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Thread: Kabuto

  1. #41
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    "My old blood might awaken"

    Or something to that effect.

    Will we ever find out what he meant with his good ol' line during the Chuunin exam?
    New Theory : Kabuto has one of the beasts inside him and Orochimaru is protecting him from Akatsuki

  2. #42


    Originally posted by: heero
    all i no is that Kabuto isnt very interesting...the way he fights...he lost to naruto!!!!
    huh? did you just skip a few manga or episodes?

    naruto uses rasengan , and kabuto cuts his hearts artery

    they both fall down.

    only kabuto stands up, heals himself. And still has enough chakra to summon the manda.
    (yes he's the one summoning, look in chapter 169)

    so where did naruto win? xD

  3. #43


    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    New Theory : Kabuto has one of the beasts inside him and Orochimaru is protecting him from Akatsuki
    Stick to counting Neji's 64 Hands of Hakke and other mathematical shinobi problems, 'cause this theory's lacking your usual genius. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Orochimaru told Kabuto he couldn't defeat him, and that if he wanted to best Orochimaru it'd have to be by ruining his future goals, and killing Sasuke.

    If Kabuto had a beast in him, and Orochimaru was aware of it, I don't see such an exchange going down in the same manner. Plus, someone of Kabuto's intellect and calibre would have long been exploited the Bijyuu and would have been a greater threat than most.

    Then again, as you and another mentioned, Kabuto could very well be playing the best Devil's Advocate role ever.

  4. #44
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    "My old blood might awaken"
    What did he mean by that?

    Does he have a bloodline limit?

  5. #45


    i think he does, i thought he was from a clan that died a long time ago like Sasuke clan

  6. #46
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Orochimaru is obsessed with getting the last survivor(s) from Bloodline Clans, but Kabuto's reference to 'my old blood' shouldn't just be interpreted as referring to Bloodline limits, especially because it could just refer to a mental disposition (crazy psycho killer) or some level of emotional berserkerness...

    But I am also now tempted to believe that Kabuto is a survivor from some rare clan. I do believe it was mentioned that he was found by a medic cleaning up after a big battle where Kabuto was the only survivor, which means its very possible that he's not even from the Konoha region at all (and that it's quite likely Kabuto's 'blood' awakening was what killed everyone at that battle...

    Orochimaru is always hanging around places like that, and although its not clear as to exactly when Orochimaru enlisted Kabuto, its not a crazy assumption to think that Oro did it because Kabuto has some special ability/bloodline. The thing that bothers me is that he doesn't seem to have control over it, making me think it's something like a Demon (like Naruto has) or he lacks the formal training required to draw it out at his will, or that the ability itself is a Berserker type trait that cannot be controlled at all.

    Oro uses and discards almost everyone who comes to him. Kabuto has to have something going for him. If it's not a rare ability or Bloodline Limit, I can only think of one thing Oro would keep Kabuto around for... blowjobs...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #47


    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    If it's not a rare ability or Bloodline Limit, I can only think of one thing Oro would keep Kabuto around for... blowjobs...
    Do you not remember how far Orochimaru can stretch his neck?

    He can perform such tasks on himself. That's true shinobi talent, right there.

    As for the topic, I'd lean more towards the whole "Berserker Rage" theory, similar to that one Orson (?) dude from that Chronicles of the Heroic Knight series. Either that or a rare ability, that he cannot control. As skilled as he is, if it was some dangerously awesome Bloodline Limit, I'd think he'd be working towards that as opposed to other things.

  8. #48
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Strider
    Do you not remember how far Orochimaru can stretch his neck?

    He can perform such tasks on himself. That's true shinobi talent, right there.

    We all know how Orochimaru likes to experiment.

    Too bad there is no one selling drugs in Konoha.

  9. #49


    what chapter are those pics from..esp the eye pic? something in that scene might have been what it took to bring it out if he's saying right then there's a chance it could awaken. it just sucks cuz interesting side plots like this wont receive their due least not for a long while.

  10. #50
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    The pictures are from episode 36 and 38.

    Episode 36 : Replication Match! I'm the Main Character!
    Episode 38 : Those Who Pass Cut Down to Half!? It's an Unexpected Fight!!

  11. #51


    i think this character is pretty cool

  12. #52
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    if kabuto were a spy, orochimaru would definately know it. maybe kabuto is spying on orochimaru and thinks orochimaru doesnt know, then it will be some surprise twist when oro says "I KNEW ALL ALONG!!!", or maybe he has a blood limit. who knows :\

  13. #53


    i think orochimaru doesnt know. and maybe kabuto is stronger than we think ~.~.

  14. #54


    Hmm, does anyone know the meaning of "Kabuto" usually the name of a character says a lot.

  15. #55
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    i believe i read it means shield.

    this japanese to english translator site says it means helmet(of armor) or headpiece.

  16. #56
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Kabuto (, ‘) is a large helmet used with traditional Japanese armour as worn by samurai. It features a strong plate of the forehead to protect the men (forehead, which is a classical target in Japanese arms), plates on the rear of the helmet to protect the neck and sometimes even the back, and a crest of the clan (mon).

    A Kabuto helmet was often molded from leather, then layered with metal plates that would flare out near the neck, providing a scoop-like shape.

    They are used on the battlefield not only to protect the body but also to show off one's power and status. For this reason, many different types of showy conspicuous armour were produced especially during the Heian and Kamakura era/794-1333.

    Kabuto were sometimes very heavy, which explains some figures in hand-to-hand martial arts: appropriately placed, a hit under the jaw could snap the neck of an opponent (variant of tsuki).

    -----If name's are most important, then I see this as implying that Kabuto is really only there to serve and protect Orochimaru. (the head). However, (and this could just be my own devious wishing) it appears that Kabuto does have something else going on with him...ulterior motive or whatever... It'd be sorta lame if he was just Oro's little helper, although their relationship serves as a nice contrast to the Zabuza/Haku, Oro/Kimimaro, Raiga/Ranmaru kind that we've seen again and again with the villains (i'm not just talking about the hinted homosexuality, but also the manifestation of it and the structure of their interactions) because we really have NO CLUE what Kabuto's feelings towards Oro are...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #57
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    i doubt they are close. there was a convorsation that oro and kabuto had between the prelims of the chunin exam and kabutos visit to sasuke in the hospital that show a lot of tension beteen the two. i think if kabuto had the chance and it benefited him in some way he would betray orochimaru in a heartbeat

  18. #58
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
    i doubt they are close. there was a convorsation that oro and kabuto had between the prelims of the chunin exam and kabutos visit to sasuke in the hospital that show a lot of tension beteen the two. i think if kabuto had the chance and it benefited him in some way he would betray orochimaru in a heartbeat
    Unlike the scene where kabuto cradled a half-dead oro in his arms after the fight with tsunade and jiraiya
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #59
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    The 'old blood' and 'red eye' scenes were during the Chuunin exam, right? At that point we didn't know he was any stronger than a normal Gennin. I always thought those two scenes were just foreshadowing the fact that he was at Jounin level.

    I still believe he's on about the same level as Kakashi, like Oro has stated.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  20. #60


    the guy knows how to pick his moments [img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]

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