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Thread: FMP 13

  1. #21

    FMP 13

    Hmm.... no seed...

    And that while their tracker says there's one

  2. #22

    FMP 13

    v2 isnt out yet so wtf.

  3. #23

    FMP 13

    Mmm great episode, but i wanted to she her say the words to him?

    Question is there anything after this anime? another series or Manga?

  4. #24

    FMP 13

    there are more novels after this series, so there should be more anime to come...hopefully.

  5. #25

    FMP 13

    14-15 weeks of pure heaven that is what fmp gave us

  6. #26
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    FMP 13

    Version 2 of episode 13 is out by Anime Shrine.

    FMP-TSR - 13v2 ( Anime Shrine)

    I have watched the first one, dont know what they have changed in this one.

    Originally posted by: isso
    Question is there anything after this anime? another series or Manga?
    Yes, Check this thread.

  7. #27

    FMP 13

    That fucking ep rocked [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Lol that guy died so peacful "is this too short" lol

  8. #28

    FMP 13

    WOW. Now that's an good ending. I so can't wait for the sequel.

    Edit: I must say I was kinda fearful at the moment when there was that laser sight on the teacher's head. I thought she was gonna get her brains blown out.

  9. #29

    FMP 13

    yes good episode. Quite a good ending. Sousuke started to have more personality. Arbalest rocks! I am really looking forward to the next season.

  10. #30

    FMP 13

    Originally posted by: supra33202
    Arbalest rocks!
    Two thumbs up for that. Im wondring why a good mecha anime don't have any action figures/model kits out in the market. I would kill for an MG Arbalest [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]

  11. #31

    FMP 13

    FMP:TSR is the biggest teaser ever.

    Haven't felt like this for an anime for awhile. Last anime which made me craving for more and more and hoped for a sequel was Get Backers. That sure was awhile ago.

    Wonder when the next FMP is coming out?

    Until then, I think I'm going to do the unthinkable (for me anyway) and re-watch FMP, FMP:Fum, and FMP:TSR.

  12. #32
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    FMP 13

    So it looks like Wraith was actaully a woman. The black hair in the eps where Wraith's face got blown off matches the woman who brought Chidori to Hong Kong and was later camping on the roof. It seemed like there was more to it, but they never got into it. I was so confused for a while there.

  13. #33
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    FMP 13

    man i just want to say that was the best shit this year this show is why i watch anime, i cant even think of one thing this year that came close to this. after the crapfest that was GSD and the shit we are being forced to deal with on Naruto i dont know wtf to say. truly this is the reason i pay for my conection every month and one of the top 3 anime series of all time in my book, thank you and good night.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  14. #34

    FMP 13

    Originally posted by: NeoBear
    man i just want to say that was the best shit this year this show is why i watch anime, i cant even think of one thing this year that came close to this. after the crapfest that was GSD and the shit we are being forced to deal with on Naruto i dont know wtf to say. truly this is the reason i pay for my conection every month and one of the top 3 anime series of all time in my book, thank you and good night.

    Indeed...I can't say much more... i'm still speechless

  15. #35

    FMP 13

    Fucking FUKUDA This is HOW YOU END A ANIME!!!!

  16. #36
    Student Gnompf's Avatar
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    FMP 13

    is there coming more of fmp ?
    realy like this anime alot !
    I have been into the dark to long

  17. #37

    FMP 13

    ive been wondering about a few things like, how chidori got there etc, it kinda ruins the tension in the end (but i guess it helps the storyline so no complaints ^_^). it also seemed to me, like they where making a possibility for him to go berserk at the end. altho that would have been to obvious and prolly ruin it :/ plus it wouldnt really fit the storyline, nor the character of sosuke to well either.

    great storyline in these anime series, thats what makes it good and i wanna see more! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  18. #38

    FMP 13

    Yea... when we saw her at the end of ep 12 I thought she was the chinese girl... and still thought that at the beginning of ep 13... and i liked that they did that... it totally went against my expectations... oh and Wraith is cooL! laser sight!

  19. #39

    FMP 13

    One of the reasons why fmp:tsr is so good is that it took *serveral years* from planning to production. I'm absolutely 100% sure there will be another series after this but it'll probably take another few years ....

    damn T_T

  20. #40

    FMP 13

    Man, really very nicely done. I like how they never let Sousuke cry except symbolicly (the blood from his cut cheek in this one). STILL no real change in their relationship (at the end everything is back to normal), but I guess I'm ok with that. and the "I'm not your dog" speech was nice. Good series.

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