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Thread: Naruto 280 Raw

  1. #21

    Naruto 280 Raw

    I agree with ya raven, on both comments.

    maybe everyone thinks that Deidara is cooler than Chiyo or bad guys are cooler than the good guys all together, so maybe thats why everyone is happy with these events.

    And I havent rerad the chapter yet ( waiting for translation or decent scan) but from what everyone says, it seems that this will go on for a while, which is fine by me .

    now I must wait for scan...

  2. #22

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Can someone PLEASE post a better scan?

    Good chapter though, looks like the story is really going to pick up, but just one thing...

    Just about EVERY living human being in the Sand HATED GAARA to death even though he was Kazekage, and all of a sudden they are SWOONING him!

    P.S. Also would have liked to see some Sand army soldiers in combat.

  3. #23

    Naruto 280 Raw

    We want villains to live and heros to die because things in go in cycles and the days of wanting heros to overcome evil and villains to pay the price are over =)

    and Kishimoto is trying to teach kids how fickle-minded people can be...

  4. #24

    Naruto 280 Raw

    If their going to kill off a character I say they should do it like they almost did Chouji and Neji, with really emotional battles, those 2 scenes where the most emotional parts of the series for me (because I thoght they truely were killed off).

    P.S. I'm talking about the Anime versions of the fights.

  5. #25

    Naruto 280 Raw

    We get to see Zetsu again, damn he's so cool. He's bloody everywhere.
    There's also a new guy around him wanting to get into the Akatsuki.

    When the new guy (Tobi?) said that with the ring he should be able to get into the Akatsuki, than Zetsu said it wont be so easy, I got the feeling that he would kill Deidara, then he would have two rings, and defeated a member (although he's totally fucked up now), I think it would guarantee a spot on the Akatsuki.

  6. #26

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Damn, it seem that my prediction come true again. It is kinda fun when that happen again and again. this is a cool chapter even though the scan was very low quality. As, for the new guy at the end of this chapter, i think he will join Akatsuki; after all, what the point of introduces a new bad guy and his intension out loud if he can't join the Akatsuki. I don't see any evidence for him just said it without any intension to back it up.

    As for kAi, i don't think the new guy's going to kill Deidara. Although, he might get some testing mission before he can join Akatsuki. However, i didn't completely refuse the posibility that your theory might come true too.

  7. #27
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw


    Maybe because the heroes have been around since forever and people are getting tired of one-shot villains who appear and then die directly.

    But mostly it's probably since the "chances" Kishi has to kill off heroes in a good fashion are wasted in such an annoying way.

    Edit: 6500 posts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  8. #28
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Finally the "Save Gaara" arc has concluded. Can't wait to see more of the new guy wanting to get into Akatsuki. I get the feeling the Neji, Lee and gang is going to get left out once again when the focus turns to Naruto and Sakura, and maybe Sasuke pretty soon.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #29

    Naruto 280 Raw

    For once things are getting interesting.

    I cant wait for the trans i wanna see Zetsou he looks damn cool.

  10. #30

    Naruto 280 Raw

    If the new guy gets shunned by the Akatsuki, he'll probably end up being a kink in their works. but he'll probably mess w/ some Konoha ninjas first to try to get into Akatsuki. i dont think simply finding Sasori's ring quite fulfills the requirement.

  11. #31
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    maybe we'll get to see more of the other konoha shino and kiba o.o
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #32

    Naruto 280 Raw

    <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">
    Higher Quality 280 by jojohot</a>

    Signature by Lucifus

  13. #33

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Rock Lee, Neji &amp; Shino = Konoha ownage.

    Zetsu telling Spiral-Face having Sasori's ring doesn't guarantee him a spot, got me thinking that he'll either have to defeat another Akatsuki member, or prove himself to them like all of the other members have done. Itachi's killed his entire clan, Sasori killed his own Kazekage and took over an entire country with his puppet army, and Kisame's killed countless Feudal Lords. I'm guessing this new guy will have to prove himself, since I don't think Akatsuki can afford losing yet another member.

    Also, someone asked about Orochimaru's ring. He still has it. In the episode directly following the Konoha Invasion, and when Itachi makes his debut, Orochimaru is talking in the cave with Kabuto about Itachi's great power, and it pans out and shows his original body's arm, with the ring still on the finger. Right after that, it shows Itachi and Kisame's rings, as they were in the small dining shop in Konoha.

  14. #34

    Naruto 280 Raw

    i think deidra is going to get killed by the spiral guy, wouldn tthat be awsome?

  15. #35
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Hell no!

    Deidara isn't gonna fall to some Akatsuki wannabe!
    He'll kill Naruto!


  16. #36

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Well just as predicted a bunshin.. deidara the female that still thinks that's a male has come back. Looking for his arm so calmly... i suppose that it can be regenerated or pasted somehow. Sasori is dead the spot on akatsuki is him, why would they kill anohter akatsuki to get 2 spots?¿ And deidara of all the akatsukis! the most awesome female(what?) character, and now with very valious info about naruto and kakashi-mangekyo-bought-on-ebay.

    What I don't understand is why that spiral guy is there like nothing happens, just like an akatsuki budy. Does that mean that akatsuki have replacements? below akatsuki level ranks nins? This would be sweet, not only the 8 akatsuki but a great organization, like any hidden village. I can imagine they other teams chunnins and jounins fighting some low rank, but still badass nins.

    Well at least chyo died, long time without seeing some "good" character going to eternal sleep.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    You know Naruto will bust out of the ground and kill Deidara with an uppercut.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  18. #38
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    @Edort: You should listen to Deidara's voice in the anime... it's everything but girly

    @Azazel: funny cuz it's true

  19. #39

    Naruto 280 Raw

    There is speculation the the spiral face guy(Tobi) Is in fact a somehow brought back to life obito. Notice the the hole is on the side that was crushed which is the only place he could have an eye(Since he gave Kakashi his other). His hair is the same and look at his name.... Tobi, almost an anagram of obito. Interesting theory if you ask me. Not mine I read it somewhere else.

  20. #40

    Naruto 280 Raw

    based on the translation (talking to himself like Zetsu) it seems this guy is from the same double personality clan that Zetsu is from. they both got the face paint and hair thing going on too. that hair style seems to be a Sand Village thing but I dont think they're Sand ninjas.

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