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Thread: Phase 49 Discussion

  1. #61

    Phase 49 Discussion

    You r right, there were a lot of them. I cant believe they want to give us that as the Final Episodes, I really hope Fukuda and his team put some effort into the last episode, otherwise im going to regret using 2 DVDs to burn Phase 1 to 38. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

  2. #62
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 49 Discussion

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    I can sort of sympathize with some people saying that Shinn was a psycho during the first 30 episodes (though I do not agree).
    But how the fuck can you people STILL call him that? Name a single thing that has made Shinn look like a psycho during the latest episodes...

    Also he won't fucking kill Luna you morons
    Right after he destroyed Freedom.

    BTW: People who r hurt because GSD has been crappy dont refer to it as SEED, dont tarnish the good memories GS brought to our lives, refer to it as Destiny or GSD.
    Yeah, so he was happy because he brought down Kira.
    Damn Shinn for actually showing emotion unlike your two favorite characters [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Also maybe I should've been clearer. "The first 30 episodes" would mean "30ish episodes".

  3. #63

    Phase 49 Discussion

    lol Shinn destroyed Freedom like 1000000000000 episodes ago. I can't believe that ppl still cant get over it

  4. #64
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 49 Discussion


  5. #65

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Wow...I mean just wow. How the fuck did it come to being this bad?

  6. #66

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Gangrel
    Oh ya Fukuda broke my belief in Seed after the last episodes, and this one just show he has no idea what to do about the characters. Fuck, Mwu taking the tanhauser with Akatuski was LAME, a 5 year old child could recycle that scene also.

    Kira: "I have no idea what I'm doing but let's own everyone Athrun"
    Athrun: "Okay Kira, i need to show IJ so fans can buy it anyways."
    KIra: "Why we using METEOR's again?"
    Athrun: "I guess last SEED METEOR sales didn't go too well, so they using the last stock again for this season"
    Kira: "Hmmm makes sense. But why the fuck am i fighting Providence 2.0?"
    Athrun: "I dunno, I just hope I don't need to self-destruct IJ also. Damn Fukuda always breaking my toys /cry"
    Kira: "No problem Athrun, we will get Ultimate Strike Freedom and Hyper Infinite Justice on Gundam Seed 3!!"
    Athrun: "I guess u are right! Let's own these bastards!"


    And so on till Fukuda get's shot by someone like the same reused scene which the 1st coordinator gets shot. And so Fukuda can die happy with his reused shit.

    ROFL !!!!!

  7. #67

    Phase 49 Discussion


    This episode shows that GSD suffers from the "sequel syndrome".

  8. #68

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    I can sort of sympathize with some people saying that Shinn was a psycho during the first 30 episodes (though I do not agree).
    But how the fuck can you people STILL call him that? Name a single thing that has made Shinn look like a psycho during the latest episodes...

    Also he won't fucking kill Luna you morons
    Right after he destroyed Freedom.

    BTW: People who r hurt because GSD has been crappy dont refer to it as SEED, dont tarnish the good memories GS brought to our lives, refer to it as Destiny or GSD.
    Yeah, so he was happy because he brought down Kira.
    Damn Shinn for actually showing emotion unlike your two favorite characters [img][/img]
    Also maybe I should've been clearer. "The first 30 episodes" would mean "30ish episodes".
    He wasnt Happy-Smiley, he was Happy-Creepy-way.

  9. #69

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Damn, i thought Yzak was going to fight Kira when he said "The only one i'm going to hit is him!"

    And interesting How Dearka suddenly realizes the AA are the good guys? Actually, i have no clue what Dearkka was doing =/

    A big ending battle must be at least 3 eps long, in Seed, i really felt the epicness of the fight even though half of it was recycled gundam explosions. By ep 50 i was like "Wow, how are they still able to hold out for this long." Here it was inadequate.

    Also, i didn't know Orb had a fleet =/ and did the Lacus fleet do anything? all i saw was Kira and Athrun owning everyone and the DOMs raping Luna.

    The moment revealing the huge base was cool, but too little, too late. And Genesis? Damn, reused animations, reused plot.

    I'm also confused about the "no kill" policy. Some MS wer spared with destroyed heads and legs, but some ships were completely blown apart, we even saw a scene where the captain and his crew are sucked out into space. Why bother with a half assed no kill policy?

    I find myself secretly cheering for Dullindal's side. They represent everything that was fresh and new to Destiny, (Rey trying to be different than Rau, with ACTUAL motiviation.), all the episodes that centered on them usually rocked, (first 30ish).

    "Well now, let's have you disappear for good this time. Lacus Clyne" >=D

    Evil Lacus moment of the episode

    When Luna is about to attack Eternal, Meyrin speaks to Luna and tells her why she's doing this. Luna stops, a second later, the DOMs attack Luna, intent on killing. Luxe does nothing >=( even though Meyrin just shouted impulse to stop on the comm. GRRRR..........

