Originally posted by: milfhunter
In case I'm missing something, somebody please explain to me why they used FF7 to do a tech demo if they're not remaking it in the first place. Could they not have come up with something original for a tech demo? My point is, why even bother to put in the effort to do a FF7 "tech demo" if they're not seriously considering a remake?

When they realized that Advent Children had already hit the one hour mark, they just said "why not" and kept on going to make it a full feature-lengh film. What happened to that motivation? Fucking Square; Sony better get on their asses because Microsoft, with its gazillions of launch titles and a year-long head start, is seriously threatening to dethrone the PlayStation. I don't think Sony understands how badly it needs a FF7 remake, because Xbox wasn't even supposed to be half as successful as it is now.

On a side note, it would be fucking hilarious if they released the remake for Nintendo Revolution. I don't see why they couldn't. FF6 was repackaged for PlayStation although it originally released for SNES. Would you be for or against seeing the FF7 remake on Nintendo Revolution? I'm for it, as long as there's a FF7 remake, bottom line.

To be honest i would buy any console just for the remake