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Thread: Naruto 279 Raw

  1. #21
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    That reminds me, I have to bake some muffins.

    This chapter would convince billions of yaoi fangirls to read Naruto if they didn't already.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  2. #22

    Naruto 279 Raw

    the plot thickens

  3. #23

    Naruto 279 Raw

    lol, i though that was orochimaru as well when i saw it, lol.

    I though it was an ok chapter. It is what i expected from a revival of a character. I just want to know how all those nin got there so fast. It did not seem like the revival would take that long. I think that there will be one more chapter, maybe two, to finish this up, then it will move to the next arc.

    On a slightly diffeeent note, since this arc is over, it would seem that they would go ahead and continue making the anime, if they havent started already, but the new anime intro shows all team seven and the rest of the genin still. I hope we dont have more fillers. usually the intro has some relevence to the current or upcoming story arc.

    back to the topic, I'm glad Garra is alive, I think his character will become interesting now. Will we see a total reversal, or will he stay the same, or maybe we wont see him ever again....

  4. #24
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    I thought it was a good chapter. I'm looking forward to see how Gaara's gonna help Naruto defeat Akatsuki now that he is "demonless".
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  5. #25
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: Winged Dancer

    Naruto's about to confess his everlasting and undying love for Gaara right there on page 17, I just know it!!!

    *laughs uncontrollably*
    I was thinking the same thing actually....


  6. #26

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: kaniskii
    lol, i though that was orochimaru as well when i saw it, lol.

    I though it was an ok chapter. It is what i expected from a revival of a character. I just want to know how all those nin got there so fast. It did not seem like the revival would take that long. I think that there will be one more chapter, maybe two, to finish this up, then it will move to the next arc.

    On a slightly diffeeent note, since this arc is over, it would seem that they would go ahead and continue making the anime, if they havent started already, but the new anime intro shows all team seven and the rest of the genin still. I hope we dont have more fillers. usually the intro has some relevence to the current or upcoming story arc.

    back to the topic, I'm glad Garra is alive, I think his character will become interesting now. Will we see a total reversal, or will he stay the same, or maybe we wont see him ever again....

    Well, the new intro REALLY means that he got another 2 groups to go on missions with before they go back to the story [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Back on topic: Im actually glad this arc is over, finally! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    but kind of disappointed.. nothing else then rasengan from naruto.. oh yeah and kage bunshin [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], hope we get to see more development from his part [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  7. #27

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Hey, Chiyo's brother is there at her death.

    I bet all the sand nins were hiding in the bushes waiting for the Konoha nins to fuck up the Akatsuki, the pussies.

  8. #28
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    I wonder what would have happened, instead of Naruto holding hands with Gaara, but started punching him awake?
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  9. #29

    Naruto 279 Raw

    heh i think that's hinata's dad

  10. #30

    Naruto 279 Raw

    That's not Orochimaru. Its just a random sand nin that kinda looks like him. In fact, I'll bet Kishi didn't even draw all of those, he probably just cut and paste random shinobi images. It looks like Temari is there twice, and another one up near the top looks like Zabuza, big sword and all.

  11. #31
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Naruto 279 Raw

    could anyone even see Lee, Neji or Ten Ten in that picture, b/c they've seem to have vanished

    R.I.P Captain America.

  12. #32
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Naruto 279 Raw

    Of course, Chiyo simply HAS to survive.
    Because she will put the Ichibi back into Gaara, so that he regains his former strength and...actually, everything will be as before the beginning of the new arc ^^

    Oh, and Deidara is for sure NOT dead.

    He knew, that he couldnīt flee by himself, so he provoked Kakashi by coincidence, because Deidara also knew, that would be his last chance.

    So, be prepared for "Return of Deidara", after the impressive "Return of Gaara" arc XD

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #33

    Naruto 279 Raw

    I like how Ino is overexcited and the sand nin is like "you stand over there" with his arm

  14. #34

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: MFauli
    Of course, Chiyo simply HAS to survive.
    Because she will put the Ichibi back into Gaara, so that he regains his former strength and...actually, everything will be as before the beginning of the new arc ^^

    Oh, and Deidara is for sure NOT dead.

    He knew, that he couldnīt flee by himself, so he provoked Kakashi by coincidence, because Deidara also knew, that would be his last chance.

    So, be prepared for "Return of Deidara", after the impressive "Return of Gaara" arc XD
    Guy tries to blow himself up.
    Guy gets teleported
    Everyone thinks guy is dead.
    Guy comes back.

    remind you of something?

    Edit: Tangents are bad.

  15. #35

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    I like how Ino is overexcited and the sand nin is like "you stand over there" with his arm
    ino? wtf? you know something we dont?

  16. #36

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    could anyone even see Lee, Neji or Ten Ten in that picture, b/c they've seem to have vanished

    They are in there. Lee is standing behind Gai, and Neji and Tenten are off to the right of Lee

  17. #37

    Naruto 279 Raw

    Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
    Now that I've stopped laughing at the Yaoi-ness of this chapter...

    I agree with Konohamaru, I hope they don't waste an entire episode in reviving Gaara with the NEW POWER OF HOLDING HANDS!!!!!!!!11, but I think they will anyway. 'Cause we have Naruto once more imagining the entire fucking village behind him, Gaara crying in the desert and then Naruto looking Oh So Fondly at him and the entire vilage coming to rescue him.

    Villager 1: SAY, we figured, y'know, we've been complete dicks to you for, uh, like 16 years -

    Villager 2: He's only fifteen idiot.

    Villager 1: Yeah, but I used to insult his mother too - so ANYWAY, we figured, now that you are demon free and have been brainwashed by the blonde idiot into being nice, we can pretend we were dicks and get along! Whaddaya say?

    Gaara: I... SO SPECIAL! *cries*

    Oh, and the flashbacks. Lets not forget the flashbacks! Naruto wouldn't be Naruto without "running in the woods while talking about stuff" flashbacks!!

    Well, it was a boring chapter (except for page 17) but it was needed. Now the first "New Stage" arc is almopst finished (two more weeks, perhaps three) and perhaps the anime will stop doing fucking-bad fillers and animate Kakashi Gaiden.

    And I'm glad Gaara's alive. Even if it would've been much more dramatic to keep him dead I liked him and even more so now that he was... I dunno, grown up? I liked his new character design, so what! Just... leave Chiyo dead. Please don't pull some "Since Naruto gave her his chakra she's not dead!!!11" crap.

    Hopefully the next Akatsuki few wont die as stupidly as Deidara, who was cool but still shouldn't have exploded like that just yet.
    hehehe funny shit. when it comes to the anime, they will show naruto's chakra forming into the 1 tail and reviing garra and putting the shukakku back into him with kyubi power, then naruto will use rasnegan for no reason....(what? you know its going to happen!)

    garra=cool character
    sakura=please die.

  18. #38

    Naruto 279 Raw

    meh i wish naruto would do something more than rasengan and kage bunshin x(. like some cool ninjutsu or something instead of mass taijutsu. x(. but naruto has crappy chakra control so oh well~.

  19. #39

    Naruto 279 Raw

    He really should. I mean he has all this power from Kyubi and he uses for Rasengan and Kage bunshin so lame....

  20. #40

    Naruto 279 Raw

    I'm looking forward to this meeting in the Grass Village, who will be his Sasori's Subordinate spy in Orochimaru's Sound Village.
    With this we should be seeing more of Orochimaru and Sasuke, but we still have alot of the other members of the Akatsuki to go through also, will it be like a simultaneous thing, or will they go with the Orochimaru part then to Akatsuki or vice versa. Although, I think that will start in about 3 chapters to come.

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