    This episode really should've been episode 47 =(
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  10. #70

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Originally posted by: KapsLocked

    This episode shows that GSD suffers from the "sequel syndrome".
    Suffers of the Biggest "Sequel Syndrome" in history of entertainment around the world, alongside "Starship Troopers 2" and "Hellraiser 4-8". But only the last 10 episodes, It all started after Phase 41, and most of the fans turned their back on the show after Phase 47. Im just waiting for a decent ending, after that i dont want to know anymore.

    There should be a "Fuckuda is the Producer or Director of the Next Shows *BEWARE*" Thread. With any luck he wont find any job after this.

    Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII

    Also, i didn't know Orb had a fleet =/ and did the Lacus fleet do anything? all i saw was Kira and Athrun owning everyone and the DOMs raping Luna.
    The Orb Fleet was created after the Jakin Due Battle, And Lacus fleet was going to attack Daedalus alongside the Orbe Fleet, check the episode once again, i think its when some soldier informs the Chairman about Eternal and AA, and The Orb Fleet heading to Daedalus.

    Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII

    Evil Lacus moment of the episode

    When Luna is about to attack Eternal, Meyrin speaks to Luna and tells her why she's doing this. Luna stops, a second later, the DOMs attack Luna, intent on killing. Luxe does nothing >=( even though Meyrin just shouted impulse to stop on the comm. GRRRR..........
    I believe she had more pressing matters to be worried about, Meyring obviously was keeping Lunamaria busy, and Lacus is Evil because of that?. And WTF does LUXE means?. I belive u are refering to Lacus.

  11. #71

    Phase 49 Discussion

    In regards to the "evil Lacus"....All is fair in love and war [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img].

    Ya, too bad Lacus and Co r gonna kick ass again...but personally i LOVE it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img].

    Now, does anyone else notice this but why is Shinn's little sister phone still in service. I mean, in order for him to hear the voicemail of her, it should be active, right? So does he still pay the bill? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]

  12. #72

    Phase 49 Discussion

    .....What the fuck was this shit?

    Ok, Neo turning back into Mwu was actually kinda good, and I'm really feelin Rey now. THAT's a G-SEED Destiny character right there. Come to think of it, the three Zaft aces are now my favorite people in the story. They actually BRING something to the table, and dare I say it?! LUNA IS REALLY A SOLDIER! Thank you!

    What in god's name was the point of the METEORs? Kira already pwned without them. If you also think strategically, Kira can use his DRAGOON system to do much mor damage by spreading them to a wider area. Plus, his MS will be lighter and much more mobile, hence the name being a MOBILE SUIT.

    Athrun is still the man! He didn't say jack shit, but he didn't say STUPID shit either!

    Now I have NO IDEA why Yzak and Dearka suddenly change sides. It seems to artificial and not very real. What happened to Yzak's ship? Is it Clyne Faction now? I don't get it!

    Duuuuude, Lacus didn't give any damn about Luna. ahahaha.

    I SERIOUSLY doubt Shinn will kill Luna or even attack her. Come on, there is NO WAY we can fit a relationship turn in ONE EPISODE. Besides, Shinn would NEVER do that. He's already lost his parents, Mayu, and Stellar. Ain't NO WAY he'll want to lose Luna now.

    Rey is gonna pwn Kira. I still believe that. I believe it will take the power of both Kira and Athrun to take him down this time. Shinn and Luna will defect and attack the Messiah, and Shinn, in the scene you see, is probably going to push Luna out of the way and MAYBE die ala Kira in SEED.

    In my opinion, no will know that Shinn survived until AFTER the final battle. They will all be in what's left of the orphanage in ORB and Shinn's alive body will probably float there. lol

    But then again, my predictions suck. So Shinn will just go DOUBLE SEED MODE, MUAHAHAH!

    H@XORZ baby!

    Episode rating: 3.2/5

    This last episode should be an hour, then they would have time.

  13. #73

    Phase 49 Discussion

    meh, the meteors was for speed and more firepower (hence the extra boosters and missles) kinda stupid how the meteors can extend their saber beams like, what, a few miles? lol...

  14. #74

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Im guessing the voicemail and the recording are located in the cellphone, not like what we know in which case the cellphone access some external database.

  15. #75

    Phase 49 Discussion

    I was kinda drunk when I saw first time. But now, I just can't believe someone actually wrote this script. This is like a naruto fill-up plot (u know what i mean those 146+ episodes). Akatsuki with his beam shield all over Archangel ROFL!

