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Thread: If You had a Soul Cutter...

  1. #101
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    If You had a Soul Cutter..

    Originally posted by: Master_Shikamaru
    WOW I never Even thought about the power of a jellybean wizard with an umbrella untill I saw this.. ABSOLUTELY SURPERBE! Woah is the owner of my ham Bankai or Even the Drive the nail throgh the tounge bankai if they were to come face to face with the awsome power of your falling rock with jellybean wizard umbrella bankai........For I would surley loose
    It's CLEARLY a lima bean you ass-hat! =p

    that lima bean... its so cool o.O, i mean its probally like those dwarfs on WoW where there super hard to select and all evil and stuff -.-"

    /.\/0t3 : i never actually played WoW before though my friend said that dwarfs are gay and super hard to select to attack lol

  2. #102

    If You had a Soul Cutter..

    Pfft, not overpowered at ALL.

    And theeeeen, my sword makes everyone really slow and weaker than me cause it makes me really strong and then I'm stronger than them and they are weak and then they're slow cause my sword does that lol then they're all slow and I'm faster too cause my sword does that too and then they all die cause my sword does that TOO lolooolol and then the ladies all come out and are awed by the phalic nature of my sword cause it DEFINATELY does that too.


  3. #103
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If You had a Soul Cutter..

    Zanpakutou name - Hikari
    normal form
    all white sakabatou, from the sheath to the handle, no handguard
    release phrase - kagayake hikari (while the sword is sheathed) can only be done during actual battle
    all crimson sakabatou, from sheath to the handle, no handguard
    cannot be drawn from the sheath
    no abilities, must maintain shikai for 69 seconds as a prerequisite before entering bankai
    all black katana, from sheath to handle, except blade, no handguard
    activation - sword is pulled out, revealing a blood red blade with the proper katana edge
    user is possessed by the zanpakutou, changing the users former appearance and becoming an invincible black demon (still normal humanoid size and shape though) with glowing red eyes and omnipotent power and speed. Only one ability, to control energy (any energy) and gravity anyway he pleases, which includes being able to create blackholes anywhere at will and basically destroy anything he wishes. (basically undefeatable)

    The point of this zanpakutou is, though undefeatable and ultimate in nature, it requires a user of incredible ability in order to survive the 69 seconds of battle without a sword nor any enhanced abilities during the shikai phase against maybe even a bankai wielding opponent.

    The name is an irony, hikari being light, when the sword itself is capable of nothing but destruction. And yet, it fits well since the sword itself is absolutely useless for killing unless required to release its full potential.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #104

    If You had a Soul Cutter..

    Eh shinta.... You like that # 69 huh? I wonder why.... Anyways here's mine:

    Zanpakutou - No name for it, but it looks like a regular Zanpakutou except the blade is an orange-redish color. Fire-type.

    Shikai - The whole sword has a red-orange glow to it symbolizing how hot the blade is. Anything that touches any part of the Zanpakutou, from the handle to the tip of the blade suffers an incredible burn. Only those that the Zanpakutou trusts will not burn. The Zanpakutou can cut through anything as it will melt/burn anything it touches. Even if it doesn't touch anything, being close enough you will start to feel the burn. The counter for this is to basically dodge it.

    Bankai - The Zankpakutou and the I both have red-orange flames surrounding us. In a few seconds after releasing Bankai, the flames then become blue and become larger. A blue shadow of an enormous dragon then forms behind me. At this point, my speed and power increases tremendously. Still has the same traits as the Shikai. If I should get cut, my wounds heal as fast as a dragon or at least in just a few seconds. (which is amazingly fast). My ultimate move would translate to "Dragon's breath, scorch them [Name of SS]" which the Zanpakutou shoots out a flame at the target which engulfs them. No one has ever survived the burning heat. The counter for this Bankai is to kill me in one blow. If not my wounds will heal quickly.

    Similar to Zaraki Kenpachi, I search for an opponent who will make me release my Bankai and can kill me in one blow. I have fought a few who have made me release Bankai, but when I let them kill me, they aren't strong enough so I kill them.

  5. #105

    Smile zanpakto

    my zanpakto would be named "Mortem", its shikai would be a very long black blade and smal surounded by a dark resatu. the bankai would be a black dragon with zilverlike eyes. the sumoning is "darkness and dooming to kill".

  6. #106
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Zanpakutou name: Piasaa-Piercer, when sealed it is a standard Katana only with a curved spike at the bottom of the hilt. When released it grows in size becoming as tall and becomes rather broad. It has a total of 11 spikes attached to it. The first one is cut in half and attached to the guard. The rest is pointing up.

    Unsealing incantation for your Zanpaktou: Sundan! Piasaa-Cut to Pieces! Piercer

    Zanpakutou Abilities:

    Tairoyousatsujin- Mass Murder. The spikes of Piasaa shoot away and rip a hole to another dimension which they disappear in. They can reappear on command and are always in motion. They fly around using my Reiatsu. After they cut something they enter the other dimension again untill they attack again. A split second before they hit the target they appear.
    Chigatana Ame- Bloody Sword Rain. I shoot out all of the spike and let them rain down upon the enemy. And each time the hit the ground they enter they enter the dimension again and open a hole above the enemy to come raining down upon. All spikes do the same.

    Bankai- ( WIll do later)

  7. #107

  8. #108
    hmm...i guess mine would have fire as its main power.....the bankai would be a fire of 10 dragons each has unique ability(almost like flame of recca).......

  9. #109

    Thumbs down Zanpakutou - Sarasu

    Mine Zanpakutou would be called Sarasu....

    It would be...A Midnight Blue Sheath and Black handle with blue lines around the handle....

