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Thread: Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

  1. #141
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Also some other things left unanswered

    Does Lacus have SEED or no? Why the hell do they give her those eyes?

    WHAT IS SEED MODE ANYWAY!?!?!?!?!?!?

    What is the deal with Newtype - like abilities given to some of the characters? It wasn't really ever explained with Mwu and Rau and it wasn't explained this time with Rey and Neo. And then later on we have the Newtype phenomenon, or something very damn close to it, happening with Kira (and maybe some others?)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #142

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    hey um.. wut does stellar mean wen she says "I received" lol. wtf? and again, the ending was hell too abrupt. good thing's that there were little or no recycled scenes in this ep lol

  3. #143

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Shin was like becoming high and thinking stuff
    and Rey didnt even kill Luna

  4. #144
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    This episode gave me the sudden urge to buy SF and IJ mastergrade!

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  5. #145
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    This episode gave me the sudden urge to buy SF and IJ mastergrade!
    Me too. Damn maketing...

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  6. #146

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    I got the urge to get IJ even though I never liked justice lol

  7. #147
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    looks like fukuda's final promo worked...i havent seen this episode yet (i had to dig through 4 pages to find hiro's sub) but judging by terra's pissyness and somebody's extremely long rant on the last page i'd say i shouldnt look foward to this much except for some DRAGOON fighting...

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  8. #148

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    You mean Mine. lol
    And yes, this episode sucked ass. So much ass, it must have a REALLY large mouth, equivalent to that of a Destroyer.

  9. #149

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Conclusion......... final phase SUCKS!!!

    first thing i couldn't stand: where the hell's my favourite character!!!!??? It's andy btw...

    WTH!!! Legend got pwned so freaking easily!!!!???? It's the LEGEND gundam for crying out loud not some grunt suit!!! Officially hate Kira even more for taking out rey without breaking a sweat!!! I mean he even denied rey of a warrior's death, wtf!!! hated kira since seed, for stealing other's gals, (not like fllay wasn't a whore) and for what he did to my fav char!!! (though andy does look better with a scar, like yzak with a scar, yzak without a scar looks like akira the wuss in hikaru no go...)

    As expected Shinn the psycho did go psycho!!! way to go!!! Athrun ownz everyone!!! that's cool!!!
    i mean wth, luna is like "i need love!" she's still hugging psycho shinn despite the fact that he almost slaughtered her and he's calling someone else's name in a feverish delirum wtf??? how many of you could stand it if the person you love is calling someone else unconsciously?

    Akatsuki is officially the strongest gundam ever... gotta get me one of those... damn those modelkit promoting strategies......

    too many loose ends untied (i know many pple have mentioned these but pardon me for iterating it again)...

    - how the hell did lacus get to seed mode? heck seed mode was never explained at all... i mean i thought they would explain it when athrun's father was looking at some fossil back in seed... but...

    - how and why did newtype come about in this universe...

    - the origins of destiny plan, the origins of dullindal, talia, rey, etc etc

    - how the hell did mwu become neo??

    - etc etc etc etc etc etc

    and to the hell with you animators who reused freedom for sf!!!!!!????

    sorry for the long post, to end it,

    QUOTE OF THE DAY: Kono Bakayarou!!!!!????!!!!!!???? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  10. #150
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    LISTEN TO YOURSELVES! You are talking about buying model kits, you are giving in to Fukuda's plans, you ARE LETTING HIM WIN!


    also, adding to Lacus being in seed mode or whatever, it's funny that it only happens in ep 50 of the both series.

  11. #151

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Anyone know the name of the song thats playing through most of the episode but to narrow it down just go to 6:21 and thats it

  12. #152

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    After finishing all of Destiny, my opinion would be there are too many loopholes. For one why does Lacus Clyne have so much influencial power over everything. She is jsut some pop singer, even though her father was highly respected but still not as much as the chairman. If anything Athrun should have more influencial power than Lacus ever will. The whole deal with Lacus is just crap. Would you follow everything Birtney Spears says? &^( NO! If anything Meer would even have more influencial power than Lacus, every soldier would love to watch her chest move like crazy. Now thats motivation.

  13. #153

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    LISTEN TO YOURSELVES! You are talking about buying model kits, you are giving in to Fukuda's plans, you ARE LETTING HIM WIN!


    also, adding to Lacus being in seed mode or whatever, it's funny that it only happens in ep 50 of the both series.
    lol it's funny how Walfred's Gaia only appeared once for a few seconds and yet it was made into a model [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  14. #154

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase


    Completely Unacceptable.

    I am speaking not on a Gundam standpoint, but on an anime otaku standpoint. This final episode is complete trash. I can not believe just how pathetic of an attempt Fukuda made to end this series.