    Also, like in 1 minute Dearka and Yzak join up with Kira and Athrun. I could MAYBE see the reason why Dearka would do that, but Yzak never actually changed sides. I am sad I recorded the first 38 episodes in DVD and now feel like I need to record the rest of this crap.

    The only way I will feel less cheated by Destiny is if Dullindal actually win and Shinn kill Athrun and then Kira, Rey shoot down Eternal and Archangel. Cause at least that way it would surprise me something on this series.

  16. #76

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Sakikana23
    Originally posted by: Gangrel
    Oh ya Fukuda broke my belief in Seed after the last episodes, and this one just show he has no idea what to do about the characters. Fuck, Mwu taking the tanhauser with Akatuski was LAME, a 5 year old child could recycle that scene also.

    Kira: "I have no idea what I'm doing but let's own everyone Athrun"
    Athrun: "Okay Kira, i need to show IJ so fans can buy it anyways."
    KIra: "Why we using METEOR's again?"
    Athrun: "I guess last SEED METEOR sales didn't go too well, so they using the last stock again for this season"
    Kira: "Hmmm makes sense. But why the fuck am i fighting Providence 2.0?"
    Athrun: "I dunno, I just hope I don't need to self-destruct IJ also. Damn Fukuda always breaking my toys /cry"
    Kira: "No problem Athrun, we will get Ultimate Strike Freedom and Hyper Infinite Justice on Gundam Seed 3!!"
    Athrun: "I guess u are right! Let's own these bastards!"


    And so on till Fukuda get's shot by someone like the same reused scene which the 1st coordinator gets shot. And so Fukuda can die happy with his reused shit.

    ROFL !!!!!
    I second that. Can we shot Fukuda and reuse that scene again ... and again... and again?

  17. #77

    Phase 49 Discussion

    I'm surprised that no one has picked up on the Akatsuki thing yet. Doesn't the shape of its field look familiar to something in SEED already? If you haven't figured it out already I'll tell you. It's the Hyperion Gundam's shield formation from SEED MSV. Since it was made in the Kingdom of Scandinavia, they also made the DRAGOON upgrade pack for Akatsuki. I'd say just be glad that they're linking SEED MSV to all of this, although I wish I could see Sword Providence in action.

  18. #78

    Phase 49 Discussion

    The Good:
    - Rey and Shinn's exchange
    - Rey and Dillundal's exchange
    - Some scenes in the battles

    The Bad:
    - Yzak and Deaka need a life, seriously.
    - Luna did jack crap (though this can be attributed to her weakening mental state)
    - Those DOM's piss me off, I prefer the anonymus pilots (plus that girls hair is REALLY hard to look at)

    The Ugly:
    - Neo

    The Result:
    Even though Rey had barely 1/5 of the episode devoted to him, he dominated it hands down. And Neo angered me to no end.


    FUCK YOU FUKADA! Mwu was the single greatest character in all of SEED and his epicly heroic death only served to strengthen his immortality. WHY DIDN'T YOU LET HIM DIE!

    I mean really, I was moved to tears when Mwu died - I'm a sentimental type of person and I form relationships with the characters in shows or books.

    I was moved once more when Akatsuki defended the Archangel from another Positron blast - these tears, however, were not born from sentimentality, but unquenchable rage. That whole scene was a giant slap in the face as far as I am concerned, it's like the condenced the entirety of Mwu's greatness being crushed under the weight of Neo's vileness into a short 30 second clip.

    You have no officially ruined Mwu's death for me, I will never again be able to watch that scene and not remember the horrible travisty that is Neo of Destiny.

    PS. as a rule, I like destiny, but this Mwu/Neo thing almost makes me hate it to the point of abandoning it; iot's theo nly REAL problem I have with it.

  19. #79

    Phase 49 Discussion

    Man this show was a waste of time i knew it before but i was hoping for a good ending. But seeing this ep told the ending will suck more than the rest of the show.

    What i hate most about this show is how predictable it is.

    Also everthing is a copy of seed even Mwu death scene.

    I really hope they make a totaly new Gundam efter this show. I cant take more this show.

    Also Shinn is the dumbest character in this show,he cant even think for himself or doubt the bullshit they are telling him.

    The only thing that can make me happy about this show is if i see Shinn die but it seems like he is Fukuda's fav character so he wont die.....

  20. #80
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Phase 49 Discussion

    I'm not that pissed off that Mwu "came back to life" in GSD. However, they could have pulled it off more decently by having him face off with the crew members of the Archangel and Murrue, rather than magically becoming Mwu again and doesn't even suffer from any side effects of the brain washing process.

    I wanna see Murrue confront Mwu, and perhaps dying to save the AA (for real this time) when he regains his memory while piloting a Gundam (not Akatsuki!). I'd wish that GSD would start all over again and make all the wrong things right. But well, it had it's moments, just not as good as Seed.
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