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Thread: who is isshin

  1. #21
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    who is isshin

    Isshin couldn't have been 5th because Gin was his VC for a while who got promoted to 3rd Captain. Now Isshin could either have been 3rd or 11th. We can't rule out the 11th yet because if you look at what looks like what is left of a Captain's robe on Isshin in Ch 188, it looks very similar to Kenpachi's with the pattern and tears along the bottom. It's frayed and has black dots along the bottom. 11th would seem to fit his personality the best.

  2. #22

    who is isshin

    I dont understand why people keep making the 11th conection because of some robes. this is not a jigsaw puzzle. It was clearly stated that kenpachi KILLED the previous captain. not 'defeated and banished to earth' but killed.

  3. #23

    who is isshin

    Although I agree with you...

    It would make sense him being the 11th captain... Make people think that you are dead, then sneak out unoticed to Earth and work with Urahara in whatever they are plotting, if indeed they are working together...

  4. #24

    who is isshin

    Or how about for what ever reason Isshin left the 11th squad then who ever was his replacement was killed by kenpachi.

  5. #25
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    who is isshin

    from what i see isshin cant be a number of captains

    11th: zaraki KILLED previous 1
    13th: he was 1 of yamato's first students
    8th: also yamato's first student
    2nd: it was yoruichi than soifon, besides that fighting style doesnt suit isshin
    1st: yamato has always been there
    5th: it seems isshin knew aizen when he was at SS so i'm guessing they were both captains at the
    6th: byakuya has been there longer than isshin left i think
    4th: isshin a medical shiniagmi? my ass
    12th: there were only 2 research development leaders, urahara then...shit i forgot his name. krotchski?

    this would leave 3rd, 7th, 9th and 10th.

    i'm riding on either 3rd or 10th because it seems like the 7th and 9th captain joined together and rose to captain together.

    3rd is possible because we saw that gin was a VC before he was acctually a captain
    10th is possible because we all know hitsuyaga couldn't have been there very long.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  6. #26

    who is isshin

    congratulations. You've repeated exactly what i said like 7 posts ago

  7. #27

    who is isshin

    And some of you are still taking Tousen too seriously.

    I'd figure with the revealing of his loyalties, his credibility would be completely shattered. Besides, Tousen never confirmed that Zaraki killed said previous leader of Squad 11; I think he's simply assuming.


  8. #28

    who is isshin

    I'm sticking with 6th.

    Why? Watch the episode(41) when Ichigo and Byakuya face off on the Bridge. Ukitake says to Byakuya, "Who is that?"

    Byakuya replies, "No relation. At least, not to the man who just flashed through your mind, my senior."

    Thats what leads me to beleive that Isshin was 6th squad captain. Couple it with the fact that Yourichi calls Byakuya "Little Byakuya", and the evidence that Isshin probably left around the same time as Urahara and Yourichi. Also add in that Isshin was probably much younger at the time and might have looked like Ichigo(remember, they are family and looks do pass on with genetics) you can get a strong case for Isshin being 6th squad captain.

    At least thats my theory.

  9. #29

    who is isshin

    Originally posted by: EpyonNext
    I'm sticking with 6th.

    Why? Watch the episode(41) when Ichigo and Byakuya face off on the Bridge. Ukitake says to Byakuya, "Who is that?"

    Byakuya replies, "No relation. At least, not to the man who just flashed through your mind, my senior."

    Thats what leads me to beleive that Isshin was 6th squad captain. Couple it with the fact that Yourichi calls Byakuya "Little Byakuya", and the evidence that Isshin probably left around the same time as Urahara and Yourichi. Also add in that Isshin was probably much younger at the time and might have looked like Ichigo(remember, they are family and looks do pass on with genetics) you can get a strong case for Isshin being 6th squad captain.

    At least thats my theory.
    When Ukitake says to Byakuya "Who is that?" , the image of Kaien (his VC of whom was killed) flashed thru his mind. Hence Byakuya's "No relation. At least, not to the man who just flashed through your mind, my senior."

    Your theory is flawed.

    HOWEVER, Isshin being a captain of the 6th isn't that farfetch simply because Byakuya wasn't the captain of the 6th for that long. He only became the captain of the 6th shortly before Rukia was admitted into the Kuchiki family (forgot which episode this was in).

    Isshin being the captain of the 3rd is the most feasible one because as many have posted earlier, Gin was VC of Aizen. So if Isshin left, Gin wouldn't pass up the chance to take the captain seat nor would Aizen wants him to pass up the captain seat since they are working together. Captains have that much MORE power in politics.

