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Thread: Bleach 57

  1. #1
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    57 by D-B


    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  2. #2

    Bleach 57

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME Bleach is hella better than that Naruto bs fillers and what not. I liked how in this episode they had a flashback of Yoruichi and Soi Fon.....dude....Yoruichi is just one sexy chica handsdown lol can't wait for next weeks episode Ichigo's Bankai??? hmm =D

  3. #3

    Bleach 57

    I'm glad i stayed up extra late to d/l this... very nice. I like how soi fon and yoruichi managed to wrap up their fight while at the same time explain their past. at least it didnt drag on for 4 more eps. also, I thought that the two vice captains with the sake was good comic releif in this episode. overall, a great ep and im looking forward (who isnt?) to the ichigo/byakuya showdown and how those two captains fare against yama-jii.

  4. #4
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Yes, Definatly Baldy is having the best fight. Fight a round, get hammered, fight another round, get more hammered.

    And of course some almost-lez action for total episode victory.


  5. #5

    Bleach 57

    When I first saw that they were showing Baldy and vice's fight, I was hella excited. Haha damn but its pretty random, its great to see how they can have a great time, have a few drinks, then tear each other apart again =D.

    Ichigo's fight is finally picking up!!! He hella blew Bayaka's shikai away! His attack trasnlates to fangs that strike at heaven? or something like that.

    Yo's fight wass pretty nice as well, all I remember saying when she threw her fist and stoped it front of Son's face was "PWNEd!"

    ^^ all in all, making me want the next week episode to come sooner!

  6. #6

    Bleach 57

    Bankai ... Bankai ...
    Sake, Spear & Sword
    Kudou, Soi & Youruichi

    Viva la vida loca !

  7. #7

    Bleach 57

    Holy Flaming Shit Batman, that was incredible.

    Seeing all this animated is ridiculously awesome, and this ep might be the most ridiculous to date.

    The Yourichi Fight = Redefined PWNAGE,
    Poor Soi Fong...but at least now she realizes that Yoruichi rules and she's always going to be her obedient servant

    Sake Fight = Great Transition
    I think even funnier than Yumichika's super happy fight. I really like how they're using the vice fights to break up the bigger battles.

    Getsuga Tenshou = SWEEEEEET
    The aim really needs some work...And I love how Ichigo just keeps calling Byakuya out.

    Preview: is it just me or is Ichigo going Super Sayian next episode?
    a) surrounded by energyi
    b) creates a crater with said energy
    c) missing the top of his outfit
    d) really pissed off (Facial Expression)

    Super A class Episode, I hope this high can last all the way until the next ep!

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    I wonder how much will be left of Byakuya when Ichigo is finished with him... If you believe Ichigo's words, not enough to fill one of Mayuri's test tubes...

    I have to say the conclusion (?) to Yoruichi and Soi Fong's fight was far better than what I expected (was afraid of, I suppose). The history lesson was a great one, as well. Their story was simpler than I anticipated, but on the other hand, when I think about it more carefully, it fits Soi Fong really well, and explains her character almost completely. And I can't praise enough how they have drawn the energies in the fight, for example when Yoruichi stopped Soi Fong's early attack in this ep, and how the random excess energy briefly circles around their hands. Damn, that was just a great detail.

  9. #9
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 57


  10. #10
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Soi Fong is a complete lesbian. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Great episode. Next episode will also be a good one, and within the next 2 episodes, Ichigo's Bankai.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  11. #11

    Bleach 57

    That is how you end a fight. Man, Yorouichi is hawt.

    Spiky and hairpin guy is funny. Who can be the most arrogant. hahaha Damn, someone is due for one mean bitch slap. How is that ledge holding up anyways. It should have been destroyed a long time ago.

    All in all, this series kicks major (and sometimes very hawt) ass.

