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Thread: Game: Kingdom Hearts II

  1. #101
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Update to my last reply: FUCK YOU SONY AND MAY YOU BURN IN HELL

    Added explanation: My laser thingy has died at last. Woohoo! Thank you so much you incompetent fucking morons who can't even build proper consoles. Now I have to buy a new PS2, since having to load every time I kill a fucking boss in KH is getting damn tedious. Ah well... luckily it's christmas soon, hopefully I'll get some money to replenish the loss.


    Edit: Man I want to play more KH, so I went ahead and ordered a new PS2 right away. Hooray for raped wallets!

  2. #102
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Hmmmm.... sad to hear that Terra. I've got a gen 1 Japanese PS2 bought almost 5 years ago, and it's still working. Well not perfectly anyway. There are certain games which cannot load, but it's only a small fraction.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #103
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Sorry to hear that Terra. My PS2 is also starting to fade as it no longer plays DVD's at all. It just gives me
    that wierd ass redish screen. And to add insult to injury, I lent my KH copy to a friend a week ago, and he's
    apperently vanished from the face of the Earth (bastard...)

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  4. #104

    Kingdom Hearts II

    That's probably me... I stole this game from a friend

  5. #105
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    I'm glad i held on to my original games all my friends traded their's in and wish they dident.

    This sig was made by KitKat.

  6. #106
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    wow. I bought a used PS2 a long time ago and it's still working perfectly. Sucks to be you my friends *puts random DVD in console*, sucks to be you.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  7. #107
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    i bought my PS2 i think it was 2-3 months after its release, its kinda buggy, but it plays origional games fine, but cant deal with some duel layers (IE gran tursmo 4 doesnt work) but like my 50 other burned games work (mod-chip). i know my laser is slowly dying, but i cant say whether the buggyness of my PS2 is because of its laser dying, or becuase my burned games are...well burned games.

    heres a tip, get your PS2 modded, then get a job at blockbuster (or at least get to know some dude who works there well i'll explain) and get a DVD burner. and of course, a lot of blank DVDs.

    Now then

    1. with a modded PS2 you can play burned DVDs and games.
    2. every blockbuster employee gets 10 free rentals a week (my bro's friend does)
    3. use some of his free rentals, like take out 3 for free, burn em, return em and now u just have 3 new games both which would've cost you probably $50 each.

    DVD burner cost about $100 (mine did)
    modding a PS2 cost around $60-80 (USD but i had connectiosn so mine cost like $40)
    in the long run, if you burn 50 games (i'm dead serious i have more than 50 burned games in a CD stack down stairs that i dont even play) you have $2500 worth of games. now, subtract that $'ve still saved more than $2000 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    hmm wait, nobody here works for sony right?

    edit: SWEET i just took my friends KH game.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  8. #108

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Sweet new trailer from Japan.

    This info is from KH Ultimania.
    All things we see in vid
    - XIII Organization [Axel, Demyx, Xaldin, Luxord, 2 Unknown Order Members
    - World Footage [All Worlds - Tron, Lion King etc.]
    - Main Characters [Sora, Kairi, BHK, Namine, DiZ, Mickey]
    - Final Fantasy Characters [Cloud, Squall, Yuffie, Rikku, Yuna]
    - Drive Forms [Valor, Wisdom]
    - New Summon System? [Stitch @ Hollow Bastion]

    Sweet! More FF characters gotta love it.

    EDIT: Translation for vid


    Blonde Haired Kid: I don't really understand. Is this world really the real thing?
    Namine: You and Sora are connected. And, you are required in order for Sora to return to his original complete self.
    ???: Can you feel Sora?
    Kairi: Riku, I, and that boy, we were playing happily on that island. But, His voice... It's left me.
    Yensid: Ye who has been chosen by the Keyblade, you are the key to open the door of light.
    Pete: Who is it? You guys!
    Winnie The Pooh: Hello, some somebody.
    Genie: Genie's magic, I want to see!
    Jack Skellington: Happy Christmas!
    Sora: Simba! Wait!
    Auron: This is my story!
    Ursula: What ugly form shall I change you into?
    Mulan: This is the end!
    Axel: If I was to be reborned, I'll see you.
    Barbossa: If we remove the Heartless...
    Yuffie: Watch out!
    Sora: What is your objective?
    ???: Kingdom Hearts.
    Luxord: Sora, thanks for your trouble.
    ???: The heart is wrapped in darkness, soon the Kingdom Hearts...
    Xaldin: When we obtained Kingdom Hearts, we will be complete beings.
    Mickey Mouse: I won't forgive you!
    Sora: Maybe our journey meant nothing after all... If I can't use the Keyblade, then what am I gonna do?
    ???: What is your objective?
    DiZ: Revenge.
    Namine: Definitely a promise!
    ???: Riku... and the King disappeared.
    Sora: Please, put me into the world of darkness.

  9. #109
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Ugh, Stop posting new trailers! You're driving me all insane! *Watches the new one three more times*

    The wait is only going to be that much more unbearable now....

