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Thread: Naruto 280 Raw

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Thanks for the dl.

    I'm glad Deidara isn't dead, that would sucked. I hope it gets a little more interesting from now on, since
    two more members have shon themselves.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  3. #3

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Good ending. Left me wanting to know what they were saying though!


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  4. #4
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Naruto 280 Raw

    DEIDARA IS ALIVE !!!!111 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    *interest in series +50*

    The new akatsuki members are fugly
    I hope that isn't their real faces

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    its pretty sweet to know that we might still get a backstory for deidara
    but it kinda sucks to assume that he'll probably end up getting replacements for his arms

    I bet i know what kishimoto plans to do with him though....
    Every akatsuki gets the demon of the jinchuuriki that they captured, right?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #6

    Naruto 280 Raw

    alright! deidara lives. lost an arm over being unprepared. next time he wont hold back.

  7. #7
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    I bet i know what kishimoto plans to do with him though....
    Every akatsuki gets the demon of the jinchuuriki that they captured, right?
    Thats a pretty good theory. One problem though, there are only seven members left.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Nah, the Akatsuki are trying to awake the crazy statue-like monster, to bring on the ultimate power.

    But anyway, i think, Gaara will get back his Ichibi and together with Naruto, they try to make up an union with the other living Jinchuurikis to fight againast Akatsuki ^^
    Therefor, Kishimoto let Sasori get killed, and will let getting killed other Akatsuki members, until the number of Akatsuki and living Jinchuuriki is on par...and then the final showdown of the Akatsuki arc will come upon us....oh, and it makes sense, Deidara having get lost of one of his arms, because that way heīs waker, and if Gaara wonīt get back his Ichibi, his opponent will be Sasori in the final battle...and that would be even finally the revenge for what Deidara did to him in the beginning of this arc...hehe, i can already imaging Gaara saying something like "Thank you for taking the demon from me...but now itīs over!" and the uber-sand-jutsu crashes upon Deidara.... i know everything that will happen....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #9
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Wheeee, Deidara is alive! I bet you are happy, Terra!

    I'm glad Chiyo is dead. I'm freaked at how females are acting towards Gaara now. Its either because the japanese fangirls took control of kishimoto and started writing the manga on their own or Kishimoto himself has just snapped.

    Also, I fucking predicted it! "Oh Gaara, now that you are the Kazekage and therefore important, you suddenly became so cool!! Just forget about how badly we treated you when we were all children and let us beyour fans, yes?" weird girls.

    And the last panel - well, Deidara is saying he's gotta search for his right arms and the ring, something like

    "Yeah... gotta search for the arm and the ring, 'cause if I don't... yeah..."

    And then on the last panel it seems someone, a man with a spiral-like face, has a ring (dunno if it's Deidara's) and is saying something like "mmmh... with this I'll be accepted as a member of the Akatsuki, right?" , so now we have an Akatsuki wannabe too! He can't be just any weak fry if he wants in, heh...

    Naruto still complains about being ranked as a genin. You think we might have to see some sort of exam? I know most of yo uhate him, but if he could land one hit on Deidara before he turned to clay and if he could stop Chiyo's attack on Kakashi, he must be jounin-level at least...

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  10. #10
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Finally something interesting and unexpected happened. If Kishimoto plays his cards right this can become some development for the Sand siblings.

    Kishimoto has 2 options for Deidara as i see it. Either he gives him Shukaku or he kills him off, maybe even both.

  11. #11
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    WTF, why would Deidara receive Shukaku? Have I missed something about Akatsuki's plans? No, really. I've stopped downloading any translations since uh, april (read the raws, or at least some of them), so I can't remember - does the Akatsuki plan on putting a demon inside each of the Akatsuki members? I guess it would work if they're planning to conquer the world or whatever, I mean, imagine Itachi with the Kyuubi inside himself? But they would have an extra demon, now that Sasori's dead.

    And what was so unexpected? I never thought Deidara was dead, truth to be told... they didn't even hint about his past and he's too cool to be killed just like that.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    nah, nothing confirmed about what they're doing with the demons
    its something we just sorta theorized a bit on a while least it would explain why itachi wouldnt want sasori to take the kyubi, right?

    Besides, it sounds like from your translations that we already have sasori's replacement, right?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Something interesting is right.

    It seems the Spiral-Faced Shinobi has Sasori's ring, and is planning on forcing himself into the Organization. He's sitting in the cavern where Sasori was defeated, so I'm imagining it's his ring that he's holding on to, when Zetsu and him briefly converse. He's most likely no slouch to even know about Akatsuki, let alone consider placing himself into the group, as opposed to possibly being invited or accepted.