  12. #12
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    This episode was a real dissapointment. The worst episode in a very long time. There were no real fighting and the flashback sucked, Ichigo's bankai or whatever it was sucked ass as well. The best part of the episode was the scene with bald-guy and sunglasses-man. They have put of Ichigo's and Byakuya's fight for so long that I'm not even looking forward to it anymore.

  13. #13

    Bleach 57

    you must be fucking joking.

  14. #14

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    This episode was a real dissapointment. The worst episode in a very long time. There were no real fighting and the flashback sucked, Ichigo's bankai or whatever it was sucked ass as well. The best part of the episode was the scene with bald-guy and sunglasses-man. They have put of Ichigo's and Byakuya's fight for so long that I'm not even looking forward to it anymore.
    Are you serious? I thought this episode was awesome. I liked the flashback as well. Oh well.. That's just me..(and everyone else in the thread except you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] ) Edit: Not anymore though.. Can't really understand it, but oh well..

  15. #15
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: eat_toast
    you must be fucking joking.
    No, I'm not joking, I just really didn't like this episode.

  16. #16

    Bleach 57

    Does anybody feel that the quality of the fight have sort of degraded? Also the story of Soi Fon and Yoruichi was a little too simple, although it fits her personality as Kraco mentioned.

    I guess its the lull before the storm. Sometimes I've always wondered what the hell is Zangetsu's special ability in the Shi Kai form. Yes, we've seen the giant energy blast before but we've even seen Ichigo use it against a Grand Menos when he stil didn't know Zangetsu's name. Only now we've confirmed exactly how the bloody attack works other than "its Ichigo's Hero Giant Attack."

    But the best part of the episode was definitely the interaction between Vice Captain Iba and THIRD SEAT Ikkaku. I'm astounded that everybody so far thinks Ikkaku is a Vice Captain!!! Hello? Remember a certain pink haired girl who likes to eat Ikkaku's head?

    Ichigo vs Byakuya, again a little disappointing. But at least they show that Ichigo can counter Zenbonsakura with just his normal Zangetsu. I was afraid he has to bring out his Ban Kai just to defeat Byakuya's initial release. That would make Byakuya just plain overpowered.

    Renji was a valiant idiot. The fellow completely disregarded the fact that he needed a Bankai to fight Byakuya's Shikai, and also forgetting about Ban Kai.

    At least this fight establish that both Initial Releases can fight each other.

    So now we have a good stage and showdown of the two Bankais. although I already know what ichigo's bankai is like, I'm still dying to see it go against Byakuya. i think Byakuya has another version of the Bankai where instead of getting more Sakura petals to slice and dice, we get a few hundred swords instead. good Luck Ichigo.

    But seriously, the most disappointing part of the episode was.........

    THEY GAVE YOURUICHI AN UNDERGARMENT!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! NO CLEAVAGE!!!!!!1111[img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/wine.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    This episode was plain bad, all the fights that Bleach set up have been busts. Bucket head ran away. Pretty boy fight was over without showing us his swords real ability. Ikkaku fight is just a plain joke and the two captains vs the old guy took 2eps just for them all to go shikai and prob never be heard of again. I predict that by Yachiru saying that she'll take out all the strong guys means that when Ishida and the gang reach a certain point, bodies will be everywhere without showing how she did it. I also predict next ep will end with Ichigo saying the words ban kai and to be continued showing up on the screen.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  18. #18

    Bleach 57

    Man i think Yourichi was actually even hotter before.... lol yea soi fon=lesi...

  19. #19

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
    Soi Fong is a complete lesbian. [img][/img]
    yeah isnt great too bad they put undergardments under both of their clouse

    I have been waiting for this episode for a long time I wanna see how they are going to animate Byakuyas bankai

    Signature by Lucifus

  20. #20

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: nests
    I have been waiting for this episode for a long time I wanna see how they are going to animate Byakuyas bankai
    didnt he use his bankai in the prevouis ep when he was fighting renji ?!?!

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