Jyuuken NEEDS Byakugan to be used properly, as the Byakugan can see the Chakra system inside the body.Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Jyuuken is not a Bloodline limit, but it is only usable by those of the Hyuuga clan.
Jyuuken NEEDS Byakugan to be used properly, as the Byakugan can see the Chakra system inside the body.Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Jyuuken is not a Bloodline limit, but it is only usable by those of the Hyuuga clan.
Well done, you've stated the obvious! Now please read my post and/or older posts in this topic.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
I've already argued against this point, but I'll restate my argument. Just in case. I believe Jyuuken can be copied and read by the sharingan because it is simply chakra control. Nothing else. Yes, you need the Byakugan to use it properly, but any ninja with the ability to control their chakra well can use Jyuuken style. This is not to say they can attack the inner chakra system, however. That is where the Byakugan comes in. This is also the reason the Hyuuga clan members are the only ones to use it.
In short, I'm saying the Byakugan is complementary to Jyuuken, and not the other way around. Jyuuken can be used by anyone, but needs Byakugan to be used effectively. Haku's ice-mirror jutsu on the other hand is created using Haku's bloodline limit, and cannot be used otherwise. Hence why Kakashi cannot copy it.
Because of Sasuke's ability to see chakra movements with the 3-pupil Sharingan, any Jyuuken style attack would be useless against him.
damn this topic is still going on.
Because of Sasuke's ability to see chakra movements with the 3-pupil Sharingan, any Jyuuken style attack would be useless against him.
what? when was he able to see chakra movement? he can read taijustsus movement not chakra. damn I didn't know sharingan have Byakugan ability too, when did this happen?
jyuuken is nothing without Byakugan, therefore it becomes bloodline ability. if they can't see the tenketsu or wut ever its called they are just wasting chakra. watch the fight between naruto and neji again, and listen to wut neji and ten-ten and hinata's father say about hyuga's fighting style.
sharingan is the cheapest bloodline out in naruto, and that is why I choosed neji. neji has to train his ass off while sasuke can copy his opponents moves. sharingan is like the 3rd version of freedom (gundam seed) if it ever comes out. give sharingan to sakura and she'll become a tensai too.
While what some of what you say is true, you are making a fool of yourself.
Jyuuken ISN'T a bloodline limit for god's sake. The fact that it needs one to be implemented doesn't make it one.
Also, anyone with the sharingan would be considered a genius because that's what a genius is, someone with born talent.
Hyuuga Neji...no matter how advanced the Sharingan is, it still can't mimic the Byakugan and Jyuuken (i think that's how u spell it). Besides, Sasuke won't be able to get past Neji's absolute defense (well, ALMOST absolute)
ok lets just say sasuke did copy jyuuken, tell me what the hell is he going to do with it next? wut he'll be magically able to see the tenketsu because he is genius, or it's one of sharingan ability?
just because your borned with a talent doesn't mean your a genius. hey I can wipe my ass I'm genius. isn't that a talent? I'm sure it is.
Last edited by Naruto_RNG; Wed, 03-29-2006 at 06:10 PM.
UGH. Nobody read my post. with enough chakra, you can get through kaiten. Look at how Naruto took it head on and disabled the sheild.Originally Posted by anbu41
that could be true but in the process he'll damag himself more then he does on neji. the reason it didn't had much of effect on naruto was because of kyuubi's fast regenration power.
off topic
(I didn't know where to put this question and I didn't want to make a new topic)
do u guys think that afterfiller neji is able to open up one or more of the 8 gates?
God#2, I simply err'd on my typing. I was not saying you were wrong, I was just expressing my opinon on Jyuuken. I think you are 100% right.
Also, as Naruto_RNG stated so blatently, he still can not see the Tenketsu, so thus Jyuuken is useless to him. All he would be able to do is predict, and counter Neji's moves. But, Neji has Byakugan, and can also predict, and see better than Sasuke.
