i knew about the coming of this character because some loud mouth ass, who is thankfully no longer with us, blurbed it out many times. now i know lots of manage readers were also anticipating his anime debut........ but i was totally underwhealmed by this guy.
he seamed totally lacklustre, he only featured in a few eps, his background didnt interest me that much. his moves were underplayed in his fight against lee (whom lee was the main attraction and his drunken style) and gaara (who totally dominated kimmi). the fight against naruto was short and terrible in design anyway so i have no love for that.
i just felt he was a totally forgetable character (along with all the sound 5, they just show up one episode after featuring for a few seconds previoulsy in the battle of konoha, then were decimated as fast as they showed up by the sand genins).