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Thread: Hi-Definition, Hi-quality episode download?

  1. #1

    Hi-Definition, Hi-quality episode download?

    Around the time episode 50 of SD was released, someone posted a link on one of the thread for a hi-quality episode download. I think it was like 500 megs+ . I tried searching for that link again but couldn't find it. Now, i couldn't even find the thread. Can someone repost it please? Thanks.

    Question answered, topic locked.

    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2

    Hi-Definition, Hi-quality episode download?

    Its just located in the first page of the Final Phase thread.
    Next time, look harder.

  3. #3

    Hi-Definition, Hi-quality episode download?

    O.o thanks ALOT. It never crossed my mind that I search for Final Phase. I was looking for 50 and 500.

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