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Thread: The top 100 best games ever

  1. #41
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    to be completely honest, the RPG i enjoyed the most, was grandia 2.
    It made such a big impact and i can play it again over and over again.

    Im not saying its the greatest rpg ever, cause i don't believe in 1 title in the genre being supreme over all others, but grandia 2 gave me the best experience.

  2. #42
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    baldur's gate is good too imho.

    even though I liked ff8 very much (mostly because of the cutscenes... when balamb garden fought the galbadia one... this was soooooooo cool back then (and today).. with those flying motercycles and the very very nice music.

    I'll never forget you guys, peace!

    FF8 did really get me, because towards the end it got somehow scary and mind-fucking.

  3. #43
    FF8 definitely had some of the best FMVs of all Final Fantasy games, and possibly all games ever made. However, the top FMV for me is still the firing of Midgar cannon in FF7. It just has so much sentimental value for me as a gamer.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Fri, 06-20-2008 at 09:06 PM.

  4. #44
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    FF8 definitely had some of the best FMVs of all Final Fantasy games, and possibly all games ever made. However, the top FMV for me is still the firing of Midgar cannon in FF7. It just has so much sentimental value for me as a gamer.
    If you want sentimental fmvs on FF7 i think 1 in particular comes to mind...

    It's probably the biggest spoiler in the history of video games as well as the most known

  5. #45
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Oh plz, aerith death is so overrated, it was a nice point in the story, but nothing more then that.
    its funny how everyone that loves ff7 to death, has to use that scene as an argument.

  6. #46
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I never really played a lot of RPGs....but Chrono Trigger was the one that never got old for me.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #47
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Speaking of the FF7 always using Aerith's death as an example of how great it is, Chrono Trigger has something similar that no one seems to remember. Or ever alludes to.

    Seeing that on the FF Chronicles Disc in full anime-style FMV stands above Aerith's death in my opinion. Sure it's not the same, but it makes that particular character way more of a badass.

  8. #48

  9. #49
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    I never played the Chrono Trigger version from FF Chronicles but I think you're talking about Crono himself right? When he sacrificed himself to stop Lavos?
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  10. #50
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    @Darkshadow, Grandia 2 rocked man, though it was way too easy. But yeah, it's definitely one of my top RPGs because it had awesome music that just kept you excited. Like, you wish you could just fight non-stop because the music owns. But that's just one of the reasons... The story was sort of typical, but the characters made the story that much better.

    And for the record... I HATE FF8. Hate as in, I think it sucks. I don't know how some people believe it's the best FF game.

  11. #51
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Oh plz, aerith death is so overrated, it was a nice point in the story, but nothing more then that.
    its funny how everyone that loves ff7 to death, has to use that scene as an argument.
    I'm not sure on that one but... isn't it normal for the heroine to die in the older FFs?

    My cousin who told me about FF8 did tell me that :/, but I don't know if its true since I havn't played FF1-6

    @ Idealistic... hmmm why's that? the story is pretty neat and the atmosphere gets very thrilling
    It starts to get really good when you fight Edea for the first time... but even before that.. Dollet Landing, that "Train-event" where you had to capture the president of galbadia (?) and so on.

    I enjoyed every single chapter.. especially the Garden Fight, which was truely awesome back then... I've never seen something like this before in other games ^^

    I loved, yes *loved* it when Balamb crashed on the other garden and you were running towards the entrance... in the background all those fights with some soldiers firing a machine gun, another one riding that bike (as in the video above) but gets kicked off by a Seed member... and all those soldiers had Katanas! They were so cool ^^

    here at 3:38], hell I think I'll install this game again.
    It might look a bit funny *now* but back then.. this was pure eye candy! I loved it when they mixed gameplay graphics with video quality cinematics (first time this happened was right after you came out of the hospital @ the beginning ^^)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 06-21-2008 at 09:22 PM.

  12. #52
    FF8 was always near the bottom of my list when it came to ranking them (above 12 and X-2).

