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Thread: Rozen Maiden: Träumend

  1. #1

    Rozen Maiden: Träumend

    Finally released, by some random group that I haven't checked out yet...

    Discussion thread for the first Rozen Maiden series can be found here:;enterthread=y

    And episode can be found here:
    and in #ayu @ on Ayu[Zenfusion],rozen_maiden__t.html

    Hopefully it's good...

  2. #2

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    The fact that nobody replied or seems to be watching RMT is an injustice.

    I've been watching the raws and subs for it, and I'm freaking loving every moment of it.

    Check it out, people.

  3. #3

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    I browsed through the first episode, but the group that released it didn't do it for me... I'm waiting for someone else to pick it up right now...

  4. #4

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    I browsed through the first episode, but the group that released it didn't do it for me... I'm waiting for someone else to pick it up right now...

    Yeah I'm waiting for another group to sub it. Conclave said they're going to though.


    by Kagari
    October 30th, 2005 at 11:56 am

    Well be releasing Rozen in its widescreen format, which isnt airing until next week, so please wait until then.

    Quote found at:

  5. #5

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Chachamaru fansubs aren't that great, but it was still better than nothing. They are slowly improving though. I think you should give it a another shot, Budweineken.

    I prefer Ayu to do RMT... Not Conclaive.

  6. #6

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Chachamaru had to release 4 versions of their second episode... I think I'll skip them for now...

  7. #7

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Yeah, I don't really get why they're doing that.. Guess they're really analytical about subs or are doing something wrong with the audio/videos each iteration.

    Still, if you're an RM fan, I think settling for the chachamaru subs until a more preferred group like Ayu and/or Conclaive subs it is far better than watching raws and trying to figure out what they're saying.

    I'm an impatient guy, and a huge RM fan, so I just get them as they come out. Even the raws.

  8. #8

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

  9. #9

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Those are MUCH better subs. Thanks @ ADTRW.

    Still wish the teams would hurry up with the rest of the series.

  10. #10

  11. #11

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Anybody can reccomend me to the best subber?

  12. #12

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    AnimeLito has the better quality and sub than the other groups right now.

  13. #13

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    I loved the original show, and so far RMT, even though it's only gone to 6 episodes so far, has my undivided attention for the rest of the series.

    Introducing the new doll of Kanaria, who is of the same make as Hina Ichigo, was a bit disappointing. Of all the dolls, she's one of the plainest of the bunch really, and a complete idiot. Seeing Hina Ichigo's assistant spirit, Berry Bell, for the first time pointed out something to me. Not all the spirits act the same, and they even have personalities. Seeing Sugin Tou back is a great relief, but what confused me is how Otou-sama was able to get her, she was in Jun's dream world, not only that, but she didn't have a box. Also does that mean he gave her a torso? Her deathwish medium also gives me the creeps, even though she seems peaceful, the stare is just too cold.

    I have to admit, I was nearly pissing my pants when Barasuishou actually showed emotion, especially that sinister smile. She's gonna be a tough one.

    I plan on getting the HQ widescreens later, but for now, AnimeLito will be providing me with my fix.

  14. #14

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Word. I'm very pleased that Suigintou made a comeback in the series. This puts the series on a new level of badass-ness.

    And I think each dream world is connected, via that giant tree you saw in one of the episodes in season 1. So, technically, the father could go into Juns dream as such. Save the fact that he is the Rozen Maiden creator and his powers probably exceed any dolls so far. That includes Suiseiseki and Souseisekis powers to pry open any dream portal.

  15. #15

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    That's another thing that bugs me. Rozen created those dolls in the victorian era, and sold to rich and prestigious families. Unless he was immortal, he can't possibly be alive. Then who is this man in the back of the shop making male dolls with the same type of hair? An offspring? A maestro (like Jun)?

    Now is Barasuishou's medium the guy who runs the store, or is he the rabbit, or both? Its very confusing. I can't wait until they sub the next ep.