    Intrigued, I am. Cannot wait for a translation.

  14. #14

    Naruto 280 Raw

    MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad Deidara is a live he has become one of my favorites since he took down Gaara and sat on him like he was just a piece of futniture

    Signature by Lucifus

  15. #15

    Naruto 280 Raw

    who0o glad Gaara is alive, chiyo is dead and two new faces are shown themselves. Exciting once again. Yanno, I actually have a funny feeling that the spiral faces guy is Sasori. I think Sasori controlled the puppet from the ring! I mean, why would u take a ring? Perhaps the scroll that was powering the puppet was like the battery while the ring was the controller. Zetsu goes back to recieve it for him.

    I'm just making theories here so don't take it seriously but it would be cool if it was true tho.

    EDIT: after reading the translation I guess I'm wrong, lol. Guess you need the ring to be a member.
    I don't care who I have to fight!
    If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death!
    If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
    If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
    And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from beyond the grave!

  16. #16

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Don't people own scanners anymore? wth is up with these raws lately?

    Gaara vs Shukaku Deidara... a possibility down the road.

    The ring scenario is an interesting one, but if previous members can be replaced by new members simply by obtaining a ring, then could say Kakashi become accepted into Akatsuki if he had a ring? Where is Orochi's ring and why was he never replaced?

  17. #17

    Naruto 280 Raw

    hmm well here is a rough translation of it by another fan:

    Number 280: Feelings Entrusted to Us


    Someone else who's there if you glance back...
    Pointing toward that dream, showing the path to take, a friend that shares your happiness.

    Page 1:

    Frame 2-

    Naruto: They're here to take care of you...!

    Frame 4-

    Kankurou: Geez...

    It's nerve-wracking having a little brother like you!

    Frame 5-

    Temari: What're you guys doing talking all dramatic like that?

    Gaara's the Kazekage!

    Don't wanna hear you disrespecting him...

    Page 2:

    Frame 1-

    Temari: ...You couple of wimps!

    Frame 2-

    Temari: Gaara... How do you feel?

    Frame 4-

    Gaara: Ungh...

    Frame 5-

    Temari: It'd be better if you don't try to move so soon...

    Your body isn't completely healed yet...

    Frame 6-

    Male Sand-nin: *sniff* I--I'm glad...

    I really thought Kazekage-sama was...

    Page 3:

    Frame 1-

    Female Sand-nin: Gaara-sama would never die that easily!

    Male Sand-nin: Ow!

    Frame 2-

    Female Sand-nin: Gaara-sama is all silent and elite and cool and strong and cute and...

    Female Sand-nin 2: That's right! And everything about him is so adorable and he's Kazekage-sama and...

    Frame 3-

    Female Sand-nin: Next time he has a crisis I'll definitely protect him!

    Female Sand-nin: No, I will!

    Frame 4-

    Naruto: Dammit, and I'm still a Genin...

    Frame 5-

    Kankurou: Eh, don't feel so down...

    Girls who're aiming for elites'll always go "Okay, he might be cool, but he's weak," right?

    Frame 6-

    Naruto: Shikamaru said sort of the same thing, didn't he...


    Page 4:

    Frame 3-

    Gaara (flashback): He...

    Frame 4-

    Gaara (flashback): He knew the same pain as me...

    And he taught me I could change the path I was living on...

    Frame 6-

    Kankurou: Naruto... thanks.

    Frame 7-

    Naruto: If you're giving out thank-yous, give 'em to the old lady, not me.

    She saved Gaara with this awesome medical ninjutsu...

    Page 5:


    Page 6:

    Frame 1-

    Kankurou: Chiyo-baa... she used that jutsu...

    Frame 2-

    Naruto: She's out of it right now, but...

    Once she gets back to the village, I'm sure she'll...

    Frame 3-

    Kankurou: She won't.

    Frame 6-

    Naruto: ... What do you mean...?

    Page 7:

    Frame 1-

    Kankurou: That was no medical ninjutsu... it was a reincarnation ninjutsu.

    Chiyo-baa's dead.

    Frame 3-

    Naruto: ...Wh... What're you talking about?

    Frame 4-

    Kankurou: It's a jutsu where you can exchange your own life force...

    to bring someone else back to life...

    Page 8:

    Frame 4-

    Kankurou: Awhile back, in Suna's puppeteer corps...

    They were trying to develop a jutsu to give life to puppets...

    And Chiyo-baa was heading up the research.