    There are too many things left unfinished and too ridiculous:

    -The rivalry between Mwu/Neo and Rau/Rey was started and never finished.
    -This is NOT the Kira Show
    -Shinn, Luna, Gladys, Meyrin and hell, even Arthur did not get any character development. NONE. Shinn was a psycho from the start and STILL is, Luna is still confused, Gladys's past is still too broad, Meyrin NEEDED and DESERVED something, and I always thought Arthur would do something.
    -This is NOT the Kira Show
    -Athrun, who was the literal ANCHOR to this anime, had absolutely nothing to do with the ending. It should have been ATHRUN in Genesis, pointing the gun at Dullindal. After all those episodes to develop such a great man, he was a side character for the ending. What a joke.
    -This is NOT THE KIRA SHOW.
    -The archangel... who is TWO YEARS OLD, pwns the new Minerva. The Archangel didn't even use it's primary positron cannon. Genesis didn't have anything new, hell, I don't even know what the Genesis fortress was for.
    -Lacus went Seed-mode again, like on the last episode of Seed, which STILL does not make sense.

    This was complete garbage. It solved absolutely nothing and it didn't even have a epilogue to show what occured after. What happened to Cagalli and Athrun? Shinn and Luna? Mwu and Murrue? Yzak and Dearka, which I still don't understand WHY they switched sides so quickly?

    What was the point? I believed that the series was supposed to bring Shinn closure. It didn't. Shinn is still the same. Shinn never changed. Shinn remained unstable, and you can tell when he hugged Luna and cried, like he did before. He's still confused, and I don't believe Athrun's small speech did any good because, for one thing, Athrun's ideal was the same as before, and it was even shorter than last time.

    The opening theme is NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE FINAL EPISODE. That's how it ALWAYS GOES. NEVER. Those few minutes could have made a little more leway.

    Damn. You know what? I could have crapped a better ending.


    Anyways, I'll also tell you that as a major in Graphic Design, my newest project for my class will be to make a manga. It is my dream to become a manga artist and I am serious when i say I am pursuing it.

    Therefore, my new manga project, which allows us to support other ideas, will be Gundam Seed!

    Manga: Gundam SEED Zero

    Description: Set a century after Destiny, the Yamato surname has now become a large multi-million family who now heads ORB after the death of the last Athna. However, a young female journalist named Mizaki Noa uncovers the harsh truth; the Yamato family now is NOT the real Yamato family. After the takeover of Yamato Shoran, whose real name is Kiao Shoran, he enslaved the real Yamato family as servants, who in time decided to forget thier old heritage. That is, until a certain boy uncovers the hidden Yamato "Zero" Project, a project developed by Athrun Zala and Kira Yamato in case of another war and bring harmony, and created ten years ago, before the Yamato takeover. When Mizaki Noa and the now realized Yamato Seras meet, they discover the ultimate weapon, the ORB-X100 Strike ZERO. With the new Z.E.R.O system, standing for "Zionic Execute Reunion Operative", the pilot can set his physical and mental statistics directly to the mobile suit, enhancing all abilities. But the biggest part of the Zero system is "Reunion". Built for a Yamato, Strike ZERO has an actual recreation of Seed Mode for itself. If Seras goes Seed mode, the gundam will also undergo a similar transformation, doubling the already doubled abilties. Now, Seras and Noa must rescue the exalted Yamato family and reclaim his lost heritage.


    See? Crapped a better plot, too.

  15. #155

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Originally posted by: makino
    After finishing all of Destiny, my opinion would be there are too many loopholes. For one why does Lacus Clyne have so much influencial power over everything. She is jsut some pop singer, even though her father was highly respected but still not as much as the chairman. If anything Athrun should have more influencial power than Lacus ever will. The whole deal with Lacus is just crap. Would you follow everything Birtney Spears says? &^( NO! If anything Meer would even have more influencial power than Lacus, every soldier would love to watch her chest move like crazy. Now thats motivation.
    She should have more influence because she represent's her father's ideals (Cigel Clyne or something, who had the same amount of power in Gundam Seed as Arthrun's father during the time he was alive) along with her being a pop singer. I don't think Arthrun would have more influencial power because he was branded as a traitor and his father became known as a less than honorable person, attempting to shoot earth with Genesis and all.

    Oh well, this is my last post forever and ever (err until I feel like becoming Genin Rank) keke [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Despite GSD sucking so badly, I think the Gundam Seed Series still has potential to be a very good series after the end of the third season (assuming it ends there). I want Shinn to go MIA and come back and pwn Arthrun and Kira and I want Kira to go crazy and realizing that Rau Le Creuset was right and also that Lacus is really the evil villain(ess?) in the series but she just doesn't know it yet and all this other stuff. Lol. Okay I'm done.

