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Thread: Bleach 57

  1. #81

    Bleach 57

    well rukia's execution was due to the fact that she gave shinigami powers to a human. It was the fact that her execution date kept being moved up that was a little odd. And ya, Gin coulnd't possibly be doing it by himeself. He doesn't have the power, physical or political to influence such decisions. There has to be someone we haven't encountered yet pulling the strings.

    ......perhaps someone from the noble families?

  2. #82

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: FrogKing
    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    Originally posted by: yapchagi
    By the way, does anyone know if Ichigo ever released his shikai?
    Where the fuck have you been the past...37 episodes??

    hahahahahahahahaha exactly!

    Well ... Just to answer your question, Ichigo's soulslayer is ALWAYS in it's shikai form. I think that was mentioned a long time ago, but I'd go and look back on some episodes. Ya probbaly just misread/missed it all entierly.

  3. #83
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Ichigo released his Shikai when he fought Urahara, Yoruichi then explained later that Zangetsu once released was a full time Shikai.

    This sig was made by KitKat.

  4. #84
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Some shit in this thread is getting WAY to close to spoiler territory.

    Stfu manga people.

  5. #85
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    it would be too obvious if gin was the villian in all this....

    he has to be guilty of SOMETHING.....because his image has been built up too much as a deviant for him not to be.....
    but I don't think he killed aizen, and I don't think he's the one who arranged rukia's execution
    Yeah. But it's hard to predict, because our image is just based on how much screen time has been given to him (and the other characters he was being evil towards). If he had been given significantly less time on screen, he would be more mysterious, and a more likely character to be the one pulling all the strings, perhaps. But since we are talking about anime, devious plot twists are a good bet, like you said.

  6. #86

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Some shit in this thread is getting WAY to close to spoiler territory.

    Stfu manga people.
    Nothing is being spoiled, stop being paranoid

  7. #87

    Bleach 57

    I cant wait for Ichigo bankai but i still enjoyed this ep very much. The short and sweet flashback of soi fong and yourichi and the comedy with the baldy and the vice cap. The ending with Ichigo showing Bakuya that he isnt as week as before.

    I would give this ep A++much better than ep 56.

  8. #88

    Bleach 57

    To Yapchagi, I'll be nice.

    Zangetsu is ALWAYS IN SHIKAI now. The original form is thought to be lost forever, first because Byakuya broke it in two. Then Urahara chopped what's left of it right down to the hilt.

    So from then on, Zangetsu is always in release form.

  9. #89
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    hmm thanks naruto22 do u just ignore kensee and shuurai's posts?
    as for the theory of a noble family being involved, that makes perfect sense to me because very few people would have the political power to push rukia's excution up so much, and it seems byakuya is extremely eagar to kill rukia as we say he said he'd kill her with his own hands...i say the kukichi family is involved.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  10. #90

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    hmm thanks naruto22 do u just ignore kensee and shuurai's posts?
    as for the theory of a noble family being involved, that makes perfect sense to me because very few people would have the political power to push rukia's excution up so much, and it seems byakuya is extremely eagar to kill rukia as we say he said he'd kill her with his own hands...i say the kukichi family is involved.
    I think he did =( ::feels sad:: Umm, yeah I didn't get the reason why the execution was being pushed up soo much (I mean I can understand once, but that date was pushed up like 5 times). How many different royal familes do we know of so far?

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Some shit in this thread is getting WAY to close to spoiler territory.

    Stfu manga people.
    Haha I notice some of the stuff thats hinting at future events (and for once I'm not hinting anything o.O) but MOSTLY people are just making others think about stuff ahead of time.

    Edit: No need to be Rude (pun intended, sorry I just had to do that ^^) haha.

    I too would like to see Hits and Gin go at it again, maybe an all out fight this time with Gin doing Bankai (though I can't say his bankai would be intersting ... I figured he'd be like that lutenient (omg I'm so horrible with names) and his bankai will just be a beast/longer extention of his shikai) ... like a really really long sword that extends an un godly amount.

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    OMg there it is O.o!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P.

    Anyhow getting back on topic ... the previews of next episode shows Ichigo with cuts and blood all over his body, I'm gonna assume bayaka is getting serious (seeing how his glove and hand got cut up).

  11. #91

    Bleach 57

    whoa.. crazy sword that guy has!!

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    How many different royal familes do we know of so far?
    Three, as far as I can tell. Kuchiki (Byakuya's), Shihouin (Yoroichi's), and Shiba (Kukaku, Kaien, and Ganju's).

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  13. #93

    Bleach 57

    If we're talking about political families pushing towards something malevolent, in continuously advancing Rukia's execution up .. all I can think of is, "Why?"

    If a family within a high position of power wanted her killed so badly, they could have done it themselves or with one of their grunts and simply covered it up. So, while I agree that people of power are involved, it's much bigger than killing Rukia. Byakuya and Renji could have done that when they apprehended her, and passed it off as self-defense. "She fought back, Yamamoto-sama. We had to use force to bring her down."

    What I'm lost on, is why did Ukitake and Kyouraku (love this guy ..) feel it was so important to seal that executioner's halberd?

  14. #94
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    @ Strider: I felt that Ukitake and Kyouraku didn't really know that about the supposed plot to steal the halbred's power (the plot Aizen wrote down, supposedly, to Hinamori in that letter) but were just trying to stop the execution because they felt something was amiss, or that the execution was not justified. From what I saw from them they were just morally opposed to it, and quite strongly too....

    I don't think Hitsugaya or anyone informed them about the plot... but we still have to wait and see...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #95

    Bleach 57

    I completely forgot about Aizen's letter to Hinamori.

    Although, I believe the only ones who know about it are Hitsugaya, Matsumoto and the people who were around when she was screaming about it.

    And, speaking of them .. where the hell are they during all of this? Considering how Gin was fucking with Rukia along the walkway, I would have expected him to be the first person there, smiling in her face at the time of her death.

  16. #96
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: Strider
    And, speaking of them .. where the hell are they during all of this? Considering how Gin was fucking with Rukia along the walkway, I would have expected him to be the first person there, smiling in her face at the time of her death.
    I think Gin predicted Rukia is going to be saved, or at least there is going to be an attempt to save her, and that would invariably result in fighting amongst the captains. Thus, Gin is most likely somewhere else either simply monitoring the situation, preparing for his own part, or further plotting and manipulating yet more people to join the fray.

  17. #97

    Bleach 57

    Gin staying away from the action is troubling who knows what the bastard is doing right now.

  18. #98

    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: Strider
    If we're talking about political families pushing towards something malevolent, in continuously advancing Rukia's execution up .. all I can think of is, "Why?"

    If a family within a high position of power wanted her killed so badly, they could have done it themselves or with one of their grunts and simply covered it up. So, while I agree that people of power are involved, it's much bigger than killing Rukia. Byakuya and Renji could have done that when they apprehended her, and passed it off as self-defense. "She fought back, Yamamoto-sama. We had to use force to bring her down."

    What I'm lost on, is why did Ukitake and Kyouraku (love this guy ..) feel it was so important to seal that executioner's halberd?

    Well im sure they're not out to kill her for simple revenge, or because she broke some rule. Its most likely the first step in a bigger plan, a plan which is yet to be revealed.

  19. #99
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 57

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Gin staying away from the action is troubling who knows what the bastard is doing right now.
    He's playing world of warcraft [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] That's why he hasn't seen the light of day in some time.

  20. #100

    Bleach 57

    Speaking of the Hit/Gin fight, is Gin's Lt. still alive? I remember he got caught up in Hitsugaya's Ice Dragon attack. But I couldn't tell if he survived it.

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