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Thread: Guilty Gear

  1. #1

    Guilty Gear


    1) Here's the thread for anyone to profess their love for any one of the games or the entire series. Things related to the series (i.e. story, music, characters) are also welcome to be discussed. You may choose to compare it to another fighting game or something ONLY if you give specific examples; I HATE GENERALIZATIONS. This is due in part to my lack of knowledge on [insert fighting game title].

    2) Please don't ask ME questions about gameplay; that's what the dustloop and romancancel forums are for. The only exception I'll make is for Faust, cuz he's my alterego. Even then, I'll try my best to answer, because I'm still not as good a player as I want to be.


  2. #2
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I don't love the game as much as I love the characters.

    Baiken has to be the best female character ever in a fighting game. And Bridget, one of the most disturbing ones ever. Especially when he "shakes it" to his theme song. Faust is also pretty damn fucked up, but cool nonetheless and his gentle side is very cute. Another of my favorites would be Venom, but nothing can really beat his master; ZATO-1. It's all about the voice, baby.

    ... Scary, yes?
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I started with GGXX and bought Isuka the day it came out. Guilty Gear is probably one of my favorite fighting games of all time. Great characters, awesome dialouge, and even better VO's. The stories can be a little weak at times, but with these characters, who cares?

    I've never been too big on roman cancels. Or the rest of the super techincal fighting. I've always been just as happy with instant kills and filling up the tension bar as fast as possible, using Bursts when I needed to. That's the other reason I love GG. You can play super techincal, but you really don't need to, meaning your friends can jump in and still have a blast with the minimal 2D fighting experience.

    As for who are my favorites, Dizzy, Jam and Millia. Totally different playstyles for all three, but I always have fun with them. Gamma Ray's are great, but there are few things that can beat a LONG juggle from Jam. I've thrown in May from time to time, just because she sounds so cute. I wish I could use I-No as well as my friends, because nothing beats a foul-mouthed metal chick witch in a fighting game, especially when Kikuko Inoue is voicing her. I'll guess I'll be happy enough with Jam's terrible Chinese accent.

    I cannot stand Zato-1/Eddie or Venom. It's really just those two.

    My favorite line:

    May: You... you're bald! Bald aren't you!
    Faust: Hello?
    May: I'm sorry, I hate baldness!

  4. #4

    Guilty Gear

    Hahahah, very nice; yeah that was one of my favorite dialogues, too.

    But come now, no love for Eddie nor Venom?

    I smell homophobia.


  5. #5
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I consider myself a die-hard GG fan. I love all about the series, the story, characters, music (heavy metal!) and mechanics. My favorite character is Testament, few things in this world give me such a satisfying feeling as when people fall into my traps and I dash forward to execute any given combo. The voice work in this series is of course also outstanding. I can really go on and talk about how great these games are for all eternity but I don't know where to begin [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    I was in a swedish "local tournament" once, about 30 players in it - and I won. :S
    Sure, Sweden isn't known for the great fighting game players inhabiting the country but it still felt great.

    Overall I've always been a huge fan of 2D fighters, starting early with Street Fighter, then later on fell into the world of SNK - King of Fighters, Last Blade, Samurai Shodown etc - and then found GG, realizing that it's the ultimate fusion of all things I adore in fighters. I hate people who think that 3D fighters are deeper than 2D ones just because you can fucking side-step or something. I want to kill people like that with a mallet.

  6. #6

    Guilty Gear

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Overall I've always been a huge fan of 2D fighters, starting early with Street Fighter, then later on fell into the world of SNK - King of Fighters, Last Blade, Samurai Shodown etc - and then found GG, realizing that it's the ultimate fusion of all things I adore in fighters. I hate people who think that 3D fighters are deeper than 2D ones just because you can fucking side-step or something. I want to kill people like that with a mallet.
    [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] what about marvel vs capcom

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    MvC rules too... I think that MvC2 is the fighting game I've spent most time with after GGXX [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I bought GGXX #Reload for XBox and I love it. Problem is, I always have trouble adjusting to the PS2 controllers whenever I fight anyone else [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    My best (and favorite) character is Chipp. I love fast characters in fighting games though, so I naturally picked him. I love that feeling of zipping around, teleporting, and attacking before the other guy knows what's what (only problem is Chipp does CRAP damage). So yeah, I have tons of fun playing around with him. I'm considerably good, but not a hardcore player. I also like Baiken. Like Nai said, I think she's one of the better female characters I've ever seen. I also love her voice and just think samurai's are cool.