    Frame 5-

    Kankurou: They figured out how to do it*, but...

    ...Along the way... they decided it was too risky...

    Before they could start testing on people, it was declared kinjutsu.

    It's a sealed technique....

    Page 9:

    Frame 1-

    Chiyo (flashback): I'm glad there are people like you in this shinobi world we worthless old folks created...

    Frame 2-

    Chiyo (flashback): The things I did back then... were nothing but a mistake...

    But... at the very end, seems like I was finally able to do something right...

    Frame 3-

    Chiyo (flashback): Suna and... Konoha...

    Make the future from now on different from the way it was for us...

    Frame 4-

    Chiyo (flashback): Your mysterious power Kakashi was talking about...

    It'll change the future...

    Frame 5-

    Chiyo (flashback): Become a Hokage like there's never been before...

    Page 10:

    Frame 2-

    Sakura: Chiyo-baasama...

    Frame 3-

    Ebizou: Being dead... she looks free...

    Still smiling, even now...

    Her face...

    Frame 4-

    Ebizou: It looks peaceful...

    Page 11:

    Frame 1-

    Sakura: ...Yeah...

    Frame 5-

    Temari: Naruto... you really are an unusual guy, aren't you...

    You've got the power to change people...

    Page 12:

    Frame 1-

    Temari: Chiyo-baasama always said she didn't care about the village's future...

    She wasn't the kind of person who'd do something like this for Gaara...

    Frame 2-

    Kakashi: Chiyo-baasama entrusted the future to you and Gaara...*

    A fitting end for a shinobi.

    Frame 4-

    Naruto: Yeah...

    Same as old man Sandaime...

    Frame 5-

    Kakashi: Right...

    Frame 6-

    Naruto: Yeah...

    I'm saying right now... I really understand how she felt.

    Page 13:

    Frame 4-

    Female Sand-nin: Gaara-sama...

    Gaara: I'm fine.

    Frame 5- *grab*

    Page 14:

    Frame 3-

    Gaara: Everyone...

    Pray for Chiyo-baasama.

    Page 15:

    Frame 3-

    Deidara: *gasp*

    Frame 5-

    Deidara: Damn... I can't believe I had to go as far as using up the suicide bomber bunshin I've been saving....

    Somehow I managed to sneak it in there and get away, but...*

    Page 16:

    Frame 2-

    Deidara: Hm...

    What got severed... it was only to about the elbow...

    I have to find my right hand and my ring... yeah...

    Page 17:

    Frame 3-

    Zetsu: So this is Sasori's real body...

    Frame 4-

    Unknown: It was over here!

    Over here, Zetsu-san!

    Page 18:

    Frame 1-

    Unknown: With this, I can join Akatsuki too, can't I...

    Looks like one spot's opened up now...

    Frame 2-

    Zetsu: Idiot... You really think it would be so simple?

    Unknown: Well, why shouldn't I get in?

    Frame 3-

    Unknown: Tobi's a good boy...

    Unknown (Tobi?): Eh?
    I don't care who I have to fight!
    If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death!
    If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
    If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
    And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from beyond the grave!

  18. #18
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    Mmh, can't say I agree with all points in that translation, but the scan is too fucking bad for me to actually bother to do one of my own.

    Anyway, yeah, things somehow picked up in this last chapter. Not only do we know that Deidara is alive (yay!) but that getting a ring is/might be enough to become part of the Akatsuki....

    Thing is, I see it like this - you don't challege an Akatsuki member just because. You must know what you're getting into if you even hope to have a chance at winning.

    SO lets say you want in, you go and challenge someone, and you defeat him - as a proof you take the ring and then go and I dunno, show it to someone. The rings must have a special something (besides the kanji) on them, a jutsu of some kind... so if you have one it must necessarily mean you defeated someone, and that must give you at least some credit for getting in.

    Of course, there must be an extra test.
    Like killing your best friend or some shit like that.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  19. #19

    Naruto 280 Raw

    Maybe the rings are the key to open the doors to their secret headquarters [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] j/k

  20. #20
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Naruto 280 Raw

    So when Kishi lets his good guys live, you guys are all like "boooo" but when he lets the bad guys live, you all say "yaaaay!" Bit of a double standard, eh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    All I can say is, it's even more apparent now how long this series is going to go for. With an enemy living and yet another enemy added, it's gonna be one long-ass saga. Not to mention the fact that we haven't even seen Sasuke and Oro yet.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. But for those a while back who were saying things might be finishing up over the next arc or two... hmm.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

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