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Thread: Another Gundam Seed Game

  1. #1

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Before I start sorry if this is old news.

    Gundam Seed: Federation Vs. Zaft is the name of the game. After the disappointing Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow, the fairly fun Battle Assault 3 Feat. Gundam Seed, and the newest strategy type game Gundam Seed Destiny: Generation of C.E. (no word on it headed stateside.) a new gundam seed game is coming out from CAPCOM not BANDAI (damn those cheesy anime games they make...)

    Anyways, the game is a twist of Virtual On type battles but with gundam seed characters. The game features gundams from Seed but not MSV. It also has a cameo appearance from Shinn and Impulse (and maybe his silhouettes and some more destiny gundams but its highly unlikely.) Unlike GS: NET, this game's close range battles are a lot better (although I haven't seen any beam sabers clashing... still waiting for that...) Also unlike the English version of NET, this game actually keeps the GS music (and hopefully the japanese voice acting if it gets ported.) No release date for the U.S. has been confirmed yet but most likely it will head over here next year. (Comes out on the PS2 on November 17th in Japan.)

    Videos: (scroll down a lil past the King of Fighters fights.)

    A few of the last pics have GSD units which leads me to believe that some more GSD suits besides Impulse will be added.

  2. #2

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    Also unlike the English version of NET, this game actually keeps the GS music (and hopefully the japanese voice acting if it gets ported.)
    You do realize the Voice acting part will not happen. Most people will not want the Japanese voices speaking in Japanese. Sure die-hard people like you would want it, but Gundam is already a highly specialized fanbase, and Capcom will want to try to attract as many people as possible. Non-Gundam fans will have a higher (though how high depends on it's quality) probablility of buying it if they know what people are saying.

  3. #3

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Just watched the trailor. The game looks very cool. I hope there is a US version.

    Anyway, how came everyone can go to SEED mode?
    lol, because they want to make this game balance?

  4. #4

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    Also unlike the English version of NET, this game actually keeps the GS music (and hopefully the japanese voice acting if it gets ported.)
    You do realize the Voice acting part will not happen. Most people will not want the Japanese voices speaking in Japanese. Sure die-hard people like you would want it, but Gundam is already a highly specialized fanbase, and Capcom will want to try to attract as many people as possible. Non-Gundam fans will have a higher (though how high depends on it's quality) probablility of buying it if they know what people are saying.
    you never know, it could happen, it happened for capcom vs snk 2, which is the best game ever

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  5. #5
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Hell yes, Miguel! I want this game.
    Originally posted by: supra33202
    Just watched the trailor. The game looks very cool. I hope there is a US version.
    Actually, seeing how Capcom is behind it rather than Bandai that's not impossible.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  6. #6

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    You can always import it...

  7. #7

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Originally posted by: Wizard054
    You can always import it...
    That reminds me...

  8. #8

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Hope the game is worth it, most aren't. And about that yahoo story, I have to say "DOWN WITH THE GIANTS." I'm glad the little business got a victory for once.

  9. #9
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    just watched the short trailer posted...

    the battle style looks like "Zeta Gundam vs Gundam"
    still , im looking forward to this...hope it wont suck.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  10. #10
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Another Gundam Seed Game

    It won't suck if it plays like the 2 previous "vs" games. Definately a must get for me!
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  11. #11

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    The trailer was impressive and I agree with Psyke: it should be good since it is a vs game (living up to the predecessors)

  12. #12

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    I tried this game in the arcade the other day. It's a lot of fun. Game play is exactly like Zeta Gundam Vs Gundam.

  13. #13

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    I must buy a PS3 when it comes out! I'm only looking forward to playing Dirge of Cerberus. This game looks pretty wicked too.

  14. #14

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    Also unlike the English version of NET, this game actually keeps the GS music (and hopefully the japanese voice acting if it gets ported.)
    You do realize the Voice acting part will not happen. Most people will not want the Japanese voices speaking in Japanese. Sure die-hard people like you would want it, but Gundam is already a highly specialized fanbase, and Capcom will want to try to attract as many people as possible. Non-Gundam fans will have a higher (though how high depends on it's quality) probablility of buying it if they know what people are saying.
    A couple capcom games have a japanese and english audio setting. So there is always hope.
    And yes I forgot about Zeta Gundam Vs. Gundam, it's real close to that. The trailor was very impressive (never knew strike rouge CAN be cool...).... I just wanna use Freedom more.. anything with Freedom, I'l buy it!

  15. #15

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    A couple capcom games have a japanese and english audio setting.
    To be perfectly honest, it hadn't even occured to me that you meant both as an option. Sorry.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Another Gundam Seed Game

    capcom taking this on, eh? looks cool, this should be interesting..
    Signature by Lucifus

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  17. #17

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    I hope that Capcom has made the controls smoother.

  18. #18

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    out of those 3 which video is the best? because i dled the first one but it was sorta crappy and there were heads in the way

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  19. #19

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    I really looking foward to this game. Hopefully, there will be some Gundams from other series that are playable as well .But, right now I am more interested in the upcoming PS3 Gundam game.

  20. #20

    Another Gundam Seed Game

    The first 2 are the better ones. The 3rd link has a couple game play vids if you scroll down on the website a bit.

    Anyways, pictures update!!!!
    Scroll down to see.....Impulse!!!! All 3 silhouettes.

    Another pic, I love the Freedom + Justice on the lower right hand corner

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