I'm just gunna take a guess that someone's just messing w/ us to see our reactions. No way they're pulling more fillers outta their asses. 4 shitty filler arcs is enough. If they complete the season like this, they'll lose an insane number of fans.

My guess is they'll finish this Curry of Life arc and finally get back on track.

If I'm proven wrong, I'm going to request that one of you...any of you, contact me when you see an episode that isn't absolute CRAP.
Maybe Terra...we're on the same page when it comes to identifying episodes that came to existence along with someone's undigested corn and ass juice (aka. diarrhea).

But whatever. We'll see what happens after Raiga gets his lightning rods shoved up his ass and forces down some "live-saving curry". God...whoever thought that was a good idea should be beaten to death with a mallet...