Yeah I'm still around, I thought I wasn't going to be involve (because of what was posted earlier) but I will be around to choose
Thanks in advance
Yeah I'm still around, I thought I wasn't going to be involve (because of what was posted earlier) but I will be around to choose
Thanks in advance
image fail!
Ok, Round 2 begins today!
Congratulations to the winners of round one. And if anyone sees Jadugar, tell him to come and choose his sig. I've moved both of the competitors from that group up to the next round so that we can continue the contest. Other volunteers, feel free to start using your brand new sigs and avatars!
Details for round 2:
NM and Koyuki will be making a sig and avatar for Deadfire.
PSJ and Phoenix and myself will be making a sig and avatar for LiquidEcho. Theme: Somehow suit it to the username.
The two winners will move on to the final round. Entries for round 2 will be due next Thursday night. Get to it!
Yay! I advance.
Can't see some of the first round stuff on this crap comp and the ones i can see are barely visible due to the size of the monitor, i need a fucking magnifying glass just to see what i type.
From what i could see it all looked good. Mine looked crap though...
Good luck in round 2 everyone!!!
Cool, a threeway battle. This ought to be interesting.
Good Luck To All!!!!
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Just a reminder to everyone to start finishing up your sigs for round 2 and have them in by Thursday night. Good luck!
It's Friday already here...
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
It's Friday already here...
I'm so excited that i just can't wait much longer!!!
but I know art isn't something you can rush
image fail!
Ok, here are the entries for Round 2!!!!
Liquid Echo, choose your new sig and ava from those displayed below:
Deadfire, here are the entries for you to choose from:
Wow, everyone did a great job. I really like the first one for Dreadfire.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
I really liked the Samurai Champloo one.
Darn it I looked at the first one and Well I loved it then i look at the Samurai Champloo and loved it too....
Alot of work was put in to both of them but i have to pick one though so i need to sort out reasons
The first one is very creative as i could even think of a bleach Matrix cross. as It's very cool looking doing that (ichigo with sunglasses is priceless) The Second one wins with it's colour as I really like the early dawn type coloring. Although after looking at it for a bit I really like the first one more then the second (I'm not saying that it's not a great Sig/Avatar) I'll have both on my computer and who knows in a couple months i will use the other one.. but for now I choose the first one
Congrats who ever that is (I would like to know as to give credit to him/her)
image fail!
I would think Koyuki made the one you are using.
Liqiud Echo better choose which one he likes soon.
I forsee a four-way battle in the last round, although I hope I'm wrong......
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Hmm....if we do this again, we need to make sure that the volunteers are actually gonna be around. If anyone knows where to find Liquid Echo, tell him to come and choose.
I PM'ed him 2 days ago but i guess that didn't help much. Me and Phoenix can't just go through by default the whole way, let's set up a voting to decide which one is the best out of the ones done for Echo.
Yep, the Matrix-Bleach sig was made by Koyuki, mine is the Samurai Champloo one. Great job on the sig Koyuki!Originally posted by: PSJ
I would think Koyuki made the one you are using.
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
I say we give him a couple of days, like up until Thursday. If he's still a no-show, we let some people voteOriginally posted by: PSJ
I PM'ed him 2 days ago but i guess that didn't help much. Me and Phoenix can't just go through by default the whole way, let's set up a voting to decide which one is the best out of the ones done for Echo.
on it and decide the two for the last round that way.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Sounds good to me. We can appoint a few impartial judges, and move on accordingly.