    Isshin being the captain of the 10th would work as well since we know Hinmori joined before Hitsugaya during flashbacks. Therefore Hitsugaya, like ChaosKiddo have said, couldn't have been there very long.

  10. #30

    who is isshin

    So its either squad 10, 6 or 3. We all agree that its unlikely to be Tousen's or that Fox guy's squad, since they both persumably became captains around the same time. And for it the be the 11th squad, isshin would have to be super old, becase he would need to be the captain before the previous 11th captain.

    How about we have a wager. Everyone place thier bets, and when we finally find out, the winner[s] gets a prize....say, a custom title?

    that is if terra/krb agree to it. What do you say guys?

  11. #31

    who is isshin

    Originally posted by: bagandscalpel
    And some of you are still taking Tousen too seriously.

    I'd figure with the revealing of his loyalties, his credibility would be completely shattered. Besides, Tousen never confirmed that Zaraki killed said previous leader of Squad 11; I think he's simply assuming.
    No, Kenpachi did kill the previous captain, Tousen is speaking the truth, to become captain any other way you would need to know Bankai, and all that stuff that Tousen said before the kill the former captain part. It's clearly stated so that you know that's what happened and how Kenpachi became captain.

  12. #32

    who is isshin

    Originally posted by: Zidoas
    Originally posted by: EpyonNext
    I'm sticking with 6th.

    Why? Watch the episode(41) when Ichigo and Byakuya face off on the Bridge. Ukitake says to Byakuya, "Who is that?"

    Byakuya replies, "No relation. At least, not to the man who just flashed through your mind, my senior."

    Thats what leads me to beleive that Isshin was 6th squad captain. Couple it with the fact that Yourichi calls Byakuya "Little Byakuya", and the evidence that Isshin probably left around the same time as Urahara and Yourichi. Also add in that Isshin was probably much younger at the time and might have looked like Ichigo(remember, they are family and looks do pass on with genetics) you can get a strong case for Isshin being 6th squad captain.

    At least thats my theory.
    When Ukitake says to Byakuya "Who is that?" , the image of Kaien (his VC of whom was killed) flashed thru his mind. Hence Byakuya's "No relation. At least, not to the man who just flashed through your mind, my senior."

    Your theory is flawed.
    Think again. When Rukia became part of the 13th squad, Bayakuya was already a Captain. How can Kaien then be his superior when Kaien himself is only a VC?

  13. #33

    who is isshin

    When he said "my senior" he was probably saying "senpai" to Ukitake...

    If not, I think your theory is valid...

  14. #34

    who is isshin

    I just listened to the part. Check the Lunar Sub and start at 17:40, Byakuya starts talking at 17:46 and at no point in the following lines does he say the word senpai.

  15. #35

    who is isshin

    I didn't say that he actually said "senpai", he might have said something equivalent... the problem is not if he said it or not, the problem is to whom it was directed...

  16. #36

    who is isshin

    I didn't mean to come off as you saying he said senpai(although I can see how I came off like that, I apologise). I just wanted to say that I checked the part(and give refrences) for Byakuya at the least saying senpai. I agree there is a point that he could have been calling Ukitake his senior. However, before taking that into account, remeber that Byakuya is the head of a noble family. I don't think he could call much of anyone outside Captin Yamamoto or the Central 46 his senior.

  17. #37

    who is isshin

    When Byakuya said " senior" he is referring to Ukitake, of whom is one of the first students of Yamaji. Therefore, Ukitake is older in age and place than Byakuya, hence the " senior". Budweineken is correct. Just a simple manipulation of the english language.

    "Think again. When Rukia became part of the 13th squad, Bayakuya was already a Captain. How can Kaien then be his superior when Kaien himself is only a VC?" - EpyonNext

    My explanation explained your statement.

    And like I've stated, Rukia said it herself that Byakuya was only appointed the rank of Captain SHORTLY BEFORE Rukia has been admitted to the Kuchiki Family. Therefore the theory that Isshin is the previous 6th squad Captain is arguable and feasible.

    Good Idea Budwineken. I place my bet that Isshin is the former captain of the 3rd.

  18. #38
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    who is isshin

    why wouldn't isshin be a captain of the 4th squad? he runs a hospital on earth, so it doesn't sound unlikely.

  19. #39

    who is isshin

    ha, i totally forgot about that. but he seems too....violent.

    i can just picture him waking up his patients in the morning by drop kicking them in the face

  20. #40

    who is isshin

    I don't think we can rule out the 2nd squad. Remember Soifon was Yoruichi's underling, she was never part of the Gotei 13 in the first place therefore the previous 2nd captain is still unknown.

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