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  1. #1

    BitTorrent problem

    Why does this come up,
    "[AonE]_Final_Fantasy_VII_Advent_Children_[XviD_AC3][469D2A2A].avi" : Aborting the torrent as it was rejected by the tracker while not connected to any peers. Message from the tracker: This tracker requires support for no_peer_id tracker requests. Please update or change your client.

    I use BitTorrent 4.0.4

  2. #2

    BitTorrent problem


    Only seems to occur when using BitTorrent 4.0.4, i had the same error message with the naruto 01-25 torrent:
    "[AonE]_Naruto_01_25" : Aborting the torrent as it was rejected by the tracker while not connected to any peers. Message from the tracker: This tracker requires support for no_peer_id tracker requests. Please update or change your client."

    I previously had no problems when using BitTorrent 4.0.4, 91% of this torrent downloaded without this error occuring, have changes been made to the tracker?


  3. #3

    BitTorrent problem

    i got G3 torrent, it's doing it to all the clients

  4. #4

    BitTorrent problem

    btw i'm 87% done, They Should really post about changes to the tracker before they change it, don't you agree?
    btw if anyone finds a torrent that dloads it, please tell us..

    Don't double post. Use the edit button.

    GotWoot Moderator

  5. #5

    BitTorrent problem

    Bah just delete my account, this is useless tring to get help on this. just kill the torrent.

  6. #6
    Benevolent Dictator
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    BitTorrent problem

    How lame. "Delete my account, because I didn't get an answer in 6 hours time, you guys are useless and you suck and so I'm gonna go download some crappy version with sanskrit subs, you suck!"

    Or something like that.

    Anyway, for the other two new people here, I don't think anything about the tracker changed. If it's rejecting you like that (which I don't doubt it did), you might consider doing one of three things:

    (1) wait a couple hours. See if it fixes itself, if the download keeps going or stops, etc. Often, these things are the result of a tracker component bugging out, and simply quietly restarting the tracker will fix them. Other times, they're just tracker component lag, and don't even need a tracker restart. Welcome to bittorrent, please enjoy your stay.
    (2) re-download the torrent file. Someone who manages the actual torrent files could have changed something. This could be for any number of reasons ... such as a corrupt file, a mislabelled torrent. You should normally be able to stop your old download (but don't delete it or you're starting over!) and resume where you were with a new copy of the torrent. If this doesn't work, consider going back to (1).
    (3) If it's been doing this consistently, for several hours, then it'd be time to go to #gotwoot on and see if anyone else is having similar problems there.

    Something to be aware of is that the people who can actually fix things like that usually don't have time to patrol the forums watching for people complaining about them. But there's people on IRC who can verify or deny the problem, and possibly get the attention of the few people who can fix stuff. For that matter, IRC is a realtime medium, so you can at least gauge what's going on.

    In conclusion, generally a forum post like this is probably not an effective answer (at least, not here), and won't get you anywhere but frustrated.

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