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Thread: Solty Rei

  1. #61

    Solty Rei

    Yo... here is Episode 14 by Nyanko...

    so... is Rose dead? or injured? or was that someone else's arm? someone who just happened to be wearing the same clothes as Rose since these are actually in huge fashion this year? does the RUC have something to do with that? will there be a second Blast Fall??? will so many questions be answered in one episode??? we will see!!

  2. #62
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    That pretty much confirmed it.

    I still can't help but wonder about the connection of Rose's markings, the same that Integra also had when she was after Ho, and the RUC leader when he was stalking Rose in the parks (there's no way he didn't have an alterior motive there).

    I'm really not sure what could happen in this series anymore. That's a good thing.

  3. #63
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    I just watched 9-14 and I can't believe they killed off my favorite character. They even took out her face shot in the very beginning of the opening [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]. I'm somehow hoping RUC finds a way to bring her back, her and Salty should have a much bigger roll since the two of them are always on his computer screen.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  4. #64

    Solty Rei

    Well... for now, i won't bet on that...and the thing Solty says in the preview is intriguing : "mechanical girl that doesn't age", it was a given, but she (nor anyone else) said that before. mmm Maybe Solty was around before the Blast Fall? and what the hell were they doing to the purple haired girl?

  5. #65
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    Eps 15 out.

    Solty Rei eps 15 (Nyanko)

    The Solty part of this eps was kinda boring. Necessary development after Roy called her a mechanical doll, but basically stuff you'd figure them saying.

    A lot more interesting was Miranda beating the crap out of Roy, that useless drunk.

    The biggest thing, one I basically suspected, confirmed. Pay attention about 10 minutes in.

  6. #66

    Solty Rei

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Eps 15 out.

    Solty Rei eps 15 (Nyanko)

    The Solty part of this eps was kinda boring. Necessary development after Roy called her a mechanical doll, but basically stuff you'd figure them saying.

    A lot more interesting was Miranda beating the crap out of Roy, that useless drunk.

    The biggest thing, one I basically suspected, confirmed. Pay attention about 10 minutes in.
    Eh I havn't watched it in a while, and hearing this sure doesn't make me wanna watch it..>.<

  7. #67

    Solty Rei

    Originally posted by: Kyuuzou
    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Eps 15 out.

    Solty Rei eps 15 (Nyanko)

    The Solty part of this eps was kinda boring. Necessary development after Roy called her a mechanical doll, but basically stuff you'd figure them saying.

    A lot more interesting was Miranda beating the crap out of Roy, that useless drunk.

    The biggest thing, one I basically suspected, confirmed. Pay attention about 10 minutes in.
    Eh I havn't watched it in a while, and hearing this sure doesn't make me wanna watch it..>.<
    I personally liked the episode... well, especially because of the punch in it. I think it was well played. But seriously, WHAT THE HELL is the RUC planning anyways?

  8. #68
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    Well, the Solty part of the eps basically just reiterates the same speech you hear from [random bit character] whenever the main character in a series gets discouraged. I would've liked it if I hadn't seen it 20+ times.

    The part where Miranda starts beating Roy was the best part of the eps. He's been all drunk and worthless everytime he loses someone, but Miranda just dealt with her own grief. Watching him turn into that pathetic state had to have been really irritating to her. Most importantly, he adopted Solty (even if Miranda and Kasha basically forced him to). Her main point was, if he really didn't want the pain of losing another daughter, why did he drive off Solty in the first place? I was kinda hoping Miranda would beat him worse than that though.

    If you haven't watched the eps, don't look below

    I don't exactly know why RUC keeps doing it (since I'm guessing they did it to the other girls too), but they obviously are ressurecting Rose (or brainwashing her after already bringing her back). I knew the RUC director had something planned for her when he kept 'accidentally' meeting her in the park, so I kinda figured she wasn't permanently dead. If she ends up formally joining them, all I know is that Silvia (the blonde one) is probably going to be pissed.

  9. #69

    Solty Rei

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Well, the Solty part of the eps basically just reiterates the same speech you hear from [random bit character] whenever the main character in a series gets discouraged. I would've liked it if I hadn't seen it 20+ times.

    The part where Miranda starts beating Roy was the best part of the eps. He's been all drunk and worthless everytime he loses someone, but Miranda just dealt with her own grief. Watching him turn into that pathetic state had to have been really irritating to her. Most importantly, he adopted Solty (even if Miranda and Kasha basically forced him to). Her main point was, if he really didn't want the pain of losing another daughter, why did he drive off Solty in the first place? I was kinda hoping Miranda would beat him worse than that though.

    If you haven't watched the eps, don't look below

    I don't exactly know why RUC keeps doing it (since I'm guessing they did it to the other girls too), but they obviously are ressurecting Rose (or brainwashing her after already bringing her back). I knew the RUC director had something planned for her when he kept 'accidentally' meeting her in the park, so I kinda figured she wasn't permanently dead. If she ends up formally joining them, all I know is that Silvia (the blonde one) is probably going to be pissed.
    Same here... one thing though... so Rose will end up fighting Solty???