Also, Naruto was using the chakra of the Kyuubik, and it has more Chakra then Sasuke. And he didn't break Neji's Kaiten, he simply stopped the whirl. Also, Neji's kaiten must be a lot bigger than it was now, I mean . . . Look at Hizashi's. So, Sasuke would have to pierce chakra, which I doubt he can do, and also move in a lot closer to Neji.
Neji is simply better at defense, and thus Sasuke wouldn't be able to do his bests.
I have to disagree with Sasuke not having enough chakra to burst through kaiten.
The amount of chakra Naruto used in the fight vs. Neji is nothing compared to that of which he used against sasuke. And Im talking about before the first tail spirts out. Just look at the amount of chakra released in both fights. Obviously MUCH more chakra was used against Sasuke. And Sasuke turned out to have even more chakra then Kyuubi Lv./Tail 1. I think Sasuke might not even need to use the cursed seal to gather enough energy. Even Kabuto and Orochimaru were surprised by Sasuke's chakra stregnth. And no, Im not pulling shit out of my ass as some of you say, you can look all this up in the manga. I have it on my hard drive. If you disagree with what I have said so far, then I will show proof. But right now Im not on my computer, so I cant do it now.
Also, I would like to point out something:
Neji < Naruto prior end of Chuunin exams < Naruto after Chuunin exams < Kyuubi Naruto < Kyuubi Lv. 1 Naruto < Sasuke
now, Neji has obviously improved. So Im guessing this is where he stands during the Sasuke arc.
Neji < Kyuubi Naruto < Kyuubi Naruto Lv. 1 < Sasuke
He can't see tenketsu, but he can see chakra. Look at the fight before the preliminary matches of the chuunin exam where kabuto helped naruto, sasuke, and sakura fight the clone guys. Sasuke saw the chakra in the clones and identified the real ones.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
It has been stated by Gai (in the anime) that chidori has the ability to cut through lighting, giving it the other name "lightning edge" (which was dubbed by kakashi himself). Now if chidori can't cut through kaiten, then naruto isnt an idiot.
As for predicting movement, the three pupil sharingan was able to see kyubbi naruto (who recently in the manga was able to punch orochimaru in the face and send him halfway across the forest). Also, CS2 sasuke was able to keep up in speed with naruto, if not faster.
"Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.
An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there."
(QUOTED from leafninja)
he doesnt need to copy it, he just needs to avoid it. Being a genius in naruto (as has been defined) is being born with talent, so you are above the normal standards. You know what xDarkMaster meant.Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
Okay, one, wiping your ass isn't a "talent" as every none retarded person can do it.Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
Two, I'm sure you couldn't wipe your ass when you were born.
Three, you know what I mean, your just trying to conceal the fact that your wrong.
I agree, wut I used as an example was wrong but sasuke has no talents and that has been proven time over time. hell the fact that he ran to Oro proves it. I really don't care who wins no more, cause as stated by God#2 if they ever do fight Kishi will make him the winner just because he is the 2nd main charater. same goes for naruto he will beat sasuke in his next fight with him just because he is the main charater. so we never know for sure who is actually stronger, however as for guessing goes Neji wins cause he is a true "genius".
just because someone has sharingan, it doesnt mean they are awesome. Your backup for Neji doesn't prove anything. >_< (The same could be said for him: "Oh, Neji has Byakugan, give anyone that and they are l33t!")Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
Both Sasuke and Neji are genius's in our terms of intelligence. They are both genius in the Naruto-verse.
In over-all ability, Neji has shown that he is greater. It's that simple.
In anime, at the end of episode 135, I believe Neji had more skill, just not as much power, as Sasuke has the Earth Curse Seal, level two.
The Jyuuken is pointless to Sasuke, as are other non-Byakugan moves that Neji uses. But, even being able to predict them, I doubt Sasuke could pierce Neji's now bigger Kaiten range, as Naruto simply stopped the whirl, he didn't exactly pierce the Kaiten.
