No one mentioned the Mai sighting at the end of the preview? Several people were all geared up when the new OP came out since they got to see their precious Mai, well now she's appeared, in a similar fashion to
Mai Shot
Anyone gat any ideas about what Shiho and her lackies are up to? They seem to be aimlessly turning and wandering, but why?
And the fighting has been pretty lame throughout this series, the Shizuru V Reito fight was okay, but pretty much all the few Otome fights have been so one sided that it wasn't all that fun to watch. Next week will hopefully be good, and maybe the finale will involve lots of Otome vs lots of Valkyries or something.
Here's something I just realized today...Otome are Power Rangers...Robes and Gems = Morphing, Shinso = Zordon, Harmonium = Arbitrary Doomsday device/power source that mustn't fall into wrong hands. Maybe thats why the fighting has been so lame. I hope i'm proven wrong though