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Thread: Encoding & Karaoke

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  1. #1

    Encoding & Karaoke

    Hi, AonE!
    Since not only the translation, but also the visual part of your subs look great (actually, one of the best encodings i've ever seen), I'd like to ask you, what software do you use? Is it a avisynth+v-dub duo? Or something else? What tool do you use to merge video & subs?
    Also I would like to know how you did the karaoke for Naruto's 5th op (the one where fire-like text vanishes in smoke). It doesn't seem like plain /t to me!
    Keep up the good work!

    Gotwoot != AonE. All GW does is host thier releases. Infact most of AonE doesnt even frequent this forum (just the occasional wierdo). I suggest you ask in thier channel instead.

    Gotwoot Moderator

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Encoding & Karaoke

    Thanks, friend Moderator, for saving me from typing half of this message. I'll go ahead and handle the other half now.

    Generally, all of the fansubs that animeone generates are encoded in virtualdub (or virtualdubmod) with avisynth. However, that's not the whole story by itself.

    The other absolutely necessary piece is Textsub (the vdub ASS plugin for vobsub). Textsub itself is used to render all of those effects, which are all things you can do with thorough knowledge of the ASS (advanced substation) tools available. Everything is implemented in textsub effects. Some encoders use VSFilter, which provides the same things as textsub, but as an avisynth filter instead of a virtualdub filter (I think, I could be wrong).

    in the case of that fire-text effect, the effect itself was quite complex, and in fact made it take longer to encode the opening sequence than the entire rest of the episode. We heard no end to the complaints from the encoder about it, because we'd usually go through 3 or 4 release candidate encodes before a final release, so we'd burn nearly 18 hours of encode time just on that effect on every episode... but it looked great, so we stuck with it for a while.

  3. #3

    Encoding & Karaoke

    Ok, thx a lot for the info!

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