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  1. #1
    Vash Aurion

    Advent Children Error

    The Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children torrent on the main page is messed up. While it's the highest quality of translation and video out there, the sound is constantly drowned out by very loud static. Is this an error that only I have, or have others encountered this/?

    Check the correct sections and you'll find the answer. Moved to Anime Support.

    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2

    Advent Children Error

    read this thread, you probably have some missing filters and/or codecs....

    check the support section for links and shit

  3. #3

    Advent Children Error

    yeha i have a similar question like Vash Aurion but just a little different, my ff7 advent children is workin fine but the only thing not workin is the sound, dismornin when it was finished downloadin i opened up my trusty divx player and played my movie, but then suddenly this "open file warning sign came on and basically told me that i can watch it but not hear it. it said something about i need a new codec thing so that i can listen to the audio, something about the video having "audio data: tag 8192". so if some can help to understand my situation it could be greatly apreshiated. thanks
    your friend blazen101

  4. #4
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Advent Children Error

    Go here for the codec issue, and dl the CCCP. Media player classic is a better player than divx. Also,Gotwoot doesnt allow animated avatars.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  5. #5

    Advent Children Error

    I downloaded AC3 filter but the sound is really low. can anyone tell me how i can make the sound louder?

  6. #6
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Advent Children Error

    go to your system control panel, look for the applet "AC3 Filter", turn up the "Master" slider under "Gains" on the main panel.

    DVD audio is usually normalized a little bit lower level than TV/mp3 audio, so you'll need to tell ac3filter to compensate.

  7. #7

    Advent Children Error

    I've always had this problem, maybe you know how to solve it...

    This is for ac3 in general...

    The volume starts high, and after a sream or something, the whole episode volume gets lower, but if you skip a few second it goes high again... Is there anyway to simply keep it constant?

  8. #8
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Advent Children Error

    that's a bit odd, and shouldn't be happening... but I think I've seen something like that.

    You could try the "normalize" checkbox in the control panel app, which will try to keep everything a bit closer to an average volume (ie: attenuate loud sounds, amplify quiet ones)... but that might not be the problem you're having.

    It sounds more like you've got a playback glitch on your hands. Maybe try updating ac3filter, or experimenting with different players?

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