Actually some ISPs do limit the speeds if they notice ports used around some usual range used by p2p clients. I don't remember that range, but it was below 10000. The default port for BitComet is somewhere around 18000, I think. I randomized it some time ago to ~19000, although I doubt that was any issue for me. Some people say ports over 50000 are safe from most of ISP monitoring, and that's why you see ports like that on the peers list.Originally posted by: KaosSinner
though I wander if its something to do with the ports. Any experts in the field?
Many people say BitComet is carbage. Just like many people say Toyota, or Chrysler, or BMW is carbage. Trust them if you want, it's just an opinion. But the fact is that BitComet is still one of the clients offering most options and functionality with very decent system resource requirements, unlike a client like Azureus, which is also famous for its vast number of settings but is a real hog due to the java platform. uTorrent might one day, after a couple of versions, be able to compete with BitComet. But before that day comes, I won't change from BitComet to any other client and lose functionality I'm accustomed to.