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Thread: IRC question

  1. #1

    IRC question

    Well im trying to get some naruto from a server like #gotwoot or #animeone, but they have the rules of no !list and no @find. So here is my question. How do I get the anime!!! Ive searched and fought with it for about 2 hours now and I havent learned much, so if anybody could guide me that would be great.

  2. #2
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    IRC question

    Haha, I just saw you get banned from our channel.

    Read #animeone's topic. Slowly. Read an IRC guide on these forums.

  3. #3

    IRC question

    where be #animeone's topic then?

  4. #4

    IRC question

    In their channel.

    #animeone is on the Rizon network by the way

  5. #5

    IRC question

    Ok, i got 90 percent of this figured out, now i just have one last question.

    When im in somebodies fserv or whatever, and i type in "dir"

    if i get folders with all the different animes "bleach", "naruto", ect.

    How do i access those folders? Do I use the CD command? Because i tried that and it wasnt working.

  6. #6

    IRC question

    Yeah, you use the cd command.

    Say I typed 'dir' and i got something like this.

    If i wanted to get into the Berserk folder you would type

    cd Berserk

    Now once you are in this folder and you want to go back a folder type

    cd ..

    yes, it is a double period.

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