    But, seriously for those of you who've never played Xenogears, do it.

  13. #53
    ^ Yes, Xenogears is the best RPG of all time. I don't think any RPG will ever be able to match what Xenogears was able to accomplish. FF7 comes close in my opinion, but Xenogears is simply on another level. Some will argue that Chrono Trigger is the greatest of all time, but I never understood the appeal of that game. I'll admit it's a great game, but it's just not the same as Xenogears.

    I thought FF8 actually had a lot of good design elements. The graphics were very impressive and the main characters were memorable. The atmosphere was also very immersive with the concept of Gardens and whatnot. The biggest letdown was the combat/stats system because it was so easy to abuse (junction Ultima/Haste and limit break every turn).

    The worst Final Fantasies I've played are X-2 and 12. X-2 was just complete garbage. 12 was the definition of "all flash, no substance."

  14. #54
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I'm almost in agreement with BoC on this one, but I have to throw Final Fantasy Tactics into the melee for best rpg ever. It's actually a strategy rpg, but it has all the important rpg elements. The story is fantatic, dark, and if you do the side quests and collect all the treasures and find the hidden locations, their descriptions truly flesh out the kind of world Ivalice really is. Xenogears, beats FFT in magnitude though, without ever sucking at any point. If Xenogears is one, FFT has to be a very close second. It's certainly the best FF game, by far.

  15. #55
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    To me, Xenogears was good, but not as great as I thought it would be. Perhaps I was overwhelmed by the hype before I got to it.

    For Final Fantasy, I thought IX was the worst, although I gave up on XII halfway due to lack of time and more importantly interest. X is my personal favourite, and while X-2 is being disliked by many, I was just more than happy to see Tidus, Yuna, and the rest of the gang back in action again.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    To me, Xenogears was good, but not as great as I thought it would be. Perhaps I was overwhelmed by the hype before I got to it.

    For Final Fantasy, I thought IX was the worst, although I gave up on XII halfway due to lack of time and more importantly interest. X is my personal favourite, and while X-2 is being disliked by many, I was just more than happy to see Tidus, Yuna, and the rest of the gang back in action again.
    Probably because it takes more than one playthrough to truly grasp how deep, immersive and grasping the story of it really is. I must've replayed Xenogears about 5-6 times, just because no other game does a better job at immersing you into it's story.

  17. #57
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Man grandia 2 was so awesome, the music alone was pretty damn good, just listen to this.
    I still remember the first time hearing that song, awesome minotaur mini boss :]

    the only things i disliked about grandia 2 where melfice death(i wanted him in my party dammit >_<) and the final boss cause he was so freaking easy.

    Actually i enjoyed grandia 2,3 and Skies of Arcadia more then any final fantasy.

  18. #58
    Yeah, Skies of Arcadia is near the top of my list too, but the amount of random battles in that game were sooooooooo frustrating and the pacing of combat was pretty sluggish already.

  19. #59
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    The worst Final Fantasies I've played are X-2 and 12. X-2 was just complete garbage. 12 was the definition of "all flash, no substance."
    I agree with you on the first one, FF X-2 was the only final fantasy i never got to finish because i got bored of it, complete waste of my time.

    Final Fantasy 12 wasn't half bad, i did enjoy the new mechanincs they added to the game but it just didn't have that WOW factor that all the other FFs seem to have. Also they should have placed more attention in the villain, Sephiroth, Kuja, etc. made the game 50% better.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Final Fantasy 12 wasn't half bad, i did enjoy the new mechanincs they added to the game but it just didn't have that WOW factor that all the other FFs seem to have. Also they should have placed more attention in the villain, Sephiroth, Kuja, etc. made the game 50% better.
    I thought FF12 was a very shallow game in terms of storyline and characters. Aside from Ashe and Basche, none of the other characters had any real development or back story. In all the old Final Fantasy games, it was the characters that made the games memorable Whenever you try to recall the old games, you always think back to the characters first and foremost. You don't have that in FF12. The characters have no significance whatsoever.

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