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Thread: Out of the blue request

  1. #1

    Out of the blue request

    Okay pals I checked the rules and I believe that the following request is reasonable. I'm currently downloading with bitlord naruto episodes 76-144 using the aonE torrents you guys uploaded however it's quite painfully slow sometimes it hits 100kb/s then it would drop to 5kb/s and I did all the portforwarding/firewalling etc and I have green faces. I bought the first 1it took awhile but I got hooked instantly and watched all of them to that point.-75 episodes directly from china

    Just out the pure williness of kindness can someone please send me one or afew of these episodes to perferably through

  2. #2
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Out of the blue request

    It's a good thing you checked one of the other kajillion threads on the same issue. If it spikes to 100k I can't see how that's "painfully slow" unless you're just hideously impatient. It's seeded, and you WILL eventually finish. So just download them.

  3. #3

    Out of the blue request

    you whippersnapper. Back in my day we were happy to get 15kb/s... even though that was 5 years ago.

  4. #4

    Out of the blue request

    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    you whippersnapper. Back in my day we were happy to get 15kb/s... even though that was 5 years ago.
    I listed my bit torrent speed abit too optimistic my bit rate is arround 1-5 kbs then it would peak sometimes to 20kbs. Currently I use Shaw Extreme cable 7 Mbs download/1 Mbs upload so i've got plently of bandwith which may give me a better porporition. I don't think anyone will be kind enough to send me these files directly so please seed it more.

  5. #5
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Out of the blue request

    Sometimes, torrents are just annoying and slow. I recommend using irc to download. You'd be able to get them much faster and use a lot more of that spacious bandwidth. The only catch is that if you've never used it before it will require some learning on your part. If you don't mind putting in a bit of effort though, it'll pay off.

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