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Thread: Incredible...

  1. #61


    wat about real footy, aussie style [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] (best ever). i dont get why grid iron is called footy as well, they just run around covered in padding, as someone said before lets take a look at rugby, similar contact as grid iron (american footy for the unimformed) but no wussy padding apart from the occasional foam headgear

    AFL is the shit and you know it

  2. #62
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    I actually heard an oral presentation about aussie style footy today, kinda interesting. I couldn't imagine how it actually would look but it sounded very interesting.

  3. #63
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I watch the English Premier League (soccer), and have no clue about American football and how it's played. But soccer has to be the most popular game in the world. The World Cup is the most televised sports programme shown in almost every country with tv coverage.

    Anyway, the guy has mad skills with a ball, but that doesn't mean he can score. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
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  4. #64


    Originally posted by: el_boss
    Originally posted by: isso
    Where did you do it?? (Lumpen) What did you do?
    On T2 in Sk?ovde. I was an anti NBC (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical) medic specialist. We took care of people who got exposed to these things.
    Cool I was on P18, don't say anything I know the rumours in Gothenburg is that it's only gays out there but thats because it's only people from Stockholm and we al know they don't like each others...

    I was on STRF90 as tankcommander and pluton leader...

    Kept the led in the air! lol

    Edit @ Psyke: He's his teams best scorer (plays with the older lads) as midfielder... =) He sure can score...

  5. #65


    it would be better if he was in an Adam West styled batman costume.

    also, isso, fat people can be athletes too. i guarentee that those linemen train harder than any soccer player and they are damn skilled at what they do.

  6. #66
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: isso

    Cool I was on P18, don't say anything I know the rumours in Gothenburg is that it's only gays out there but thats because it's only people from Stockholm and we al know they don't like each others...
    Why would I say anything? I'm from stockholm dammit. There were alot of people from gothenburg in my plutoon, and have to say, I can't stand their accent. It drives me friggen insane. Other than that I don't have anything against people from that area.

  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    I still firmly believe that you need to have played American Style Football to appreciate the complexity and physicalness of it. I've played rugby also, although just pick-up games, and I do admire it for the sheer athletic ability it demands, but I still love the grid iron the best. Perfect blend of tactics and physical traits, IMO.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #68


    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    "soccer" is crap in the US. Highly made fun of by most people / Athletes. You run around kicking a ball... sure you have to be fast.. and be able to kick a ball through someones legs.. but its still a panzy sport with little to no contact. If i wanna just watch someone kick something around ill play kick the can ( and possibly have more fun doing it ) It's a wonder football players make 10x the money that soccer players do.. oh not to mention TV ratings are 10000 times greater for football than soccer.

    That's america only, if you believe there are little to no contact in soccer you're delusional. Why don't you go ahead and call basketball pansy sport since there are little to no contact in basketball to. American footballers strap on all that fucking protection gear like pussies and think they are tough, hell check out rugby players, those are real men, dealing with similar stuff like american footballers without any gear at all, exept for a headgear.

    In many other countries American football is just a backdoor sport no one cares about. Worldwide, soccer is way bigger and soccer players makes alot of money to, i wouldn't be suprised if the star players in soccer gets more money than the star players in american football.

    Football brings in more money to the world then any other sport.

  9. #69


    it's a pitty you don't need to be good at these things. for real soccer... -.-

  10. #70
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Krbadass

    Football brings in more money to the world then any other sport.
    Are you talking about money from tickets, pay per view, merchandise and so on, or player salarys? If you are talking about player salarys, do you mean per person or total?

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