  16. #16

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    I don't think the father is that bug in the back of the shop. Maybe a descendent? But not the actual father from way back.

    Patience, my friend. All will be revealed.

    Btw, it's no good to look at the manga, since it goes in a different way than the anime.

  17. #17

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Well episode 7 is downloaded and watched, and wow. That guy must be one ACCURATE descendant, considering he wound that new doll up the same way Rozen did with Shinku, and the doll acted the same way.

    Shinku in an apron, trying to bake, I don't know whether to laugh or run. Either way it was the same result. I know she doesn't want to fight anymore, then what's her purpose now? What does she want to do? If she's trying to turn into a wife for Jun, I'd LLAMA myself all the way to the hospital.

    We get to see Kanaria's magical item, her violent violin, and she does have quite a few tricks up her sleeve. Many more than I would have thought. She's still a complete ditz. I think her medium is even scarier than DeathWish Girl. Talk about a mood swing, hell that's not even a mood swing that's an entirely different personality.

    The last part of the show... ladies and gentlemen... I give you... doll fanservice! What thought could never be done has been with this series. Quite honestly, seeing Shinku in something other than red kind of scares me. Of course it would be cute if she was stuffed into a Digiko outfit, but no, Hina Ichigo got the cat paws and ears. Suseiseki's outfit I think was the best of the bunch, with Souseiseki in a close second if she had just tried to enjoy it more.

    And in the very last minute of the show, Souseiseki sees a silhouette in the mirror. By the rules of the Alice Game, only the winner gets to see Rozen again. Why would he appear to Souseiseki? *thinks back to last series* oh yeah, she fell into a few traps then too. SOUSEISEKI! IT'S A TRAP! DON'T GO!

    Tch, its useless.

    Anyway, now for the questions this episode brought up. Why was Jun and Tomoe allowed to see this Rozen-type dude start up this doll? How does it fit in with the plan? Why does SuuginTou always return to her medium's window? What is it that Shinku has realized about herself? And the two most important questions: Will she ever learn how to cook? Will Kanaria melt from the friction that her medium always gives her?

    Tune in next week, where we probably won't answer any of these questions and bring up even more.

  18. #18

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    Sorry for the double post, but I think this is worthy of its own reply.

    This show is based on details, and a lot of them, from the food, to the text on a computer screen. You can even tell that the books that Shinku reads is written in German. That being said, I took a look at all 7 episodes of Traumund again, and have come up with an astonishing conclusion!: The Enju Shop's attendant is a doll.

    If you examine him closely on his back you will see a hole in his clothing, around the small of his back, right above the apron ties. This wasn't just a one-episode thing either. It's there in every episode that shows his back, even for a glimpse. Also, if you notice, he never shows his back to customers unless he has his hands behind it.

    Enju/Rozen/Whoeverthehellthatguyis must have made him to manage the shop while he works. This is getting really weird.

  19. #19

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    About Souseiseki (spoilers below)

    Souseiseki declares an Alice Game against Suiseiseki, and after the fight is over, Suigintou steals the Rosa Mystica from Souseiseki in order to cure Megu.

  20. #20

    Rozen Maiden - Traumend

    God, break out the tissues. Episode 9 is like... a heartwrencher. Why is it that Souseiseki had to be so stubborn, and not act for the people right in front of her eyes, instead of someone that is obviously dead and threw her out like trash?

    Poor Suiseiseki, I feel for her. Her character is more passionate than the others, developed from that prankster that we saw in the first series.

    Did Suugintou always have the power to make that kind of N-Field? It's creepy.

    Looking at the previews, I'll need a box of tissues. Hina Ichigo is going back to Tomoe, and she's suffering. Is her spring winding down? Is she broken? Has she relinquished her bond with Shinku? All this and more....

    GAH! Please don't tell me I have to wait until January 12th for the next one!

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