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Thread: Sasuke VS Neji

  1. #241
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Originally posted by: Y
    Chidori is the exception - he doesn't start a fight with that, and the rest of his techniques are about style and strategy.
    Sasuke does bring his unique style and strategy to every fight. He is an Uchiha blood after all, Elite. No wonder Orochimaru wants him.
    The only reason Orochimaru wants Sasuke is because of the Sharingan. As for Sasuke Vs Neji, it's a hard decision. I'd go with Sasuke if he has the ability to see and counter Neji's Jyuken with his Sharingan.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  2. #242
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    As for Sasuke Vs Neji, it's a hard decision. I'd go with Sasuke if he has the ability to see and counter Neji's Jyuken with his Sharingan.
    Juken (gentle fist) is no more than a taijutsu technique (body technique). It suits Neji very well because he is basically a close combat fighter.

    The inner coil system that transfers chakra around the body is very close and is essentially a part of all of the human body, including crucial organs. With byakugan Neji is able to see that coil system and what juken does is disrupts/stops that flow of chakra to the cruical organs.

    There shouldnt be any problem for Sasuke dodging juken moves with sharingan. Also it has to more than one hit to cause severe damage to his vital organ or to stop his chakra flow.

    The only reason Lee learned to open those gate was to get around byakugan and jyuken You cant hit what you cant see.

    @ Strider : Its safe now. You can come out.

  3. #243

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Y
    Naruto makes all of his fights a raw clash of stamina and power. Sasuke's fighting style isn't about laying down a huge amount of power at once, and the way he uses his power (Chidori) isn't as useful against Neji as it is against Naruto. And, again, Neji was just shitting around with Naruto.

    until naruto owned him...

  4. #244
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: heero
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    sasuke always manages to pull moves and get around obstacles that you may not expect

    out of all the kids in the series....i still think sasuke is the character i can least predict in combat
    well if u put it tat way then I guess no one can beat him [img][/img]
    its true though.......the way kishimoto has things set up, he can decide on a whim whether he wants sasuke to win or lose to any given circumstance
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #245
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    The only reason Orochimaru wants Sasuke is because of the Sharingan.
    And because he has great skill and a very strong will (like when Oro and Kabuto freaked out when they felt his Chakra).

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #246

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Teh XYZ
    until naruto owned him...
    Are you serious?

    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    And because he has great skill and a very strong will (like when Oro and Kabuto freaked out when they felt his Chakra).
    What character doesn't have a strong will?

    "Strong wills" is what has kept every single one of these Genin alive in certain situations that provoked, invited and fucked with death. That means nothing in this series.

    And, only Kabuto freaked. And, it was more out of surprise. I doubt fear. Orochimaru was simply excited as he wasn't expecting the seal's power to take so well, probably.

    On topic, Neji owns you. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  7. #247

    Sasuke VS Neji

    We all know it's going to be Jiraya who saves their punk arses when they all fail!

    But anyhow, Sasuke is a punk, I don't like him, I started to dislike him further as his actions straddled borderline idiot. "OO i want power but I'm going to side with evil for 100+ chapters until Naruto beats me into submission and I learn the errors of my ways"
    Or better yet, despite all his trainning he looses to Itachi and Naruto ends up killing Itachi &gt;=D oh so evil!

    Anyhow, Neji started winning me over, I don't care who is stronger, they both acted idiotic before, but Neji is learning and Sasuke is walking in his own filth.

    Meh vote, el Neji. See you 360 then dance!

  8. #248
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Strider
    Originally posted by: Teh XYZ
    until naruto owned him...
    Are you serious?
    yes hes serious, because naruto did

  9. #249

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    @ Strider : Its safe now. You can come out.
    I just noticed you revised your post and put this in there. Heh. Bastard.

    A single hit will cause severe damage, too. And, it doesn't even have to be a hard hit. Refer back to Kakashi's dialogue, and I believe Lee's, during the Hinata v. Neji bout, during the Chuunin Preliminary Exam.

  10. #250

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Seriously. Why the fuck can I never edit my damn posts? And, everytime I click on the "Contact an administrator." or "Click here to notify an administrator." nothing fucking happens.

    Mods, where are you?

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    yes hes serious, because naruto did
    Naruto did not own Neji.

    There wasn't anything Naruto could one-up Neji in, including that battle. He was beaten every which way, and Neji never broke a sweat.

    His win, by default, was a plot device. As is everything concerning him. It's his show. When has Naruto lost?

  11. #251
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Strider
    When has Naruto lost?
    Umm...against Rock Lee when they first met, against Orochimaru in the forest of death, and then again against Kimimaro, and then once more against Sasuke.

    But yeah, his other wins could be called "plot device". But Naruto is not the issue here.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  12. #252

    Sasuke VS Neji

    LOL @ Naruto v. Rock Lee. That was classic comedy.