Another thing is that the Sharingan is much more deadly to the eyes than the Byakugan, as it uses way to much chakra, burning the retina. Byakugan is a true doujutsu, which increases the muscles around the eyes, allowing all that Chakra to be passed through the eyes.
Only way I see Sasuke winning is simply evading every Jyuuken move Neji has.
Ive already given evidence towards all of thisOriginally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Evidence that Sasuke can penetrate kaiten (if you dont believe me, I'll post the screenshots):
Evidence that Sasuke can predict Neji's movement:Originally Posted by darkmetal505
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
LOL.. I normally don't reply to these types of threads, but this is just retarded. Sharingan burns the retina? Where exactly did you hear this? If you're referring to the conversation between Kakashi and fake Itachi, that was just a misinterpretation by the readers. Sharingan is a "true doujutsu" as well, as "doujutsu" simply means "eye technique." Again, where did you hear that the Byakugan increases muscles around the eye? All we can see is that the veins start bulging. One cannot simply add/remove muscle from any part of their body whenever they want, anyway.. Finally, what makes you think that more muscle allows more chakra to be passed through a certain area of the body? Don't make shit up.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Last edited by mage; Thu, 03-30-2006 at 10:04 AM.
It was more of an opinion, than fact. I doubt it was misread though, with Itachi's shocked expression, but meh.
Anywho, Darkmetal, I read your post, and ignored that comment. Why? Okay let's see.
First:Byakugan can see almost 360 degrees around the user. Right?
Next: If Sasuke's Chidori pierced Kaiten, Neji would see this, and most likely either stop Kaiten himself, or jump away when Sasuke did.
Next: Neji's know's that Kaiten can be pierced, so he would be more expectant to see it happen again.
Last: Sasuke would probably use Curse Seal level 2, and thus get enough power to easily kick the shit out of Neji. Sasuke has more power than Kimimaru, and the Sound Four. Neji beat one of the Sound Four as a gennin. He is now a Jounin, trained by the Head Family Leader, his uncle. Sasuke was trained by Orochimaru. Now, this makes sense that Sasuke is stronger, right? But what I saw was Sasuke getting his ass raped by one Sound Four, even without that one in Level 2. Neji has more skill, and talent then Sasuke, but he may only be weaker due to the Level 2 Curse Seal.
I still think Neji would win, overall, if not in the power stage.
Ah, goodness. This topic is heating up again.
Refresh my memory. When was this? I remember Sasuke fighting the Sound Four just before he left with them. That was a 4 on 1 fight, and he held his own until they pulled the Curse Seals out on him. I'd say that's pretty skillful. Neji, on the other hand (REMEMBER: I AM NOT BASHING NEJI) was basically losing his fight until the end when he pulled a suprise move - from a long distance, mind you - and delivered a final hit with Jyuuken. He also finished the fight half dead. I don't know exactly how Sasuke would fare in the same situation, but I wouldn't underestimate him for a minute.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Darkmetal already handled the comments about my Sharingan-seeing-through-Jyuuken argument. Sasuke can avoid all of Neji's attacks. I still believe this to be the case. Even if Neji were to use Kaiten, there is the chance that Sasuke could break through it with a black Chidori. Whether or not he would be able to hit him though, is a different case (and one that's been argued to death in this topic). Regardless, Neji's "ultimate defense" does have its weak spot in that it can be broken through. He also cannot spin forever, and if he does so, will expend massive ammounts of chakra.
I'm not ruling out that Neji could deal Sasuke a deadly blow somehow as a result of his genious skills, but chances are Sasuke would still win.
I completely change my opinion! Thanks to chapter 301.
Orochimaru just said Sasuke is more trouble then him, and I actually believe it. Neji would die.
*Sasuke was doing well, until the Ukon/Sakon used their ability. Sasuke stood no chance, then, against Sakon/Ukon even out of the first Level Curse seal.*
EDIT: I got a bad rep for making shit up. What did I make up?
Last edited by Zidarri the Exile; Fri, 03-31-2006 at 08:30 PM.