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Thread: Episode 157 Discussion

  1. #1
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    finally its over with raiga! this episode was rather good... Naruto made 2 new technique, Lee is drunk.. neji is out... and ten ten do nothing... oh and poor lee, neji and naruto took him away from the curry at the end of this episode

  2. #2

    Episode 157 Discussion

    lets take a vote:

    Will next arc be (A) Better or (B) worse?

    It's hard to imagine it being worse...however at the rate they've been going...

    anyways, more curry, more ruining of once-cool naruto moments, and more out of character vingettes. I cant believe they want us to believe that fat fish man once rolled with Kisame and Zabuza. pfft.


  3. #3
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion


    1. It was funny as hell. Neji's curry poisoning was the best!
    2. There were like 4 new jutsu in it. And one of them might not have sucked!
    3. The arc didn't end with a Rasengan! Oh SNAP! Hell, it ended with a total fucking disintegration! Who didn't want to see Raiga disintegrated? Nobody that's who!

    But then my soul died, for the next arc is....a Konohamaru team arc.

    But still, I actually liked this episode. It was stupid, but funny stupid, so I liked it.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kagari
    lets take a vote:

    Will next arc be (A) Better or (B) worse?

    It's hard to imagine it being worse...however at the rate they've been going...

    anyways, more curry, more ruining of once-cool naruto moments, and more out of character vingettes. I cant believe they want us to believe that fat fish man once rolled with Kisame and Zabuza. pfft.
    i have added a poll, lol so it will be easier to vote ^^

    2. There were like 4 new jutsu in it. And one of them might not have sucked!
    the one thats didn't sucked was the move Raiga did (a tornado made with lightning?!)

  5. #5

    Episode 157 Discussion

    I think they're setting us up for when the show returns to normal. Make it suck so hard, that when it goes back to normal, we'll think it's way better than it really is. The ratings go up and all that.

    About this ep. totally unrealistic. I don't think lighting can do that. I'm talking about it sucking that bad.

    All I know is that the next arc will make me hate characters I used to like. Maybe that's the real reason Sasuke is gone.

  6. #6

    Episode 157 Discussion

    I took, and I kid you not, 73 screenshots during this episode. I was like wow, this, for a filler, is pretty good. Good kinda old schoolness but with idiotic antics which actually did make me laugh (check neji's reactions to eatting the curry =P.

    I know many poeple might disagree with me, but hey we are going to sit through a season of filler arcs, might as well take out any good points we can find.

    Anyhow, I am NOT going to post all 73 scrrenshots (hears some sighs of relief) ... but I will post some of the moves that were used in this episode (btw Rocklee had a good fight, hes much more fun when drunk, just like everyone else in tthis world =P).

    Here goes!

    Raiga strikes back!

    Armor on!

    Reactions to curry!

    Ragia strikes back remix!

    Naruto's final barrage!

    Can you say E.Honda?

    I left out the Rock Lee Fight screen shots because I had ALOT of them (almost went frame by frame), and I alreayd posted enough pictures for now. If you guys want I cna post them or someone else can do them.

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kensee

    About next arc being team Konohamaru:


  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    Even if the next arc is with the bloody Konohamaru, I'm happy because at least we finally get rid of the curry of life (or curry of death if you ask the turtle).

    Actually, although the outcome of the application of psychology in this episode was a bit dodgy, I still like how Raiga in the end disintegrated himself, just like DarthEnder said. Why not go with a flash, if you are a goner anyway...

  9. #9

    Episode 157 Discussion

    I liked this episode, but they wasted good music on drunken Lee.

    And why the hell did Neji keep fainting after eating the Curry? Naruto didn't. Well, obviously the answer to that is "so they could do the fight the way they did; without Neji", but is there any logical reason?

  10. #10
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    maybe neji faint if he drain Wine (yes there was wine in the curry of life)

  11. #11
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    I actually liked this episode alot. It had everything good old Naruto eps used to have, humor, good fights and no rasengan (or lasergun wich I call it to make it seem less lame). I'm not a expert but I tought that the animation in this episode was very smooth and much better than the last ep. One thing that boggled me tough is that Ranmaru could walk, curry of life can evidently build up muscles that have never been used. And also I started wondering, is Ranmaru a boy or a girl? I for one am actually looking forward to the next episode, I mean no lame wierd adversaries (hopefully).

    Loved this image, reminded me of Terrance and Philip from South Park.

  12. #12
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    I started wondering, is Ranmaru a boy or a girl?
    Ranmaru is a boy

  13. #13

    Episode 157 Discussion

    I was also baffled by the de-cripple-ified Ranmaru, mabye the Curry of Life is the cure for all disease, seeing as how it probobly kills anything microscopic in it's path.

    Also, do you think they recoverd the lightning swords that Raiga dropped, those things seemed pretty bad ass and I would hope they didn't just leave them sitting around on top of some mountain. Imagine the power boost if Ten-Ten had those cool ninja-fied swords in one of her scrolls.

    I think the point of this Konohamaru thing will just be a 'Naruto sucks at leading, but has so much charisma, and chakra, that it all works out' anouncment, Konohamaru and co. are just along to witness, and annoy the hell out of us. And how bad off must Konoha be if their giving three man teams to Genin least it might be funny...

  14. #14
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Yukimura
    Also, do you think they recoverd the lightning swords that Raiga dropped, those things seemed pretty bad ass and I would hope they didn't just leave them sitting around on top of some mountain.
    They probably got desintigrated along with Raiga. Remember this is a filler so they can't get any new stuff or abilties.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    The animation flowed better than it has in a while and I can't remember the last time I laughed so much at a Naruto episode.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  16. #16
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    They made Shino come off as a better leader then Neji, that and the curry were the only things I didn't like this arc.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  17. #17
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    They made Shino come off as a better leader then Neji, that and the curry were the only things I didn't like this arc.
    Didn't they say during the chuunin-exam that Neji and Naruto were not fit to be leaders?

  18. #18
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    wow better than i xpected. nd YES!!! no more curry of life!!! thy say it so many tims like naruto saying "this is m way of the ninja!!!'

    ty psj for this sig

  19. #19
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 157 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kraco
    Even if the next arc is with the bloody Konohamaru, I'm happy because at least we finally get rid of the curry of life (or curry of death if you ask the turtle).

    Actually, although the outcome of the application of psychology in this episode was a bit dodgy, I still like how Raiga in the end disintegrated himself, just like DarthEnder said. Why not go with a flash, if you are a goner anyway...
    I imagine it's because he had the reaction most people would have. That stuff is god-awful. Neji probably has a very refined pallette. Plus, it was funny, and it kept him out of the fight, so they couldn't make him look incompetant AGAIN.

  20. #20

    Episode 157 Discussion

    Haven't seen the episode but I'm happy to hear that Raiga is dead. I was really hoping that they would come up with some sort of excuse so Raiga wouldnd not be associated as one of the seven mist swordsmen. Oh also for the person who thought raiga's swords were cool hit yourself with something hard. Well that's a bit harsh but I mean common those fucking glow sticks were not nearly as badass as kisame or zambuza's swords.

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