    Against Orochimaru .. bleh. You can't call that an actual match. Kimimaro and him were interrupted. Had they been forced to remain, we may have seen "One-Tail" form Naruto earlier. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    But, you're right. Naruto isn't the issue. Our champion, Neji, should be the focal point of our discussion. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  13. #253
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Strider
    Seriously. Why the fuck can I never edit my damn posts? And, everytime I click on the "Contact an administrator." or "Click here to notify an administrator." nothing fucking happens.

    Mods, where are you?

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    yes hes serious, because naruto did
    Naruto did not own Neji.

    There wasn't anything Naruto could one-up Neji in, including that battle. He was beaten every which way, and Neji never broke a sweat.

    His win, by default, was a plot device. As is everything concerning him. It's his show. When has Naruto lost?
    Doesnt matter, naruto still beat him. thats the point. Dont bring up circumstances on your own. You have to use the evidence from the episodes. Also, kishimoto can do whatever he wants. If he wants naruto to own neji, it will be done. Just because it was a so called "plot device" doesnt change the fact that naruto did beat him. And whenever someone says "owned" it means "beaten". Just another idiom.

  14. #254

    Sasuke VS Neji

    You made me do this:

    If sasuke acted tough and didn't wear the head protector like naruto told him too, HE WOULD BE DEAD!

    Thats right, dead. A gash in metal! METAL, he got a gash in metal on his forehead. If his forhead protector was not there, that would be Sasuke's primited one track brain falling to the floor.
    Now imagine Naruto going to expalin that to Sakura:

    Naruto: I'm sorry ...
    Sakura: You sliced his head open?
    Naruto: I ..
    Naruto: Punk had it comming to him
    Sakura: Say what?
    Naruto: You heard me bizatch, take this (Kage no Justsu + ransangen)


    Naruto: Lets cheeze it Choji.
    Choiji: B - B - Q !

  15. #255

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    You made me do this:

    If sasuke acted tough and didn't wear the head protector like naruto told him too, HE WOULD BE DEAD!

    Thats right, dead. A gash in metal! METAL, he got a gash in metal on his forehead. If his forhead protector was not there, that would be Sasuke's primited one track brain falling to the floor.
    Now imagine Naruto going to expalin that to Sakura:

    Naruto: I'm sorry ...
    Sakura: You sliced his head open?
    Naruto: I ..
    Naruto: Punk had it comming to him
    Sakura: Say what?
    Naruto: You heard me bizatch, take this (Kage no Justsu + ransangen)


    Naruto: Lets cheeze it Choji.
    Choiji: B - B - Q !

    Funniest thing I've seen today.

    And Neji &gt; Sasuke.

    Sasuke has nothing that Neji can't deflect. That's the facts as I see them, and that's not gonna change.

    Chidori is worthless if the target isn't immobile.

  16. #256

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    And whenever someone says "owned" it means "beaten". Just another idiom.
    I take "owned" as I would take someone saying "blowout."

    Like Smokey's, "You got knocked the FUUUUUUUCK OUT~!!"

    As in, no contest. If you didn't mean your comment in that manner, pay my comment no mind.

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    Naruto: Punk had it comming to him
    I'm laughing at the sheer thought of Naruto saying that, and shrugging his shoulders eating Ichiraku Ramen, at the same time. Pure comedy.

    This is Neji v. Sasuke, though. Repost this scenario in the Rasengan v. Chidori thread. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #257

    Sasuke VS Neji

    I disapper for a while because I was moving from MO -&gt; AR (still very buzy, but still can write some) Just fews day, 3 page post already... OK, here I come... (don't quote this junk to attack me, attack the following arg.)

    Someone say my point without support, here they are not!

    1&gt; 64 hits - Chakra point
    Why the people always say "64 hits need to hit the chakra point"? Are you telling me Neji need to aim for chakra point of thowing knife and spider? hiting chakra point just one of the way to use (stop chakra flow).
    Prove: ep 116-117, 13m00s

    2&gt; 128 hits - exist
    That right, it is Naruto Opening Discuss, so we should count 128 hits or anything only happened in the anime in.

    3&gt; 128 hits - speed
    When 128 hits start, all thing seem slower... "it is a camera effect" that is not true. We can see the spider still droping in very very slow speed... I just want to say the speed of Neji/128hits is really fast, I don't think Sasuke body can react with it
    Prove: ep 116-117, 13m35s

    4&gt; 128 hits - damage
    128 hits without hiting chakra is still fatal. Kidoumaru said that
    Prove: ep 116-117, 13m55s

    5&gt; 64 hits - damage
    Lee: "No, it hurts even if it just nicks you" (about Hinata attack to Neji)
    Gai: "Hyuuga attempts to damage the chakra circulatory system inside the enemy, AND destory the internal organs"
    Why all the people always think 64 hits need to attack chakra point, instead of internal organs? If Sasuke really block 64 hits, his arms will be damage (both chakra system and muscle), which mean dead meat! So, if Sasuke cannot avoid all attack, even just block 1 hit on his finger (he cannot form seal ^_^), can he keep fighting?
    Prove: ep46 17m28s / 18m02s