  10. #110
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    HOLY SHIT! PLOT TWIST!!! The storyline is going to be amazing. Also, 2 seems like its more directed at the
    15-25 age group than everyone. Also, I'm wondering how they'll pull off being a lion in the Lion King world.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  11. #111
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Currently replaying KH with my new PS2, man this game is sweeter than I remember. Put me up on the "GIMME KH2" tab.

    A statement which will be even more true after I view this trailer, I'm sure.

  12. #112
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II


    terra, replaying in expert mode i decided to spend 5 hrs at destiny islands leveling up to level 15 and defeating leon in 3 combos. oh, and 99 potions. if u feel like leveling in destiny islands, fight tidus, he gives most exp, even mroe than wakka when u hit balls back because the tech points u get from tidus dont hurt him as well. heres what u do:

    when it starts run towrds tidus, attack the moment he lets out a attacking yell. tech point 2 right there. Then start running from him, when he starts chasing after you, turn around and run at him, when u are about to meet, attack and you will block his attack again and redo this until u level or feel like, stopping, then everytime you block his attack, combo him and end it.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  13. #113

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Dude no. Wakka is the best way to lvl up on Destiny Isles. You just keep hitting his ball(You stand far enough back so you DO NOT hit him) I have been lvl 20 when leaving the island b4 and I beat Rikku over 100 times just to see if anything happened haha. ANYWAYS!!

    Here is a enhanced version of that trailer

    PLUS the translation was updated a little it seems


    Blonde Haired Kid: I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real or not? [Just like Sora in KH1]
    Namine: You and Sora are connected. And, you are required in order for Sora to return to his original complete self.
    ???: Do you sense Sora?
    Kairi: Riku, I, and that boy, we were playing happily on that island. But, his voice... It's left me.
    Yensid: Ye who has been chosen by the Keyblade, you are the key to open the door of light.
    Pete: Who are you?!
    Winnie The Pooh: Hello, somebody from somewhere.
    Genie: I know you want to see Mr Genie's magic!
    Jack Skellington: Happy Christmas!
    Sora: Simba! Wait!
    Auron: This is my story!
    Ursula: What ugly figure shall I change you into?
    Mulan: This is the end!
    Axel: I'll see you again after my/their/your rebirth.
    Barbossa: ... even if some Heartless will remain.
    Yuffie: Watch out!
    Sora: What is your objective?
    ???: Kingdom Hearts.
    Luxord: Sora, thanks for your trouble.
    ???: The heart is wrapped in darkness, soon to rejoin Kingdom Hearts...
    Xaldin: When we obtain Kingdom Hearts, we will become complete beings.
    Mickey Mouse: I won't forgive you!
    Sora: Maybe our journey meant nothing after all... [ala Deep Dive] If I can't use the Keyblade, then what am I supposed to do?
    ???: What is your objective?
    DiZ: Revenge.
    Namine: It's a promise!
    ???: Riku... and the King disappeared.
    Sora: Please! Let me into the world of darkness!

    *all info and links from Kingdom Hearts Ultamania*

    Nice = ]

  14. #114
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    lmao, I just beat Halloween town and read that I can never return to get that one red trinity in Oogie's manor (I used Jack and thus ignored the trinity momentarily). My sense of completion feels completely raped. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    Edit: The new villains in KH2 are lookin' damn hot :S

  15. #115
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    dezalanel, lets think, does 1 tech point give u more exp? or 2 tech points? against wakka theres a fairly large chance you'll hit him, when u strike the ball back, with tidus there is no chance, and i once did it for 10 min levelling up 3 times in 1 fight.

    edit, oh and terra, i'm trying to play all words using the regular trio.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  16. #116

    Kingdom Hearts II

    You read nothing I said. I NEVER hit wakka. Its very easy. All you have to do is stand farther back. It is faster than tidus since wakka throws balls contstantly

  17. #117
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    so? tidus is always swinging his pole too, i'm saying when go too far, you lose and if u dont go far enough, u will hit him. besides even if wakka is a little faster, with tidus u get 2 tech points every time, either way i'm past that stage and have levelled up to 15 cuz i got bored of owning everybody and finally left, in wonderland now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] if anybody's wondering why its going so slow its

    1. i'm in expert mode
    2. i felt like levelling a lot in beginning
    3. i play like 30min a day.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  18. #118

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Bah how about we agree to disagree. Everyone has their own strats. Anyways I thought I would add I few things to the Ultimate KH Fanboy Checklist that I have completed.
    - Owns Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
    - Has done all of above in Final Mix as well

  19. #119
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Jesus, you guys seriously have too much spare time. I shudder at the thought of playing through all of KH again with several difficulties, and then finally in Final Mix. :S

  20. #120
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    The new villains in KH2 are lookin' damn hot :S
    Bow down to Axel, for he is your redhead God.

    Although he isn't exactly "new" to the franchise, he's still hot as hell.

    And, it seems I now have the urge to replay KH as I never did beat Expert mode. I came to Agrabah and just quit.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

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