    Music is awesome. Favorite track is "Suck a Sage". I always play better when I'm listening to that song...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I hate Venom because I've always found him awkward to use, and since the first time I ever played through the game was with Millia, the personality hatred towards Venom just sorta trickled down. Some of the same is probably true with Eddie. The story mode just makes me hate their personalities totally, pretty much all because I picked Millia first.

    I've never played Zato-1 though, because I started with GGXX, where he's turned fully into Eddie. All he does now is scream how he needs a body and scream incoherently the rest of the time.

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I kinda like Eddie 'cause he reminds me of Gaara. It's also fun to hear him yell "SHARK!"

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #11
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I miss Zato. He was a really cool character, in the tragic way. And his voice was amazing. Of course Koyasu Takehito does a great job with Eddie but Zato really hit the spot. It was pretty cool, and sad, how they tied Zato/Eddie together with the death of Zato's voice actor. I love playing the Guilty Gear songs on drums. I have a dream to one day get together a GG cover band, which would put vocals on the songs (and do a hell of a lot better work with it than those other people who attempted it).

  12. #12

    Guilty Gear

    That being said, I wonder if the original Zato-1 VA would still be doing Faust or Potemkin(?), like he was during GGOne.

    Oh yes, Terra, if you have money to burn, I'd recommend you get the Guilty Gear Sound Complete Collection. It contains the OSTs from GGOne to GGIsuka, as well as some remixes of GGOne tracks and new GGSlash tracks. As an added bonus, it comes with written scores for some of the pieces and a pretty collectors' box.


  13. #13
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    That sounds amazingly interesting, any pointers on where I can find it?

  14. #14

    Guilty Gear

    Look here:

    (I preordered mine off of yesasia, but I heard above site is good, too)

    (some images)

    (the whole tracklist for the entire collection)

    Word of warning: it is in extremely limited quantities.


  15. #15

    Guilty Gear

    Yeah, I am in love with this fighting series. My favorite character has to be Chipp Zanuff because he is a ninja (yeah, ninjas pretty much kick everything's ass) and while he does not do as much damage I can rack up the combos with him although I also like to use Slayer because he is a pretty cool looking character. And I would have to say my favorite song in the series has to be Slayer's: "Haven't You Got Eyes in Your Head?" It is a perfect mix of jazz and metal and fits perfectly with Slayer. I currently have GGX2: Reload for the Xbox (I know there is more, but I am too lazy to look). The only problem is the S-controller has the crappiest D-pad ever because it has terrible detection of where you are pressing on it so I have to use the original Xbox controller.

  16. #16
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    DIZZY, she owns. wish they would make an anime or movie about this

    ty psj for this sig

  17. #17

    Guilty Gear

    That would be nice.

    Till then, we've still got the next canon sequel before anything gets possibly decided upon.

    My advice? Just watch the Extra trailer included in XX or #R.


  18. #18

    Guilty Gear

    Yeah, that is pretty entertaining except that Chipp gets practically no airtime (at least Faust gets to launch like a 1000 scalpels before his 2 seconds are up, all Chipp does is kill one guy and say, "Guess who's quicker?")

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    I'm pretty sure I've seen more GG material. Not sure if it's "canon" story or not, but I recall seeing stuff like doujins and audio dramas and the like. Will have to look up on that.

    But yeah, an anime would rule. Except most anime based on games suck.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  20. #20
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Guilty Gear

    That anime clip has the worst dub ever, featuring an australian Testament and a Ky who sounds like he has a stick up random parts of his body "Ride... the.... liiiiight...ning!"

    "You should know that seclusion is not happiness!"

    *shivers in fear*

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