You changed your whole opinion based on something one character SAID?
I'm loving this like the Itachi fanboys. Durr Oro said Itachi was stronger, so it must be true in every conceivable circumstance. Right.
You changed your whole opinion based on something one character SAID?
I'm loving this like the Itachi fanboys. Durr Oro said Itachi was stronger, so it must be true in every conceivable circumstance. Right.
@ Zidarri the Exile :
I am confused. Have you voted for Sasuke or Neji? I need to be sure, so make your mind up. I need to update the score board. Drop me a line here.
I vote for Neji.
Byakagun vs. Sharingan. It is true that Sasuke needs only to look at him but Neji does need to look at Sasuke at all. He can tell where he is by enveloping the whole area with his charka. Even if Sasuke releases the level 2 seal, Neji can stop the flow of Sasuke’s chakra with jyuuken (I think that is how it is spelled). Thinking about the hand to hand battle, Sasuke can anticipate Neji’s movements and attacks but after awhile Neji will just wear him down till the opening comes. Once that happens, expect 124 (or whatever max he can do at the time) strikes to come in a flurry and stop Sasuke cold.
This is probably the most reasonable argument for a Neji victory, however you have to remember that Sasuke has an awesomely powerful defense in his Level 2 form: the hand-wings. They are strong enough take a blow from a 1 tail Kyuubi-Naruto attack, and can react in an instant. So provided Neji could get a hit on Sasuke, he's still have to get around those damn wings.Originally Posted by farcityrid
Provided Sasuke wont go cursed Seal Lv. 1, superspeed behind neji and kick his ass, or melt him with Katon. Then I sarcasticly say you are correct.Originally Posted by farcityrid
Okay, you flaming retards. Go buy a joke book, you know . . . 101 Jokes for Dummies.
For one thing, learn to differentiate between sarcasm, and honesty.
Secondly, realize that you guys need to drop your testicals.
And finally, I still think Neji would win. Byakugan has proven to be overall, better.
A well substantiated arguement, but take this into account:Originally Posted by farcityrid
1) Sasuke wouldn't approach Neji with hand-to-hand combat
2) Neji will also get worn down
3) If Sasuke gets hit with jyuuken, the curse seal forces chakra out of him (explained by the Sound Four)
4) You are forgetting about Sasuke's speed; he held up with kyubbi Naruto, which needs to be accounted for.
5) Sasuke hasn't reached Mangekyou yet, so it is safe for Neji to look at him.
6) Sasuke might be able to find out Neji's weakness: the point at which Byakugan can not see.
7) Chidori can break Kaiten (or so I believe).
At least you don't blatantly say "Neji will win because he is a l33t pwner"
I thank you for that.
Last edited by darkmetal505; Sun, 04-02-2006 at 10:54 AM.
Pretty much what darkmetal said. Except:
1.) Actually, Sasuke might face Neji in hand to hand combat. He can see Neji's moves, hes faster than neji, and hes stronger than neji.
No, it isnt safe for Neji to look at Sasuke's eye. Atleast not after the 2 and a half year time jump. If you've read chapter 301, Sai was sweating just by looking at him, and Sai is emotionless.
well I think the guidelines for this debate said that the sasuke was at the stage when he fought naruto (the second time). I don't think he learned any awesome genjutsu by then.Originally Posted by God#2
Also I said that Sasuke wouldnt' approach Neji, or at least it would be one of the last things he would think of doing. If I had to bet on genin stopping Sasuke's Shishi Rendan, it would be Neji because he has experience with taijutsu.
Sasuke would problem would wear him down and then attack with Chidori, or take quick swipes at him. He could stay in close (since he would easily be able to avoid Neji's attacks), but I don't think he would go straight for the punching and kicking.
Those comparisons are based on fight results. But can you say that these wins/loses aren't because of Kishimoto trying to make a good storyline? If you say yes, then please explain how Neji lost to Naruto from a single punch but survived and won the fight against "spiderman" when there was a hole in his body? Also explain how Naruto's full power rasengan was not able to blast through the head protector and kill Sasuke. Don't tell me head protectors are made of gundanium alloy.Originally Posted by God#2
I don't recall Naruto giving Sasuke a rasengan to the head. Rasengan and chidori met, and then Naruto scratched Sasuke's forehead protector.