    (by the way... we still don't know why the name uh... like the Rei part)

  10. #70
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    Solty Rei eps 16 (Nyanko)

    Finally some questions answered. Good eps.

    More later, I'll let people have a chance to watch the eps.

  11. #71

    Solty Rei

    well i've seen it and my comments... so don't read if you haven't seen it

    ok... 1st and most important thing. THAT PLANE LANDED!!!! yea! for the first time in the series, that plane managed to land!
    now really, seems that the RUC guy is older than we thought. so what's his secret? who is the girl in the photograph? and Rose leading the RUC girls! has she been brainwashed?? Ryllharu you were right about her joining them, but being their leader, somehow this hadn't entered my mind.

  12. #72
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    Solty Rei Eps 17 (Nyanko)

    This series gets more interesting as each eps passes. More confusing too.

  13. #73

    Solty Rei

    on episode 17

    when you said confusing.... DAMN! I wouldn't think this would happen.
    but the RUC guy is becoming a lunatic. and Sylvia is cool, I hope she doesn't die (Rose survived a building falling on her, a stab should be nothing!)
    Oh and I bet Roy will kill Rose! (okay, i'm a sadist but that would be interesting to watch)

  14. #74
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    I have a feeling it would come down to more of Solty fighting Rose. We cannot forget that Solty is...well she's absurdly powerful. Roy would probably be killed instantly, not to mention there's no way he'd be able to kill what remains of his daughter.

    There really isn't much to be said about Solty willingly fighting Rose either, but it will probably be one of those 'knock some sense into her' fights. Either that or Rose kills Roy, and Solty avenges him (without killing Rose).

    Ahhh, there's still so much we don't know about Solty. The old man in the desert certainly seems to be connected to Solty in some manner.

    Two last unanswered questions. Back on the anniversary of his wife's death, Roy left the cemetary as Serika was entering it. Was there any signifigance to that? I hope so. Also, is Solty completely sythetic, as in she was never even a real person to begin with? Or was she given that resemble body as a result of the Blast Fall? If the latter is the case, then I can't help but think that whoever she was is important to the other characters.

  15. #75
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    Maybe I'm the only one but I actually liked the RUC members, each of them had unique personalities that made them cool. I didn't wanna see them die [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] but atleast my favorite character Rose is back from the dead. Also I think Solty is the same as Rose, a human turned into a full resemble, I think the green hair is a result of the blast fall since it was said that some people hair changed color.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    I liked all the RUC members, well, except for Axela, but Serika and Sylvia especially.

    I think Rose is still mostly biological. All of the others seemed to be. I cannot explain how RUC brought her back, but I don't think much (if any) of Rose is resemble. That notion didn't seem to fit into the director's little plan.

    Solty is completely resemble, her hair is green because whoever made that body made it green. It's the same reason she has those weird twitchy ear-things. (Which are the ears of Solty's body). They just made her that way.

  17. #77

    Solty Rei

    The RUC girls are NOT dead. they are in a dire situation but are NOT dead (yet). I'm pretty sure Axela will survive and I hope all the others will not die.
    anyone remember that computer that saved Solty in the early eps? i guess we'll see more of that soon (as to why Solty is there).

  18. #78
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    Ep 18 is out

    Nyanko 18

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  19. #79

    Solty Rei

    About Episode 18

    Damn! this show has really kicked into high gear. Since Rose came back, every episode was full of very important events. and next one will be. so... uhm SPOILERS for that ep if you haven't seen it. below

    It pisses me off that Sylvia is really dead. I mean, I actually was as pissed off as Celica was. Speaking of her, she became my favourite RUC character alive... THEN they kill her!? I was nearly crying by the end of that ep. one thing though: it was nice seeing the contrast between Solty and Roy's situation (nearly pure happiness) with the deep mess that the RUC girls were in. Also... its been a while since Solty has used her super hearing stuff, and Rose is, disturbed? well, I say... BRING EPISODE 19 NOW!!!!!

    EDIT: Just had a question. What did Rose shoot Celica with? I thought it was what she was holding in her hand, but after looking again, she was just holding her helmet. also, seeing the scene again, Celica was hit in the belly, and then fell. I guess this might not be lethal (although i said the same thing for Sylvia)... one can hope!

  20. #80
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Solty Rei

    EDIT: Just had a question. What did Rose shoot Celica with?
    Rose wasn't the one that took the shot, at the very end of the ep they show somebody smoking with what I'm guessing was a sniper shell landing. So it look's like the RUC faked Rose's death to brain wash her. Some how I didn't see that coming and Celica was my favorite member also, her voice and attitude were great. I hope she isn't dead.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

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