As any loyal naruto fan knows we have been forced to endue the fillers for far to long. It dosen't look like there is any end in sight so this is my proposal. Instead of wasting our time complaining lets put our hands where our mouths are and actually try and come up with our own filler story arcs working under the same constrictions as the anime writers.

1. You cannot use anything that has not been introduced into the anime yet. That means no Sasori Diedara or anything from Naruto Part 2.
2. You can use any character that has already appeared but they cannot do anything that conflicts with what has been previously established in prior episodes or add anything new that might conflict with something in the not to distant future of the manga.
3. You can create new characters but be careful not to ensure that their pressence dosen't conflict with the second law.

I think thats about it. If I forgot something let me know but I insist take a crack at it and see if you can come up with something better then the fillers.