That's exactly what happened. The two attacks clashed, cancelled eachother out (though the finishing blows were still left with some "residue" of the techniques), and then Naruto scratched Sasuke's forehead.Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
The Neji-Naruto fight has always confused me. I've retired to just assuming that Naruto hit him in such a way that Neji was somehow paralyzed ("I can't move my body"), though I doubt anyone can really say anything other than "plot device!".
The same can be said about Sasuke's victory. He won because Kishimoto wanted him to leave. Therefore, he was given a power (the Curse Seal) comparable to Kyuubi-Naruto which has so far been unmatched in speed or power. The difference is that Sasuke didn't just win because of one instance (as with Naruto's victory over Neji). He was able to best Kyuubi-Naruto in terms of speed, and then match One Tail-Naruto's most powerful attack. The final blow itself might have been a plot device, but the fact that Sasuke could keep up with Naruto in that form means he was keeping up with the most powerful person in the series (sans the Sanin, Jounin, and Itachi). This is of course ignoring all of Sasuke's other advantages over the Hyuuga.
Lol, why punch the guy when you can burn himOriginally Posted by darkmetal505
Like I said before, Sasuke probably doesnt need to go Cursed Seal Lv.2, at most Lv. 1. With only his sharingan he has Lee's speed, a vast amount of chakra, and can predict movement of someone with Kyuubi Naruto's speed. With Cursed Seal Lv.1 he's even stronger. I dont think Neji can win.
As for the Naruto vs. Neji fight, I always thought it was that Naruto had put alot of his chakra into his fist because it was glowing blue.
LMAO!...I liked your reason that Sasuke will use a katon and burn Neji better .Originally Posted by God#2
Back to the topic, I don't think that Sasuke is so fast that he will ovewhelm Neji. If it is a battle of speed, Neji has seen that type of speed time and time again. He trained with Rock Lee. Rock Lee is in his team. He beat him over and over again. Don't overlook Neji's skills just because Sasuke is a more focal character in the story. For in the end, this battle is all about skills. And the person with the most sound skillset in this battle is Neji.
But remember, Rock Lee didnt take off his weights before the second part of the Chuunin exam. Neji didnt fight against Lee's unweighted speed. And sasuke is even faster than that because of the cursed seal.
If its is a battle of speed, Sasuke wins. Because during his battle with Gaara, Gai sensei was astonished Kakashi was able to get him to be the same speed as Rock Lee in just a month. Now that he has he cursed seal, how much faster could he be?...its no match.
By power if you mean chakra potential, Sasuke is still stronger. He has the curse seal, this adds on more than enough to surpass Neji. He also has Chidori the move that can cut through anything.
Im not saying Neji isnt storng or that it would be an easy fight for Sasuke, but Sasuke would win.
Made by IFHTT
“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” Pope John Paul II
its not the chidori that just cuts through anything, its the speed of the user that determines the cutting power, didnt he barely get through gaara's defense? im pretty positive he wouldnt get through the ultimate defense gaara used on kimimaro, also it didnt seem he got faster with the curse seal, since he uses his wings at that point to move around ( i bet they are heavy as hell too ), and oh if you didnt know, chidori can easily be countered.......itachi anyone?? im still pretty sure post time jump neji is still a faster fighter then sasuke( 128strikes was already crazy fast, now try to imagine the speed of 361 strikes)
It cut through Gaara's defense just fine, its just that the sand was repairing the whole, trapping Sasuke's hand. Its quite possible Chidori will be able to break Kaiten, and on the contrary, Sasuke got a hell of a lot faster with curse seal. Look at the fight between Naruto and him. The reason Chidori was countered was because it was Itachi, and if I remember, he had Sharingan on. We learned that Itachi is insanely fast and can perform hand seals so fast that Kakashi can barely catch them. Post time jump Neji is a whole new field, but now you are going to have to consider post time jump sasuke (2 and a half years of training with Oro)Originally Posted by darkshadow
Well, that "ultimate defense" Gaara used on Kimi is a little shady as far as I'm concerned. Kimi could have just walked around the damn thing and Gaara would be screwed seeing that he had to put all his concentration into it. That always bothered me.Originally Posted by darkshadow