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Thread: Naruto 279 Raw

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    Ok i found a scanlation of 279. So i'm putting it up. Although it's crappy because he hasn't removed alot of the japanese text. And i have no idea (since i don't know japanese) how good/bad the translation is either.

    Naruto 279 Scanlation

  2. #42

    Naruto 279 Raw

    This chapter was like reading a blank paper, nothing new, we all knew this was gonna happen. Naruto and gaara friends forever and together make in the future konoha and sunakagure work together in peace and harmony zzzzzzzz. I just hope that the next arc is not about sasuke,orochimaru and kabuto fighting and killing 2 akatsuki members!

    Please with the next arc kishi surprise me, make me believe that you still are a capable writer who hasnt been surpassed and overwhelmed by his own creation.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  3. #43
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: Edort4
    I just hope that the next arc is not about sasuke,orochimaru and kabuto fighting and killing 2 akatsuki members!
    woah.....that actually sounded incredibly badass.....
    like playing through the starcraft campaign or something where one group is battling out two other groups on different fronts and you switch to the different perspectives as the story progresses
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #44
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    Nice scantalation, that was a good chapter, I liked it. Sucks though Gara dosen't have his jinchriki or whatever. You all know chiyo is going to die.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  5. #45

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Who the hell is that excited ass shinobi, that is being held back?

    At first, I thought it was Sakura .. until I noticed Sakura was holding Chiyo's [BETTER BE!!!] dead body, with her brother standing beside them.

    I am not going with a previous poster and saying that's Ino, 'cause .. well, that'd make no fucking sense.

    The random shinobi were coo', though. Like the large dog user at the bottom of the page. And, the one on the very far left with his Santa Claus sack of goodies. It appears there are a few other possible puppet users, considering the few with wrapped objects on their backs. One of them even has things protruding from it.

    .. All those random shinobi should now all jump Gaara to see if he's worthy of being their Kazekage without Shukaku. Give us some actual ninja action, not Rasengan + Kage Bunshin all day, to make up for the lack of style this past arc.

    Lastly, I agree with Assertn.

    The next arc, showing Sasuke's progression, especially coupled with Kabuto's unknown badass-ery, knocking off two more Akatsuki members would be fucking fantastic! We know they're going to clash. We might as well get to see it. Although, my money's on Orochimaru and Co. showing up and simply TELLING us they offed some Akatsuki members, without us ever really seeing it. Just dead bodies.

  6. #46

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: kAi
    I'm looking forward to this meeting in the Grass Village, who will be his Sasori's Subordinate spy in Orochimaru's Sound Village.
    With this we should be seeing more of Orochimaru and Sasuke, but we still have alot of the other members of the Akatsuki to go through also, will it be like a simultaneous thing, or will they go with the Orochimaru part then to Akatsuki or vice versa. Although, I think that will start in about 3 chapters to come.
    I hope it takes long time before we see any other Akatsuki fight the"good" guys cause we dont want them to lose so fast againt against Sakura and co.......

    Sasori's Subordinate must be Kabuto since he is closest to Oro.

  7. #47
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    What I currently hate about Naruto is that not a single thing has happened the last 30 chapters. And that means a lot coming from me, because I easily get pissed at people saying "nothing happened". But seriously. Think about what happened in the last chapters. Zero development, and Naruto's new move was the most predictable piece of shit succession to Rasengan that Kishimoto could have possibly thought up. 2 new characters introduced and they died just as quickly. Nobody gives a fuck about Chiyo. And Gaara is back where he started. I guess the bottomline of the last 6 months is "Sakura got stronger".

  8. #48

    Naruto 279 Raw

    huh...? that wasnt naruto's new move. that was nromal rasengan wasnt it?

  9. #49
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    I'm referring to Oodama Rasengan (two at the same time)

  10. #50

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    I guess the bottomline of the last 6 months is "Sakura got stronger".
    You forgot about Kakashi's hard earned, and well-deserved Mangekyou. Hrmph.

  11. #51

    Naruto 279 Raw

    well i would say it was very obvious that it had to do with rasengan, all hes done is rasengan and kagebushin

    naruto isnt a genius, he is just really powerful, only geniuses can develop cool moves (kakashi/neji/jiraiya)

    he can only learn moves not develop them himself, thats why neji will be hokage and naruto will be his servant [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  12. #52

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: elmojo
    thats why neji will be hokage and naruto will be his servant [img][/img]
    Best post ever.

    Go vote for Neji, now. Seriously, go now.

  13. #53

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Naruto is overflowing with small yet powerful techniques taught to him by the great Jiraya. I'm sure he has a few techniques down and eventually his sparring capabilities will come to par with others. (i.e. he wont fight like a little girl but like a he man!)
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    I'm referring to Oodama Rasengan (two at the same time)
    Just for that, Naruto will bust out his Tri Rasengan!
    BTW have you notice the change of tone between this magna and Bleach's magna particually on Terra here? =P

  14. #54

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Terra's sharing a boat with Basey, and rowing steadily away from Naruto.

    A sad, sad day ..

  15. #55
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    (PUN TIME)

    Life is like a boat, as Rie Fu sings in Bleach ending #1

  16. #56

    Naruto 279 Raw

    There he goes with his Bleach reference. It's true, Naruto Community .. !!

    We've lost Terra~!!

  17. #57

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Seems like alot of the longtime members of the naruto community are drifting away to bleach. Can't blame them considering how bad it's gotten. Maybe I'll go jump onto the bleach boat wait until the manga catchs up to the anime then jump off when the bleach anime is filled with stupid pointless filler storylines. Then I can come back to naruto with it finally being back on track in both manga and anime. I've got to admit the last few chapters have been a disappointment as well as the summer long Sasori Sakura fight. All I can do is really just put my faith in the next arc not sucking.

  18. #58

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Eh i'm here to stay, would be troublesome to move around.

  19. #59

    Naruto 279 Raw

    We're all here to stay.

    It just feels good to gripe and complain sometimes.

    .. Plus, Naruto's the only series I'm up to date with renaming all the files, and it's too troublesome changing all the other manga titles I've downloaded, but have yet to read due to the sloppiness of inconsistent file names. So, yeah ..

    I'm here for Naruto.

  20. #60

    Naruto 279 Raw

    LOol I did that for all my animes

    30 - (name of episode here)

    now x that by 150 and bam, one tired latino.

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