    The Blade would be Midnight Blue Down the Edges of the Blade and in the middle it would be silver with Black Kenji Written on the Bottom of the Blade and it would say "Shadow"


    Be able to cut through dimensions, Black Fire around the blade that can Incinerate all it touches, but it takes a lot of soul power to use it, Also the Blade would split into two so there would turn into a sythe/sword....

    That is mine...

  10. #110
    my zanpakutou would be called ancient.....(because it is the first and ultimate zanpakutou ever made from my reatsu...i guess)

    it would be....a greatsword type with red-black blade and white handle....

    shikai:when i release my zanpakutou black flames surround me for a few seconds making me invincible for that short but precious time....the sword itself is all the time surrounded by these flames making it impossible to break...but not only that...these flames resemble death and on my command i can shoot them towards my enemies and kill them in one hit...

    bankai:a red armor appears as black flames continue to exist not only arround the sword but around me as well as long as i am on bankai state...furthermore my eyes turn black as well...whichs makes me bersek and my strengh and speed goes up by a thousand times...the blade itself remains as in shikai but has the ability to cancel any way of the demon magic...

    that's mine zanpakutou...(if only it was real...)

  11. #111

  12. #112
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Standard form: regular zanpakuto

    name: joseph stalin
    type: elemental -- ice

    release command: oobivai vsech, stalin! (its russian if anyone else wants to translate it =P)
    shikai: the hilt of my sword becomes covered with beaver fur and a red star. I can change the weather and make it snow at my will, and it will be similar to rukia's shikai, where i can freeze things at will. also, the temperature in a mile-radius becomes very cold. A container of vodka also appears in my pocket.

    bankai: The red army is summoned with icicle swords/ice bows + ice arrows, destroys everything in its path.

    bankai signature move: (like byakuya could do those like sword things surrounding the enemy)
    A huge atomic bomb appears and destroys everything besides me.
    Last edited by Mizuchi; Sat, 03-17-2007 at 07:30 PM.

  13. #113
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    My sword would be called Terramaru.

    During the shikai it will transform into a female pleasure slave.

    During the bankai it will transform into a male plea- ehm I mean superwarrior capable of killing everything in one hit.

  14. #114
    I think this zanpaktou is what most people on the internet would have.

    Its main ability would be to enhance the angst in the user. It will be dark and brooding, being made like that by spending too much time on the soul slayer equivalent of the internet, being devoid of real life friends and living of Micky D and the like.

    In normal form it would look like any other soul slayer, except that its edge would be blunt due to not keeping itself in shape. It would also have pimple like abberations on the blade. Legend has it that the soul slayer would attain full maturity if it manages to get rid of these pimples. This would be it's spiritual bond with the user, as both would spend time training to get rid of pimples.

    Shikai: The first release! This is where the zanpaktou becomes slightly more bloated and get covered in a layer of grease. Starts to get emo. Has numerous attacks, amongst them being the "Bitching Rage" where it basically trys to drive the opponent nuts by bitching and going on about how it hates everything in the world. Then there is the "Angst Attack", where it goes berserk against an opponent, as it views him/her as too mainstream and thus somehow being responsible for it being a loner. Encourages the opponents zanpaktou to become a rebel.

    Bankai: Having trouble thinking of something that would top the Shikai. Any ideas people? Feel free to suggest a name for the zanpaktou as well.

  15. #115
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter

    Bankai: Having trouble thinking of something that would top the Shikai. Any ideas people? Feel free to suggest a name for the zanpaktou as well.
    forces the user to cut himself to release the pain.

  16. #116
    My soul cutter would be called.....SEXY MAKER!

    And it would turn into Scissors so I could cut peoples hair and make them look either good or bad depending on my mood.

    And my Bankai.....would turn into a make-up kit! And then I would do their make-up as I saw fit.

    OH yeah, the make up can be poison if I want it to.

    Sounds kinda gay huh?

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  17. #117
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    another special bankai power of my zanpakuto would be to spread communism throughout the world. =)

  18. #118
    My sword name its self would be poo

    my shikai would be called poo pee...

    my bankai would be called poo stick (then when i hit u u sue me for sexual harrasement)

  19. #119
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by ByakuyaSama
    My sword name its self would be poo

    my shikai would be called poo pee...

    my bankai would be called poo stick (then when i hit u u sue me for sexual harrasement)
    wow. this has got to be one of the shittiest (literally) first posts I've ever seen in my life. I mean, sweet good lord in heaven I'm not sure whether to laugh or give you your first verbal warning... I mean...

    Hollow: RRRARGHHH!!

    Noob: BANKAI!!! Poo Stick

    Your genius was so inspiring that I drew a fanart, for you. Fap to it at night.

    You totally pooped on that Hollow with your awesome "soul cutter"! Congratulations!

    On a more sorta on topic note, I looked back at my Abbadon Zanpaktou on the first page of this thread, and man is that thing wicked! Sorta cheesy writing, I know, that's how I do. But I got to thinking that that sword really doesn't describe me. In awed inspiration from the great Byakuya-sama here, I've got the passion to make a Zanpaktou design that, like his, truly reflects the essence of my spirit...

    but seriously, what's your deal? I mean, that avatar is kickass... that is a so not accurate representation of you.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #120
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    My soul cutter would be called.....SEXY MAKER!

    And it would turn into Scissors so I could cut peoples hair and make them look either good or bad depending on my mood.

    And my Bankai.....would turn into a make-up kit! And then I would do their make-up as I saw fit.

    OH yeah, the make up can be poison if I want it to.

    Sounds kinda gay huh?

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