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Thread: It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

  1. #21

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    dont you think its a bit more than 8 episodes? but im not sure too

    hm there are roughly 40 more chapters

  2. #22
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    hey this means we'll still be able to bitch about naruto all the way until Spring 2006!


  3. #23

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    not likely with bleach. the anime tends to add little things here and there very subtly but very well.

    i'm sure that the anime creator knows that the anime is gettingn close to the manga so i'm guessing that the fights will be dragged on for a bit. i guess they'll do the past thinking sequences again.

    and for naruto....yea our worst fears have come true. the anime is now doomed. my guess is that the current filler will end in a few episode, then they'll do that supposed konohamaru corp. filler arc (only a few episodes...probably some comedy thing), and then i guess they'll go into a extremely extended kakashi gaiden arc. the kakashi gaiden arc is considered filler, even by the manga's standards..

  4. #24
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Originally posted by: Turkish-S
    i cryed when i readed this but this really made me LOL...
    I havent stopped yet....

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  5. #25
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Wow... april... that's a loooong time... : (

    Well, luckily I have lots of more insults that I haven't used on the Naruto fillers yet [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    I am actually glad they came out and told us when the fillers will end, rather than just let people speculate and speculate without end...
    I'm thankful for this as well. No more "This has GOT to be the last filler arc..."

    I'm going to stop watching. I figured I'd entertain the idea of a few filler arcs because I thought it wouldn't last that long. Now I know this, I've pretty much lost interest in Naruto. Come April, I'll be craving it again.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  7. #27

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Ehh, they might be able to pull of something, but the only thing i see is that ... You are gonig to have 27 episode of fillers without them training .. so in fact they most likely will not learn any new moves, and be the same characters for a whole season.... ohhh sweet rasengen of x 5 times before apirl =D

  8. #28

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006


    That's funny.

    Good thing I don't watch the anime anymore.

  9. #29

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    this is fucking bullshit

  10. #30

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Gee, I'm bummed about that wait, but at least they announced a date.

  11. #31

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    I officially christen these episodes of naruto to be Naruto GT since they have nothing to do with the writings of Kishimoto. Now I present for your reading pleasure the Naruto GT theme song.

    Witness the ultimate battle between the greatest of warriors in all the worlds-time is running out

    Take the grand tour, grand tour
    Take the grand tour, grand tour
    Take the grand tour, grand tour

    Step into the grand tour
    Grand tour, grand tour
    Step into the grand tour
    Grand tour, grand tour
    Step into the grand tour Naruto GT- one, two, three

    For many a year naruto have always been there and now. Ritcheous, the innocent and just, must now depend on themselves to defend mother earth from the rebirth of the ultimate end.

    Now that the tournament is over the closer the greed creeps for every good that's done the further the evil seeps. Inside the very spirit that makes the good complete. Get the just to prevail. The richeous can't fail

    Step into the grand tour
    Grand tour, grand tour
    Step into the grand tour
    Grand tour, grand tour
    Step into the grand tour
    Naruto GT-

    Step into the grand tour, a brand new adventure begins, Another challenge for Naruto and his friends. Now he's a Kyubi strong.

    Evil guys are turning, burning to the end the world and everything within the ultimate battle between good and evil who's gonna win. When the sand clock dictates the consequence will they both have the stregth to ge our last line of defene


    Lets over ride te powers that seek to destroy-
    Steal the innocence of our worldy joy with their evil schemes. Hungry for destruction that their evils brings. The power to provoke, the hope to lose sight of the greater good. Then allow the race to catch ablaze like sandalwood.

    Step into the grand tour
    Grand tour, grand tour
    Step into the grand tour
    Grand tour, grand tour
    Step into the grand tour
    Naruto GT

  12. #32
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Then again, I hope you all realize what a fucking party it will be when the show gets back on track. I mean APRIL. Bloody APRIL. That's almost forever.

  13. #33

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    To celebrate we will shave ur head so the new ppl at Gotwoot can work out if yur a guys or a girl....

  14. #34
    If I could change my name
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
    To celebrate we will shave ur head so the new ppl at Gotwoot can work out if yur a guys or a girl....

    Ummmmm... first

    No i mean this really does suck...I'm starting to just watch most eps with my mouse on the fast-forward button.. i just can't stand it, so most likely i won't be DL anymore unless you guys that are discussing it say i should, but because you guys (in your posts about the eps) take out the best parts and screen shot them I never have to watch a filler again
    image fail!

  15. #35
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    you know what would be shitty, If they decide to put kakashi gaiden in the middle of the filler arc. that way you can't ignore the whole thing. but not likely
    Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

  16. #36

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    it's always possible that in all this time, they will learn to make decent filler.

  17. #37

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    There is good thing and bad things about it this

    Bad points
    The fillers so far have really sucked major ass the only ones that were not as bad were the episodes with Hinata which is not say a lot.
    If things keep going like this it might loose some fans

    Good points
    I personally rather wait this long for it to get back with the storyline than to have the show stop like what happend to Inuyasha
    With six more months of manga means that it can get far enough to have a least some 52 episodes of actuall naruto with out counting the kakashi gaiden which gives more time for the manga to move ahead

    Another thing, what would you guys have preferd this six more months of fillers or have the show take a break kind of like a dragonball thing

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  18. #38

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    I think the anime should have become fortnightly when the fillers started or something. Less filler for the studio to make, less money to pay for broadcast time, BETTER fillers because they have to show less and I assume they'd choose (or at least TRY to choose) the best ones. Everybody wins.

    If they were to take a break, I'd expect the upcoming episodes to be higher in quality, for example animation. Not to say the non-fillers have had bad animation in the past, but they could go from 1 out of 10 fight scenes looking fluid to 1 out of 5 for example.

  19. #39
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    Personally I think, after seeing all these fillers of such o' godly quality, that they should have instead made a few movies of high quality, and not air regular filler episodes at all. I don't know how good the new, second, movie is, but the first movie was at least of decent quality compared to these fillers now airing. I think a couple of movies would have kept the show in people's minds, also because movies generally have a higher level of hype than normal, individual tv episodes (well, I suppose I shouldn't type hype and a filler episode in the same sentence anyway...).

  20. #40

    It's Official Fillers until spring 2006

    @LobsterMagnet: +P that songs made me laugh.

    Ehh I'll always post up screenshots of some scenese when the disscussion threads come out. OoOo We can have a grand countdown, like "allright 25 episodes left" ... next week "woot 24!" and so on and so forth ... Mucho fun!

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