Everyone gets blessed with their own damn thread when their little day of the year comes rolling around, and I'm just jumping onto my girl's computer to check e-mail, and I figured I'd peruse the forum, right? You know, troll through the Naruto sections I mainly frequent, even caught the latest Bleach posts. I scroll down the page, so I can get into the General Discussion and Gaming sections .. and, I notice at the very fucking bottom, it's SK's birthday. So, I immediately think, "Let me hit up the General section and do the +1 thing. Plus, the kid's decent enough. Might as well give him that forum shout out .."

But, WTF? There isn't a thread for him. Two more hours and his day's done, and no one could have even put the little effort to put his day on blast? I don't know. Sounds iffy to me.

In any manner ..


Yeah, fuck you and your new login. We remember what it used to be. Haha.

Keep your h-e-a-d-u-p, like Jaheim and those kids said.
(He's a hip-hop and R&B head, so he should get this ..)

Breathe easy!

// Strider. Out.