hi guys,

new around here. now my HDD crashed, in which i had naruto episdoes 1-140. so basically, ive gotta start from the beginning. i dont really like torrents, so does any1 know where i can get direct downloads for epidoes 1+?

if not, where can i get torrents for individual episodes 1+? i know in the downlaods section here there is a torrent with 1-25, but i want individual ones so i can start watching right from the beginning, without having to wait for a 4gb file to finish dl on my temporary 56k [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]


Ok, i'm getting really tired of this shit. dh0licious, you're new so i'll tell you now. Before you post questions, look at the main forum page and make sure you post in the right section. For example, your particular question should have gone in Anime Downloads. Please be aware of this next time. Im not gonna move this thread rite away so you and others can read this and know what to do and what not to do next time.

As for Azazel, dont make stupid shit posts. If YOU had searched the forums, you'd know that useless no-content posts and needless flamming are against the rules. If you cant contribute, don't say anyhting at all.

Gotwoot Moderator