed instead. which is why he must be the one to kill him.
yeah I tink this is the painfully obvious truth,...not that I am bashin ya for postin it.. its just that... the sotylines are that shallow in all the filler episodes.Originally posted by: Assassin
i liked how out of the 3 ninja's no one realized that they were being led into a trap.....great job 'seeing underneath the underneath'. Also, how is it that the first 2 nails go thru his feet, but when the other 135 nails go flying towards him they dont so much as rip his clothes yet still manage to knock him unconcious.
Btw, i'll bet 20 bucks that the 3 family memebrs the bounty hunter killed were actually killed by that thief, and the bounty hunter got blamed instead. which is why he must be the one to kill him.
and KoKo37 for being able to write bettter filler crap .. your definatly correct. I do not understand how anyone can make something SO BAD and think for one moment that it is ok... I do not understand what is going on with it at all.
The powers they have are all diverging SO MUCH from the structure of the naruto universe (at least how it ahs been set thus far). Lightning sword guy, Ramaru, Lightsaber sword guy (from tea leaf), and now Dumbass master of tool attacks... I wonder if his next special move will involve 2x4's or juggling chain saws.
It's almost like you could start a new thread and call it "naruto script" and random people could come by and write random pieces of it.. and you could pick a collective chunk of the random pieces and loosley connect them all together and it would be better then this crap.
i watched 10 mins before i closed it in disgust. thank god bleach is around
Btw, i'll bet 20 bucks that the 3 family memebrs the bounty hunter killed were actually killed by that thief, and the bounty hunter got blamed instead. which is why he must be the one to kill him.
Naw, not the brilliant filler script writers for Naruto. I'll bet 20 million Ryou's that won't happen.
Funny I think the opposite except I watch the complete corny Bleach eps. Anyways I liked this ep for the most part. The way Sazanami beat all 4 of them without even trying was cool but then seeing him get owned without that guy trying wasn't that cool, they could've thought of a better technique. Ah well least no Shino this time.Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
i watched 10 mins before i closed it in disgust. thank god bleach is around
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Ohh, summoning techinque ...
Mighty 2x4 of death!
::all cower in fear::
All three are probably on record as being piss-poor leaders. Kiba is reckless. Naruto is stupid and reckless. And Hinata doesn't have the spine to actually GIVE an order. And Naruto doesn't listen anyway. So Tsunade is probably just, "Whats the point?"Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
No team leader? What's with that bullshit?
Yeah, indeed. It looks like Naruto needs a special person to be a leader for there to be any chance of him actually listening to the poor fellow placed as his superior. Shikamaru is 1000% more intelligent than Naruto, thus making him intimidating enough to be listened to. And Shino is just so creepy otherwise... Neji, however, wasn't special enough, especially after Naruto had beaten him once, and so the curry of life arc showed Naruto paid little attention to his leadership (or what was left of it due to the stupid downplaying manuscript).Originally posted by: DarthEnder
And Naruto doesn't listen anyway. So Tsunade is probably just, "Whats the point?"Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
No team leader? What's with that bullshit?
I wonder why the gennins got KO with just 1 normal hit in the fillers. If this shit was produced before the sasuke chasing arc I could even try to "believe it". The only good thing about this episode was to see those nails. I found them like a great metaphore about the fillers, each filler is like a nail piercing trough my body and still 20 to go.
Give me strength curry of crapinness!
The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom
Yeah, your probably right, Naruto wouldn't listen to Kiba and Hinata just woulda asked what Naruto wanted to do, then do that. I know he didn't really listen to Neji during the curry arc, but Neji never really tried to take control. Besides, from what I remember, Lee was the first one to really act without Neji's say-so. BTW, how many episodes do you think this particular filler arc will go on? My bet is they'll find a way to drag this one out for 4 more episodes and somehow find a way to screw up what looks like a halfway decent storyline (for a filler, anyways).
"Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."
You would think he would expect nails to come out of the ground after he saw them going in. Afterall, he did notice naruto pop out.
Also, this team is one of the least balanced I've ever seen... No team leader? That shows how crappy this team is. Not one of them can be expected to make the intelligent decisions and give orders properly... Give them Ino or even Chouji for God's sake! They're also all melee fighters...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".