So, i'm assuming that most of you are college students.
And as such you are probably forced to do the occasional, (or freq if major == X.enginering)
So whats your plan of action when you have to do so? How do you guarentee that you will both be able to
work effectively and be able to stay awake the next day?
Myself, I make sure to drink a cup of coffee every 2 hrs, and eat food constantly. I've found that this is guaranteed to keep me awake for at least 50 hrs when neccessary. And if programming, which is usually the case, I listen to music that has alot of energy, punk, metal, happyHardcore, NRG, etc...
I also usually take a break few hour or so for a few minutes to dick around online and get away from what I'm doing. for example, im writing this absolutely useless post..
Anyways, what do the lot of you do?