    6&gt; Kaiten - defence area
    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    5. the ground got damaged but thats from him spinning around, if you spin with enough friction you will make a hole in the ground, thats right but it wasnt his chakra that made the ground dig in, it was the speed he was spinning in. and still, kaiten has a certain radius and it doesnt stay attached to neji, there is space between him and the sheild around him so if sasuke could slip right next to him, how would the kaiten deflect?
    If you say is true, then everytime when Neji use Kaiten, he really do a very good job on digging the ground to make it look Kaiten damage (ball shape damage on the ground), COME ON!
    ep61 4m56s, ep116-117 7m29s

    7&gt; Kaiten - defence power
    Tenten: "The moment he is attacked, he releases an enormous amount of chakra from his body's chakra holes. He intercepts the enemy's attack with the ckakra then spins his body like a top to parry the attack
    So, Kaiten could defence just by releasing chakra, spliting just make it more powerful.
    ep61 4m35s, 6m08s ep116-117 11m37s

    8&gt; Bloodline - Kaiten, 64 hits, ...
    TenTen: "Even a Jounin can only release a small amount (chakra) from his hands and feet for a special move.
    These skills need to released amound of chakra in order to do, So, not all normal (even hard working) Ninja can do.
    ep61 6m23s

    Got to go... more later...

  18. #258

    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    Originally posted by: Strider
    Seriously. Why the fuck can I never edit my damn posts? And, everytime I click on the "Contact an administrator." or "Click here to notify an administrator." nothing fucking happens.

    Mods, where are you?

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    yes hes serious, because naruto did
    Naruto did not own Neji.

    There wasn't anything Naruto could one-up Neji in, including that battle. He was beaten every which way, and Neji never broke a sweat.

    His win, by default, was a plot device. As is everything concerning him. It's his show. When has Naruto lost?
    Doesnt matter, naruto still beat him. thats the point. Dont bring up circumstances on your own. You have to use the evidence from the episodes. Also, kishimoto can do whatever he wants. If he wants naruto to own neji, it will be done. Just because it was a so called "plot device" doesnt change the fact that naruto did beat him. And whenever someone says "owned" it means "beaten". Just another idiom.
    We are NOT talking about what Kishimoto would do. Alot of people needs to know that. Hell if Kishimoto wanted to, he could of let naruto kill Sasuke when his rasengan hit the head protector. Remember the big hole Naruto did to the huge water container back when him and sasuke were fighting on the roof? You tell me how it makes sence that Kyuubi Naruto's rasengan cant make a hole in a tiny head protector. We are trying to make reasonable predictions here. NOT "what Kishimoto wants to do".

  19. #259
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Naruto: I'm sorry ...
    Sakura: You sliced his head open?
    Naruto: I ..
    Naruto: Punk had it comming to him
    Sakura: Say what?
    Naruto: You heard me bizatch, take this (Kage no Justsu + ransangen)


    Naruto: Lets cheeze it Choji.
    Choiji: B - B - Q !
    Hehe, why aren't you writing the fillers instead?

    @ Vasco - What part of AR did you move to?
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  20. #260
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Sasuke VS Neji

    Originally posted by: heero
    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    Originally posted by: Strider
    Seriously. Why the fuck can I never edit my damn posts? And, everytime I click on the "Contact an administrator." or "Click here to notify an administrator." nothing fucking happens.

    Mods, where are you?

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    yes hes serious, because naruto did
    Naruto did not own Neji.

    There wasn't anything Naruto could one-up Neji in, including that battle. He was beaten every which way, and Neji never broke a sweat.

    His win, by default, was a plot device. As is everything concerning him. It's his show. When has Naruto lost?
    Doesnt matter, naruto still beat him. thats the point. Dont bring up circumstances on your own. You have to use the evidence from the episodes. Also, kishimoto can do whatever he wants. If he wants naruto to own neji, it will be done. Just because it was a so called "plot device" doesnt change the fact that naruto did beat him. And whenever someone says "owned" it means "beaten". Just another idiom.
    We are NOT talking about what Kishimoto would do. Alot of people needs to know that. Hell if Kishimoto wanted to, he could of let naruto kill Sasuke when his rasengan hit the head protector. Remember the big hole Naruto did to the huge water container back when him and sasuke were fighting on the roof? You tell me how it makes sence that Kyuubi Naruto's rasengan cant make a hole in a tiny head protector. We are trying to make reasonable predictions here. NOT "what Kishimoto wants to do".

    ah, the argument wasnt about that. It was about if naruto beat neji or not. Or rather if neji got "owned".

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