It's great movie... I recommend it..

Plot Summary: In the year 1580, a man named Lord Nobunaga Oda sends hoards of unholy armies across Japan, slaying all who stand in their way. A young ninja escapes her villages' destruction with a short sword, one of the three mystical weapons that can end Oda's rule. During her quest, she is joined by two other ninjas who wield the other two weapons of legend, the sacred sword and spear.


It's so good damn retro it pwan ass!!!

Incredible music and phrases like...
"I claim your life"

and when the female star Ayanosuke of Kasumi challenges the DEVIL!!!

Ayanosuke - Ayanosuke of Kasumi challenges you!

Sakon - Don't throw your life away, Ayame!

the Devil - You don't know when you're dead!

He (the devil) pwans her ass..

the Devil - You should be happy to be killed by me!

and to the rescue, Sakon comes..

Sakon - You're going to fight me , NOW!

the devil - hehehe... Once I have killed this one, I will fight you and kill you slowly.

Sakon pwans the devil making him bleed...

sakon - Master of the Hyunga Revelation Style, SAkon the Whirlwind challenges you!

great music again!

the devil - I CLAIM YOR LIFE!!!!

Sakon fends of the devil, but now bleeding from his mouth..

the devil - I'm impressed. You parried my sword well, but your body isn't strong enough to avoid my next attack.. But yor faithas a warrior ends here...

To get the whole story watch it.. IT's TO RETRO!!!!

GREAT movie.. great indeed!