  16. #156

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    It would have been better if Athuran accompanied Kira in the last scenes in person when he met Dullindal in person. I was very disappointed Fudaka didn't have that happen.

  17. #157

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Originally posted by: makino
    For one why does Lacus Clyne have so much influencial power over everything. She is jsut some pop singer, even though her father was highly respected but still not as much as the chairman. If anything Athrun should have more influencial power than Lacus ever will. The whole deal with Lacus is just crap. Would you follow everything Birtney Spears says? &^( NO! If anything Meer would even have more influencial power than Lacus, every soldier would love to watch her chest move like crazy. Now thats motivation.
    Gee, yet another idiotic opinion about Lacus. Get this through your head: the whole pop star thing is a means to an end.

    She is a politician and leader first and foremost, who happens to use music to reach out to people. To them, she is the embodiment of the peace they want to go back to. She's an genetically superior coordinator, with intelligence thats likely unthinkable in a real environment.

    Where does her power, her weapons and support come from? Easy. Her father's political, military, and economic connections easily provide her with money and personel, all more loyal to her than they are to the current government. After all, it was her that pulled them out of the first war, right? These are the people that secretly set up a factory so Lacus could prepare for the inevitable second conflict after the first. The fact she had these weapons under contruction definately speaks to her not being so naieve as to thiink that they had one at the end of SEED.

    In addition to her ZAFT contacts, she also had the support of ORB, and more importantly Morgenroete, who have in the past been known to secretely aid with the construction of advanced weapons. So her faction having more advanced weapons than anyone else makes total sense, when you realise she has the support of the foremost MS developer in the world, whom she can feed ZAFT's latest techs to as well.

    She's as great a manipulator as Dullindal is, if that makes you feel any better. But unlike him, she has no intention of seizing power, only preventing others like her from doing so. Because unlike him, she'd prefer not to have to manipulate people (remember how regretful she was to keep pushing Kira to fight? IE, his shiny new weapon?) and would rather live her liffe out in privacy with Kira.

  18. #158
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Don't defend Lacus! She is worthless! Worthless I tell you!

  19. #159

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Don't defend Lacus! She is worthless! Worthless I tell you!
    I'll defend her to the death!

    But better yet, I'd be all for her and Kira being totally retired from future SEED series. They need to get out of the line of fire, or sooner or later someones gonna decide they need to heroically/romantically go down in a flaming inferno of death and love or some crazy shit.

    I wish Rey hadn't died. he would have an incredible main character for a new series show, now that he kinda learned something. You know, him learning about being an individual without unquestioningly taking orders from a crazy man? Damn, if only that wasn't a what if.

    He's certainly better than Shinn (whom I am convinced was never meant to grow as a person, but instead be trapped forever wrapped up in his delusional blame everyone else mentality).

    Athrun can come back though, Justice needs more screen time.

    Here's my final opinion: redo this episode so that Rey survives, retire Kira and Lacus to a farm somewhere, and let Athrun actually DO something in hypothetical season three. Also, Shinn should come back in season three and be killed by Rey as fast as Sting returned and died.

  20. #160

    Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase

    she's a witch i tell you she's a witch!!!! how else could she churn gundam like barbie dolls and make andy look like putty in her hands???!!!!!

    Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
    Manga: Gundam SEED Zero

    Description: Set a century after Destiny, the Yamato surname has now become a large multi-million family who now heads ORB after the death of the last Athna. However, a young female journalist named Mizaki Noa uncovers the harsh truth; the Yamato family now is NOT the real Yamato family. After the takeover of Yamato Shoran, whose real name is Kiao Shoran, he enslaved the real Yamato family as servants, who in time decided to forget thier old heritage. That is, until a certain boy uncovers the hidden Yamato "Zero" Project, a project developed by Athrun Zala and Kira Yamato in case of another war and bring harmony, and created ten years ago, before the Yamato takeover. When Mizaki Noa and the now realized Yamato Seras meet, they discover the ultimate weapon, the ORB-X100 Strike ZERO. With the new Z.E.R.O system, standing for "Zionic Execute Reunion Operative", the pilot can set his physical and mental statistics directly to the mobile suit, enhancing all abilities. But the biggest part of the Zero system is "Reunion". Built for a Yamato, Strike ZERO has an actual recreation of Seed Mode for itself. If Seras goes Seed mode, the gundam will also undergo a similar transformation, doubling the already doubled abilties. Now, Seras and Noa must rescue the exalted Yamato family and reclaim his lost heritage.
    maybe you could shining finger as well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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